The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 538 Chapter Fools

Chapter 538 April Fool's Day ([-])
Chi Qian didn't expect to scare Xue Zhiyan like this.

His face was pale and bloodless, and he leaned weakly in Jian Zelin's arms, with one hand covering his lower abdomen, and the other tightly clutching Jian Zelin's skirt.

"How is it?" Jian Zelin hugged Xue Zhiyan, and put his hand on her forehead.

Xue Zhiyan shook his head weakly, "It's okay."

"Then I'll carry you over to sit down?" Although Jian Zelin was asking Xue Zhiyan, he couldn't help but hug her and walked to the place where the crawling mat was laid.

As soon as Jian Zelin turned around, a smile appeared on Xue Zhiyan's pale face.

Jian Zelin bowed his head dotingly and kissed her forehead, "Don't laugh, I'll be seen later!"

Xue Zhiyan nodded obediently, but in the eyes of Chi Qian behind him, all of this was a sign of Xue Zhiyan's weakness.

Chi Qian quickly dropped the mask in her hand and ran over.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan sitting on the ground, he hurried over, "Are you okay? Looks like you played too much today!"

Jian Zelin glared at her displeasedly, "She is not feeling well, why are you still scaring her like this?"

Chi Qian stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, "I don't know she's not feeling well!"

Xue Zhiyan hurriedly defended Chi Qian, "Ah Ze, it's okay!"

Chi Qian nodded and sat down, then mysteriously moved to Xue Zhiyan's ear and whispered to her.

"Today is April Fool's Day, so don't believe what they say!" Chi Qian kindly reminded.

"Then you were teasing me like that just now?" Xue Zhiyan frowned slightly.

Chi Qian smiled embarrassedly, "I don't know how to say those words, so it's good to scare you!"

Xue Zhiyan stretched out his hand to pinch Chi Qian, and instantly his face became rosy again, with a bright smile on his lips.

Chi Qian was stunned for a moment, and then the corner of her mouth twitched, "You were kidding me just now?"

Xue Zhiyan shrugged his shoulders irrefutably, "If you want to see their good show later, don't expose me!"

Chi Qian recovered her spirits, raised her brows, "Can you tell me what's going on?"

Xue Zhiyan glanced at Jian Zelin, shook his head, "No way!"

Chi Qian expressed that she was bored, so she directly opened the fresh-keeping box containing the fruit, and ate it on her own.

Yan Shaochen and Liang Huan came next. Yan Shaochen gave Xue Zhiyan a hard look, as if what he said on the phone was true, but he found that Xue Zhiyan's expression was not very good.

Yan Shaochen's subconscious reaction was whether Xue Zhiyan was playing badly, but seeing Jian Zelin's dark face and Chi Qian's flattering expression, he knew that there might be something wrong with Xue Zhiyan.

Thinking about it this way, and thinking about what Jian Zelin had mentioned to him before, asking him to give Xue Zhiyan a full-body examination, he felt that Xue Zhiyan was true.

"Uncomfortable?" Yan Shaochen frowned, staring at Xue Zhiyan nervously.

You must know that Xue Zhiyan is now the switch to control Jian Zelin, if there is anything wrong with her, Jian Zelin is very likely to torment all of them.

Xue Zhiyan just shook his head, "No, I just want to sleep all the time and feel that I don't have much strength."

Yan Shaochen was taken aback, why did this reaction sound so similar...

Yan Shaochen glanced at Jian Zelin, and shook his head in disbelief.

He made a swallowing motion, and looked at Xue Zhiyan nervously, "Where's your appetite, the nearest one?"

Xue Zhiyan frowned slightly, and thought about it carefully, "It's okay, there hasn't been much change, but I haven't had much appetite recently."

Yan Shaochen listened to her words, glanced at Liang Xu, didn't ask any more intimate questions, stood up modestly and walked to Jian Zelin's side, and packed the picnic food with him.

Liang Huan looked at Xue Zhiyan's sickly look, and felt sorry for her. He reached out and touched her pale cheeks. He wanted to smear something on her face, but he didn't.

"It's okay, don't worry about me!" Xue Zhiyan smiled sheepishly.

Liang Huan frowned, "Did yesterday's food hurt your stomach because it was too spicy?"

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, "I've felt this way before, and sometimes I feel sick!"

"I'll go! You won't have it!" It was Feng Ziyao who said this, and she and Chi Yuan came over just in time to hear Xue Zhiyan say this.

Then Feng Ziyao looked at Jian Zelin with the eyes of a bastard, and asked him later, if he refused to admit it, he would just use the barbecue fork to destroy him!
Feng Ziyao sat next to Xue Zhiyan, and looked at her with a look of resentment, "Didn't I remind you a long time ago, you should pay attention?"

Liang slowly raised his eyebrows, "You and Chi Yuan, which one of you will take action?"

Feng Ziyao was speechless, for a moment he didn't know how to answer, and even blushed in embarrassment.

Is this still an answer?Apparently neither of them did a good job either?
Chi Qian and Liang Huan sighed at the same time, shook their heads, and agreed with what Xue Zhiyan said about her even more in their hearts. They have the mouth to talk about others, but they don't have the mouth to talk about themselves!
Feng Ziyao waved his hand, "Tell me about you! How did it come to me!"

Liang Huan unceremoniously reached out and poked Feng Ziyao's forehead, "You are the same!"

Then when Chi Qian raised her head, she saw a red finger mark on Feng Ziyao's forehead!
Chi Qian looked at Liang Huan in horror, made a swallowing motion, and secretly waved at her, telling her not to do anything wrong to her.

Just as Chi Qian thought, Liang Huan didn't want to play tricks on her now, so Liang Huan just smiled at her.

That meaning seems to be saying, don't say it now, and I will spare you later!
Chi Qian curled her lips and said, "Forgive me lightly, who would believe it!"No one can believe anything today!
Then Feng Ziyao, without anyone noticing, ran to the men's pile, looking for something to eat, with the red spot on his forehead.

To be honest, if he hadn't seen the red dot on Feng Ziyao's forehead, Chi Yuan wouldn't have known that today was April Fool's Day.

Let alone him, even Feng Ziyao didn't realize this problem.

Fortunately, everyone came to the picnic today, otherwise they really entertained each other.

Su Lingxuan was the last one to come, walked over with a sad face, and sat down among the women with a sigh.

Because Xue Zhiyan and Chi Qian had passed their anger a long time ago, they made up their minds that no matter what Su Lingxuan said, they would not believe it.

Not to mention Liang Huan, she and Yan Shaochen teased Xue Zhiyan early in the morning, so they were naturally prepared.

Xue Zhiyan looked at Su Lingxuan's appearance, and thought to himself that you are pretending to be quite similar, and we will see who is more like it later!

Su Lingxuan glanced at Xue Zhiyan sadly, and found that her face was not very good, Su Lingxuan subconsciously turned her head and stared at Jian Zelin.

"She's not feeling well." Jian Zelin knew that Su Lingxuan was looking at her without even raising his head.

"Then you still bring her here?" Su Lingxuan was quite dissatisfied with Jian Zelin's approach.

Jian Zelin shrugged helplessly, "I will never refuse what your sister wants to do!"

Su Ling was dumbfounded, and continued to lower her head and sigh.

Yan Shaochen smiled and threw an unpeeled orange to Su Lingxuan, "Okay, stop moaning, isn't Aunt Wen urging you to go on a blind date again early in the morning!"

(End of this chapter)

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