The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 537 Chapter Fools

Chapter 537 April Fool's Day ([-])

After waking up early the next morning, Xue Zhiyan realized that today's date was a very entertaining day.

April [-]st, April Fool's Day in the West!

Xue Zhiyan opened the thick curtains as soon as he got out of bed, and saw the long-lost sunshine pouring down from the top of his head!

"Ah!" Xue Zhiyan called out softly.

Immediately afterwards, he heard movement behind him, Jian Zelin came out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth and a towel wrapped around his waist.

"What's wrong?" He still had toothpaste froth in his mouth, so his voice was muffled.

Xue Zhiyan turned around to see him like this, and smiled, "It's nothing! It's just that the sun is really out!"

Jian Zelin froze for a moment, then turned around with a smile and walked into the bathroom.

Xue Zhiyan also smiled and walked in.

Xue Zhiyan stood behind Jian Zelin, watching Jian Zelin brush his teeth and spit out the mouthwash, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

She suddenly walked over and hugged Jian Zelin from behind, her face rubbed against his **** back, "Jian Zelin, why didn't I realize that you still have this ability!"

Jian Zelin looked at the mirror in a daze, and the woman behind her looked adoring, "What's wrong?"

Jian Zelin pulled her hand away, turned around and pushed her to the front of the sink, hugging her tightly from behind, "What ability?"

Xue Zhiyan pointed to the doorway behind him, "You said, the sun will definitely come out on the day you go out for a picnic!"

Jian Zelin was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, stretched out his hand to rub Xue Zhiyan's disheveled hair, with a helpless look on his face, doesn't this girl know that there is something called weather forecast?

Xue Zhiyan was brushing his teeth, and saw Jian Zelin's helpless expression. When she raised her eyebrows, Jian Zelin knew what she meant.

Jian Zelin sighed, and bit Xue Zhiyan's shoulder helplessly, "Girl, do you know that there is a high-tech called weather forecast!"

Xue Zhiyan's eyes widened in an instant, looking at Jian Zelin in the mirror who couldn't help but stretch out his hand to pinch his arm.

Then bent his leg back, kicked him in the leg, and muttered, "Get out!"

Then Jian Zelin kissed her earlobe again, then turned and walked out.

Just as soon as he walked out of the bathroom, Xue Zhiyan heard Jian Zelin's wanton laughter.

Jian Zelin seemed to know that today is April Fool's Day, and thought of how to play tricks on Xue Zhiyan early on.

And it's only about the weather, and I dare not do anything else.

When Xue Zhiyan went downstairs angrily, Jian Zelin had already prepared a Western-style breakfast and was waiting for her at the dining table.

Xue Zhiyan curled his lips, and sat down obediently, without saying anything.

Jian Zelin knew her too well, so even if she had any little intentions to play tricks on him, he would be aware of it.

So Xue Zhiyan simply didn't want to think about it, and it would be useless to play it when the time came.

But Jian Zelin's refusal to rectify Xue Zhiyan doesn't mean that other people don't have such thoughts.

So when Xue Zhiyan and Jian Zelin were sitting in the car and were about to leave Guanhai Yujing and head towards Xishan Park, they received a call from Su Lingxuan.

Su Lingxuan said on the phone that he had an upset stomach because he ate too spicy dishes, and when he was going to be late, Xue Zhiyan's heart ached.

Then Xue Zhiyan took it seriously, called Yan Shaochen, and asked Yan Shaochen to send CAT to deliver the medicine, but Yan Shaochen yelled directly at the phone.

"Xue Zhiyan! Do you know that if you call like this, it will affect Xu Xu's future sexual happiness!"

After Yan Shaochen yelled, he hung up the phone, completely ignoring Xue Zhiyan's flushed face.

Xue Zhiyan pursed his lips aggrievedly, threw the phone aside, and muttered with a laugh, "I don't know what you are doing, and you didn't notify me in advance that you were going to do that!"

Jian Zelin suppressed a smile and started the car.

He wanted to take Xue Zhiyan to the pharmacy to buy some painkillers for Su Lingxuan, but when he thought about today's day, he didn't stop any longer and drove directly to Xishan Park.

While Xue Zhiyan was staring out the window in a daze, Jian Zelin picked up her cell phone and turned it off, even her own cell phone.

In this way, they would not be given the chance to play tricks on Xue Zhiyan.

But there are still times when a hundred secrets are sparse.

When the two arrived at Xishan Park, Chi Qian's car was already parked in the parking lot.

Xue Zhiyan pushed the car door and wanted to run towards her car, but when he just turned around, Jian Zelin grabbed his hand.

Xue Zhiyan turned his head and looked at Jian Zelin puzzled, "What's wrong?"

Jian Zelin tugged at Xue Zhiyan's hand, and looked at her dotingly, "Don't forget what day it is today!"

Xue Zhiyan froze for a moment, thinking of the date he saw when he looked at the calendar in the morning, April [-]st.

Xue Zhiyan narrowed his eyes, and then slowly jumped out of the car.

Close the car door, take out something from the trunk, and obediently stand beside Jian Zelin, waiting for Jian Zelin to come over.

The two came together side by side, Jian Zelin was carrying things in his hands, and only handed her the light crawling mat.

"Jian Zelin, let's play a scene later, shall we?" Xue Zhiyan had a smirk on his lips.

After being reminded by Jian Zelin, she probably knew that the people who contacted her just now must be playing tricks on her.

As for Chi Qian coming so early, she must be thinking of ways to entertain her!
Jian Zelin has always been responsive to Xue Zhiyan's requests, he nodded and carefully protected Xue Zhiyan.

The rain has just stopped for a day, and the sun has risen again today, so the grass will inevitably be a little slippery.

He was afraid that Xue Zhiyan would accidentally fall, so although he was holding something in his hand, his posture was protecting her.

Seeing his posture protecting her, Xue Zhiyan laughed, like a little fox who has succeeded in tricking her.

Seeing her smile, Jian Zelin knew that she was up to something again.

But Jian Zelin didn't say anything, just smiled.

Seeing that Jian Zelin didn't say anything, Xue Zhiyan smiled even more cunningly, but only Jian Zelin saw this smile.

When the two arrived at the agreed place, they did not see Chi Qian.

Xue Zhiyan shook off the crawling mat first, and spread it on the wet grass.

After Xue Zhiyan spread out the crawling mat, Jian Zelin put the bag in his hand on it, and then helped Xue Zhiyan to sit down.

Xue Zhiyan sat on the side, smiling and looking at Jian Zelin who took out things little by little, the smile on the corner of his mouth became deeper.

She counted silently in her heart to see how long Chi Qian could last.

Sure enough, she had only counted to 140 seven when she heard Chi Qian's scream.

Xue Zhiyan and Jian Zelin looked at each other, then stood up in panic, and ran towards the place where the scream came from.

Just as Xue Zhiyan thought, she ran to the dense undergrowth, and Chi Qian, wearing a blue-faced fangs ghost mask, jumped out.

Then Xue Zhiyan screamed and fell back pale.

Jian Zelin naturally played at this time.

Jian Zelin ran over nervously, quickly caught Xue Zhiyan's fallen body, and looked at Chi Qian with reproach.

(End of this chapter)

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