The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 400 Xue Zhiyan's Explanation

Chapter 400 Xue Zhiyan's Explanation

Zhiyan sat opposite Jian Zelin, drinking water with his head down, without saying a word.

"You have nothing to say?" Jian Zelin frowned slightly, staring at Xue Zhiyan.

"Well, yes, but can you not be angry?" Xue Zhiyan also frowned, put down the water glass, and looked at him beggingly.

"It depends on how much you say." The corners of Jian Zelin's lips rose slightly, and Xue Zhiyan felt very uncomfortable with that faint smile.

That smile made Xue Zhiyan feel that the two of them seemed to have returned to the days when they were facing each other a while ago.

"Waiting is mine. I opened it when I was in college. Since I was not qualified at that time, I asked Ling to register for me. Waiting is Ling's in name." Xue Zhiyan took a deep breath and lowered his eyes. Jane Zelin.

If he had a straight face, angry or angry, she could accept it, but there was a faint smile on his face.

Jian Zelin stared at Xue Zhiyan intently, without blinking. "why did not you tell me?"

"It's not that I won't tell you, it's just that I have no plans in the near future." Xue Zhiyan raised her head and met his gaze, because she always felt that if she didn't raise her head again, the hair on the top of her head would be burned by his gaze.

After Xue Zhiyan said this, he found that Jian Zelin's expression finally changed, it was no longer a faint smile, that smile made Xue Zhiyan feel a sense of alienation.If he was angry, he would feel better in his heart, after all, she really didn't think about it.

"I didn't intend to hide it from you either. The relationship between the two of us was very tense before, and then the relationship eased. I went to Kaisheng again, so I didn't think it was necessary to say anything for the time being, so I didn't say anything." Xue Zhiyan said very sincere.

Jian Zelin frowned, "Didn't you never plan to tell me?"

"No, never. I just want to keep some mystery for the time being. Besides, I think, I told you, you might not agree to my coming."

"Why?" Jian Zelin frowned, but the hostility on his body was getting heavier and heavier.

If it is possible to do computer special effects, others will definitely be by Jian Zelin's side, puffing up black air, to show others how he feels at this moment.

"First of all, you are too domineering and don't like me to have too much contact with people other than you." Xue Zhiyan glanced at the people in front of him, exhaled, and continued, "Second, I think , out of consideration for my safety, you will never let me come into contact with so many strangers every day."

Jian Zelin nodded irrefutably, "Both of these points are correct."

"The most important thing is that I know Tong Yuan, and it's here." Now that you've been caught, don't hide it, otherwise Jian Zelin will still know how she and Tong Yuan met in the future.

"I said, how did you know him!" Jian Zelin sneered, and when he looked at Xue Zhiyan again, his eyes were extremely sharp, "Since you know everything, you still have to do it!"

"Like I said, I opened this store when I was in college, so it's impossible that I won't open it just because you disagree!" Xue Zhiyan straightened his back, as if he would not compromise.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier? Why are you so sure that after you tell me, I won't let you come again?" Jian Zelin still had that sneer at the corner of his mouth, as if he was mocking her, and he thought he understood him.

"Isn't it? Usually I'm too close to Su Lingxuan, you will be unhappy, but will you be happy when I get in touch with so many strangers?"

The corner of Xue Zhiyan's mouth also curled up into a sneer, so let's just answer him.Even if she didn't know him very well, she could still clearly feel that he had some state of mind.

"Maybe I don't know you well enough, but I can still feel it. You are too possessive. Even if you are too close to my friends, you will feel that someone has robbed you, won't you? "

The sneer at the corner of Jian Zelin's mouth became more profound, and he looked at Xue Zhiyan with an indescribable emotion.

Xue Zhiyan's smile was faint, she looked straight into Jian Zelin's eyes, this was her habit, when talking about things, even if she ignored her, she would always look straight into the other's eyes.

Chi Qian slapped Feng Ziyao's arm, with a worried expression on her face, she whispered, "Will the two of them quarrel?"

"If I did it before, I can't tell now." Feng Ziyao curled his lips, "Wouldn't it be a good idea to just talk about Jian Zelin like this?"

"However, the two of them turned out to be like hedgehogs. Such a peaceful quarrel is really unbearable." Yan Shaochen said quietly after taking a sip of lemonade.

Liang Huan put his hand on his arm, twisted it, and then gave him a hard look, "Watching the excitement is not too messy, is it?"

Yan Shaochen shrugged and stopped talking.

Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan stopped talking, and they looked at each other silently.

Su Lingxuan's wine glass was already empty, and he always had a faint smile on his face, without expressing any opinions.He knew that no matter which side he helped, the other party would be very angry. After all, he also played a hidden role in this matter.

And he blamed himself a little. He opened this store for Xue Zhiyan to let her do what she likes, but he didn't expect to attract Tong Yuan and hurt Xue Zhiyan.

As for Chi Yuan, he won't help anyone anymore, it's not that he is unjust, it's just that this is a matter between the two of them, and they have to solve it by themselves.And he also had two difficult women, Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian.

Jian Zelin looked at Xue Zhiyan, the smile on the corner of his mouth became wider and wider, but his expression became more and more cruel. The expression on this handsome face was completely opposite to the emotion at the moment.

Jian Zelin had already made a decision, he wanted to respect Xue Zhiyan's thoughts, but what he said was completely opposite to his thoughts.

"Xue Zhiyan, if you told me before, I would support you, but if you tell me now, I will not support you, not only will I not support, but I will also resolutely oppose." Jian Zelin paused, looked at Xue Zhiyan with a smile , "As you said, the first is because of my possessiveness and I don't want you to have contact with too many people, and the second is to protect your safety."

Jian Zelin said something ironic, he was not angry with Xue Zhiyan, but just wanted to see Xue Zhiyan's reaction.He didn't want Xue Zhiyan to compromise with him, but he just wanted Xue Zhiyan to understand that the two of them had to discuss anything.

Xue Zhiyan's reaction surprised everyone. He thought that Xue Zhiyan would jump up, pointing at Jian Zelin's nose and screaming, but he was ready to come and pull her away. After waiting for a long time, Xue Zhiyan just smiled and sat Looking at Jian Zelin there.

"You know, even if you don't agree, I will still do it." Xue Zhiyan sighed, and looked at Jian Zelin helplessly, "I have never been an obedient person, you have known it since you were a child.

(End of this chapter)

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