The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 401 Arch Fire

Chapter 401 Arch Fire
"Even if I told you before, if you don't agree, I will continue to operate and so on. You have to know, Jian Zelin, I am not asking for your opinion, but telling you." Xue Zhiyan was calm, but there was nothing left. previous tension.

She had thought before that if Jian Zelin disagreed, she would find a way to get him to agree no matter if she acted like a baby or played tricks.

But judging from the current situation, no matter what method he thinks of, he will not agree.Since he won't agree, why ask his opinion?
Anyway, waiting is my own, I also have freedom of action, and I am already an adult, already capable of acting, and can be responsible for my own decisions, why should I care about other people's opinions?

"I'm just telling you that I will continue to open it later. So whether you nod your head in agreement or shake your head against it, I will continue to be my little proprietress. I like this store, and this store has a special meaning to me , you don’t understand, so you have no right to make decisions for me.”

Xue Zhiyan spoke very firmly, even his eyes and expression became more and more firm.

Jian Zelin chuckled lightly, looked up at the shop, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became more and more frivolous.

His slender fingers were slightly bent, and he tapped on the glass tabletop with a cynical look.

"Xue Zhiyan, you have to know that with my ability, if I don't let you drive, I won't let you drive!"

Xue Zhiyan smiled, his eyes were crooked, he couldn't tell that he was against him at this time, "Indeed, with your ability, you can do this."

Jian Zelin nodded, very satisfied with her approval.

"But, what method are you going to use to prevent me from continuing?" Xue Zhiyan asked back, "Should I go to the health department to complain about me, or go to the business department to investigate me, or buy this store?"

Xue Zhiyan pouted, thought for a while, and continued, "Or you can just find someone to demolish this little house!"

After hearing this, Su Lingxuan and Chi Yuan looked at Xue Zhiyan, and Xue Zhiyan, who noticed their eyes, smiled at them, as if they were not afraid of anything.

"But it's up to you, you can take it apart if you want, as long as I want to, even if I'm not next to Kaisheng, I should be able to do it."

After hearing Xue Zhiyan's words, Jian Zelin was so angry that the veins on her head twitched. She thought that the thorns on this woman's body had softened these days, but she didn't expect that it would still hurt so much when she pricked her.

"Don't forget, you are my Jian Zelin's woman."

Jian Zelin never thought of using her identity to suppress her, but she didn't know that from that sentence onwards, the focus of the discussion between the two deviated from the track.

"Haha!" Xue Zhiyan chuckled, and looked up at him, never expecting that Jian Zelin would use this matter to pressure her.

Yes, even if she likes Jian Zelin, she is his woman, so what?This shows that Jian Zelin can decide everything for her?

Xue Zhiyan is not his appendage, she has independent thinking, she has his hobbies, and she will not give up because of his opposition.

Someone once said that if you love someone deeply, you will be willing to change for him and accept all his arrangements.

In Xue Zhiyan's eyes, that kind of woman is not too much in love, but too stupid.

If a woman clings to a man all the time, without even the most basic thoughts, then she is not a person, but a puppet of a man.

Although Xue Zhiyan loves Jian Zelin, she is willing to put away her sharpness and thorns for him, and treat him as gentle as water, but she will not lose her principles because of his words.

"It's over, Xue Zhiyan is going to get angry." Liang Huan tugged at Yan Shaochen's sleeve, "I didn't expect Jian Zelin to be so old-fashioned and treat Xue Zhiyan as an accessory."

"Hmm, no woman likes being treated as an accessory of her beloved man, right?" Feng Ziyao's tone was very relaxed.

She has no objection to Xue Zhiyan being with Jian Zelin, but she is very dissatisfied with Jian Zelin's overbearing.So when she knew that Xue Zhiyan didn't tell Jian Zelin about the wait, she guessed that this day would happen between the two of them.

These two people are basically two hedgehogs. Even if they are in love, they will stab each other when they hug each other.

Unless one of the two of them is willing to pull out the thorns all over their bodies first, the two can coexist peacefully.But once a person pulls out the thorn, it means that he will bear the pain of being bruised all over his body and losing his original self.

When she saw that Jian Zelin was kind to Xue Zhiyan, and that Xue Zhiyan was as gentle as water, like a little daughter-in-law, she thought that Xue Zhiyan had abandoned her principles, and Jian Zelin also changed because of Xue Zhiyan.

But judging from today's situation, the two of them haven't changed at all. When they are good, they can do whatever they want. Once they touch the principle of the two, they will immediately enter a state of alert and erect thorns all over their bodies.

She thought that Xue Zhiyan had concealed this matter first, Xue Zhiyan was naturally wrong, and she was on Jian Zelin's side before, thinking that Jian Zelin would punish Xue Zhiyan and let it go.

Unexpectedly, Jian Zelin said the following words. It is understandable for him to be angry, but when he said these words, it seemed to be unreasonable.

He could agree or disagree, but he could not use his rights to suppress Xue Zhiyan.In particular, he can't use his status to suppress Xue Zhiyan, unless he wants to keep Xue Zhiyan as a pet, otherwise he should let Xue Zhiyan do what she likes.

Unless he didn't want to see Xue Zhiyan smile at him, he could use his means to make the door closed.He would not bear Xue Zhiyan's dark face all day, let alone let Xue Zhiyan have another chance or reason to leave his side.

This was Feng Ziyao's true thoughts at the moment.But Jian Zelin's words would undoubtedly push Xue Zhiyan away.

Feng Ziyao frowned, looking at the two people who were confronting each other, he felt a little headache.

"I'm not your accessory. I'm Xue Zhiyan." Xue Zhiyan made every word clear.

Xue Zhiyan never expected that Jian Zelin would have such an old idea.This really refreshed her understanding of Jian Zelin.

She knew before that Jian Zelin was domineering and said what he said, but she didn't know that he would use his status to talk about things.

"You are Xue Zhiyan, and you are my future wife." Of course Jian Zelin knew what Xue Zhiyan meant, but he had already said it, and even if he wanted to regret it, it was too late.

He understood Xue Zhiyan's temper. Even if they were together, Xue Zhiyan was not the kind of woman who had no ideas. She had her own ideas, and she didn't lose her principles just because she had reliance.

What he likes is such an independent Xue Zhiyan, and he doesn't want to deprive her of all the rights to think independently.And when he said that, he just wanted to tell her that the two of them would be together in the end, and they wanted to talk about something and discuss it.

But he forgot that it was an ambiguous sentence, especially in this situation, it was easy to be misunderstood.

After hearing Xue Zhiyan's laughter, Jian Zelin regretted it, but he couldn't make it too obvious.He dotes on Xue Zhiyan, but he is not without principles.

In this matter, Xue Zhiyan was wrong first, and he was wrong later, so he still wanted to let Xue Zhiyan know that he was angry at her for not reporting this matter.

As for the angry Xue Zhiyan, he can try to coax her after returning to Guanhai Villa.

(End of this chapter)

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