Chapter 402 Outbreak
"Haha, that's funny, your future wife!" Xue Zhiyan's anger was successfully aroused by Jian Zelin.

She originally thought that if Jian Zelin disagreed, she would try her best to make him nod, but she never thought that he would say that kind of thing.

What made her shop unable to continue, why she is his Jian Zelin's person, what does this mean?Let her Xue Zhiyan be his Jian Zelin's wife with peace of mind, don't worry about anything, stretch out her hands and open her mouth, and be his doll obediently?

If it were someone else, they might readily accept it.But she is Xue Zhiyan, she is a thoughtful person, not a puppet.

Just because she loves him doesn't mean she can give up everything for him.

She doesn't have to work, doesn't have too much contact with outsiders, she can wait for him to raise her, and can stay at home with peace of mind, but she can't take his thoughts and thoughts as her own.

He has his own ideas, standing in his perspective, maybe it's good for her.But she can't just nod and agree without hesitation just because he treats her well, let alone treat a word of his as an imperial decree and carefully carry it out.

Others can use their status to oppress her, only he can't.In the future, two people will live a lifetime, and they must respect each other. You can't have you as my appendage, so you have to listen to my thoughts.

What Jian Zelin said earlier did not anger Xue Zhiyan, because Xue Zhiyan knew that she had concealed it first, and it was understandable for him to be angry, because he was wrong.

But what he said later was simply powerless to make trouble!I have something to do, what's wrong?Is it not good?Could it be that Jian Zelin likes him and everyone obeys?
He just likes to see the woman he likes, just like a robot he researched, who only knows how to carry out his orders?

Then he is not looking for a wife, not a wife, it is better to study a robot directly, then input his thoughts and instructions, press the remote control directly, and there will be a robot that satisfies him.

Now Xue Zhiyan is angry, he is angry, she can coax him, but if he makes trouble for no reason, she can't indulge him!

"I remember, Young Master Jian didn't agree to get engaged to me back then, right?" Xue Zhiyan sneered, looked at Jian Zelin, and said what he wanted to say as if no one else was there, not caring whether it would be embarrassing for others to hear it.

"And grandpa said that if we are given time to communicate freely, if there is really no other way in the end, he will not force us, will he?"

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he glanced at Su Lingxuan who was sitting on the side, as if he was asking, that's what grandpa said at the beginning, right?
Su Lingxuan nodded awkwardly, stared down at the empty cup, and continued to be a sculpture.

"And if I remember correctly, the two of us are together, and only the people present know about it, and the outside media don't know about it. How come I'm your fiancee, and your future wife said it?" Xue Zhiyan frowned, Looking at Jian Zelin provocatively, "So, even if I say to terminate this relationship now, it's normal, isn't it?"

"How dare you!" Jian Zelin clenched his hands into fists, with bulging veins and white joints, which showed how angry he was after hearing Xue Zhiyan's words.

"Dare you? Why don't I dare!" Xue Zhiyan was not as angry as Jian Zelin, and his tone was quite relaxed.

"Don't force me to lock you up!" Jian Zelin thought to himself, let's break the jar and explain it later, it's all about this.

"Jian Zelin! If you want to find a doll to be manipulated by you, don't look for me!" Xue Zhiyan jumped up angrily, the more this guy talked, the more he went too far!

"I'm a living person, what's wrong with me doing what I like! You don't agree with it, but you still think of ways to suppress me. Is there anyone like you? I didn't want you to support me, even if I was wrong in front of me and didn't talk to you Say, I'm always humiliating behind me, what else do you want!" Xue Zhiyan put his hands on his hips angrily, paced back and forth, and was about to point at Jian Zelin's nose and yell.

Seeing this, Chi Yuan and Su Lingxuan changed positions calmly, trying to stay as far away as possible from these two people, not wanting to be involved.The two looked up pitifully. Yan Shaochen, who was sitting by the bar, had somewhat envious eyes.

"You know you're wrong, you have to correct it! Do you know how dangerous it is for you to continue like this!" Jian Zelin's expression softened slightly, and he met Xue Zhiyan's gaze. "No more secrets in the future!"

"Secret, what kind of secret are you hiding! Didn't you just wait and tell you? Women have to have a sense of mystery, do you understand! Besides, I alone have secrets, don't you? Until now You haven't told me what's going on with that shit Na Mingli, and I still have a broken handprint on my waist!" Xue Zhiyan couldn't accept Jian Zelin's words at all, it was simply that the state officials were only allowed to set fires and the people were not allowed to light lamps!

"Namingli's affairs are different from yours!" Jian Zelin suddenly raised his voice and shouted out!
"What's the difference? He's the secret in your heart, and so on is the secret in my heart. Since you don't tell me, what else can I say!" Xue Zhiyan shrugged indifferently. If you don't say it, I won't say it either. posture.

But her shrugging had no effect, because she had already said all the things, etc., just now.

See, once the two got angry, the focus of the discussion deviated from the original track.

"Anyway, you can't come here in the future!" Jian Zelin glanced at Chi Yuan from the corner of his eyes, and found that his body was getting stiffer and stiffer.

"I have hands and feet. I'm not your pet, and I'm not an unconscious doll. You can do whatever you want! Jian Zelin, if you like dolls, there are many Barbies in the shopping mall outside. You can buy as many as you want. You can pose as you want, but I'm a living person, you have to respect me!" Xue Zhiyan didn't put on airs, and just said this in a crackling manner, and he didn't forget to give him a pair of white eyeballs after speaking.

"Even if it's for me, can't you just stay at home and not go out?" Jian Zelin frowned, he didn't know what he meant by saying this.

Hearing this, Xue Zhiyan was stunned for a moment, not understanding what he meant. "Jian Zelin, I don't want you to kidnap me with your feelings. I like to wait. I like to be the proprietress of this small coffee bar. I didn't expect that you would use our feelings to measure this matter."

"I'm sorry, Jian Zelin, if you think that I value waiting more than you and the relationship between us, then you can think that way, I really can't do anything. Wait, I still want to come, whether you agree or not Agree. I am Xue Zhiyan, not your appendage of Jian Zelin, even though I love you very much, I am still Xue Zhiyan."

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he sighed heavily, turned around and walked into the bar without looking at anyone, took his bag, and walked outside.

"I'm going back to where I used to live, the two of us need to calm down now."

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he opened the waiting door, and the sunny doll made a crisp jingling sound as usual, as if it was the end bell for this matter.

Jian Zelin stared at the direction where she was leaving, not moving for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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