Chapter 539

After hearing Yan Shaochen's words, Su Lingxuan rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction, "You all hug each other from left to right, can't you let me feel depressed?"

Jian Zelin also laughed when he heard Su Lingxuan's words.

Chi Yuan shook his head helplessly, and said comfortingly, "Ling, not everyone can meet the woman they like, but if you can't, just follow Aunt Wen and find someone in this circle!"

Su Ling frowned, jumped up from the ground, and glared at a few people.

"Why do you all embrace your true love and live your own comfortable life, I have to find a girl to make do with! I don't want it!"

When Xue Zhiyan heard Su Lingxuan's words, he immediately laughed, but the more he smiled, the paler his face became.

Seeing her happy but weak look, Su Lingxuan couldn't help frowning.

"Don't laugh when you feel uncomfortable, those who can laugh will be deprived of oxygen!"

Liang Huan waved his hand, "It's okay, we have a doctor!"

Feng Ziyao glanced at Yan Shaochen, "He's not a gynecologist!"

Chi Qian sprayed.

Xue Zhiyan closed his smile, and looked at Su Lingxuan with a puzzled expression, "Didn't you call in the morning to say you were feeling unwell?"

Yan Shaochen came over when he heard the word "uncomfortable", squeezed Su Lingxuan's chin, looked left and right, "You look good! I just feel a little dissatisfied with desire!"

Su Lingxuan raised his foot and kicked Yan Shaochen's calf, "Get lost!"

The four women sitting on the ground looked at these men, and it was rare for them to throw away their cold appearance and make such a fuss in public.

Chi Qian also giggled, but kept looking at Xue Zhiyan, lamenting that Xue Zhiyan's acting skills are getting better and better, and his face can really stay so pale.

Xue Zhiyan winked at Chi Qian secretly, signaling her to be calm, there will be a good show to watch.

Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan were still chattering about Chi Yuan and Yan Shaochen, they didn't notice the interaction between Chi Qian and Xue Zhiyan at all.

The four men were sorting out the food they bought the day before.

Jian Zelin also pulled Chi Yuan to set up a small barbecue grill. In order not to be chased away at the happiest time, he also went to the relevant department to ask clearly that barbecues can be used here, so he bought the grill and carbon.

Su Lingxuan saw that Xue Zhiyan's expression was not good, so he picked up a ready-made chicken wing and handed it to her. Who knew that as soon as the chicken wing was in front of Xue Zhiyan, she--


What a puke!
Jian Zelin thought she was acting, so she immediately suppressed the smile on her face, ran to Xue Zhiyan's side nervously, and patted her on the back lightly.

Fortunately, this is what Xue Zhiyan wanted to act in, so he had already prepared garbage bags.

Just by spitting, Xue Zhiyan realized something was wrong.

Cold sweat began to break out on her own forehead, and she had no strength in her body.

Chi Qian only thought that Xue Zhiyan's acting was good, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, she patted Xue Zhiyan's shoulder lightly.

But after taking a few shots, he realized that something was really wrong with Xue Zhiyan.

She raised her head in panic, and found that Jian Zelin's expression was getting worse.

When Jian Zelin took Xue Zhiyan into his arms, he realized that Xue Zhiyan was wrong.

In order to go out to play today, she didn't wear a lot of clothes. She also threw the thick coat on the car. She only had a T-shirt and a plaid shirt on it.

Xue Zhiyan leaned in his arms, and he could clearly feel that the clothes on Xue Zhiyan's back were already wet with sweat.

"Zhiyan, what else is uncomfortable?" Jian Zelin's hand touched her forehead, but the tentacles were cold and sticky sweat.

"Yan Shaochen!" Liang Huan hurriedly called out to Yan Shaochen who was working on a barbecue stove.

Yan Shaochen thought that Xue Zhiyan was playing an April Fool's game with them, so he didn't take it seriously, but when he heard Liang Huan's shout and looked up again, his face changed.

Xue Zhiyan's situation can't really happen, can it?

Yan Shaochen knelt down and grabbed Xue Zhiyan's wrist, with a very serious expression, "Are you really pregnant?"

Jian Zelin was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head hastily, "No, her menstrual period just passed a few days ago!"

"What did you have for breakfast?" Yan Shaochen touched Xue Zhiyan's forehead, but luckily he didn't have a fever.

"I made a simple sandwich." Jian Zelin hugged Xue Zhiyan tightly after Yan Shaochen's hand was removed.

"Maybe it's because I didn't eat the right food, which caused the gastrointestinal discomfort." Yan Shaochen thought for a while, and Jian Zelin probably wouldn't eat expired food, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you have a blanket in the car? Cover her with some, so she won't catch a cold." Yan Shaochen looked up at Jian Zelin, "If it doesn't work, let's end it, another day..."

"No!" Xue Zhiyan hurriedly stopped him, "Let me rest for a while, just rest for a while!"

"Xue Zhiyan!" Su Lingxuan glared at her, it's all like this, still want to play?
Xue Zhiyan flinched in Jian Zelin's embrace, "I know my own body, I spit it out, and it will be fine after a while, it was like this before!"

As soon as Xue Zhiyan's words fell, he felt countless knives shot towards her, and everyone looked at her with unspeakable anger.


Xue Zhiyan was shocked, why did he tell the past!
As soon as she thought of explaining to them, she quickly closed her eyes and pretended to be dead.

Jian Zelin gritted his teeth, put his arms around Xue Zhiyan's hand with some strength, "Stop pretending to be dead, explain to me what it means to be like this before!"

Xue Zhiyan's tightly closed eyelids trembled, and then shrank back in his arms.

This time Feng Ziyao, Liang Huan and Chi Qian didn't help her anymore, they all acted like they were interrogating.

The lively atmosphere just now cooled down instantly.

The gazes of several people were too hot, especially Jian Zelin's.

Listening to his heavier and heavier breathing, Xue Zhiyan only felt that if he didn't open his eyes to explain, he would deal with him badly when he went back at night.

Xue Zhiyan opened his eyes first, looked at Jian Zelin pitifully, rubbed against his arms, and then spoke softly.

"I originally wanted to scare them, but who knew I really spit it out!"

Jian Zelin's complexion sank again, "You know that's not what I asked."

Xue Zhiyan curled his lips, swallowed, and then slowly explained the "before" she just said.

"It turned out that when I was living outside, I also had this situation. I would feel sick after eating, and it would be fine to rest for a while after vomiting." Xue Zhiyan paused, feeling that everyone's eyes were still on him, and continued Talking unfinished.

"At that time, I thought it was an upset stomach. Anyway, my stomach is always very fragile, so I ignored it. It didn't happen for a long time, and I forgot about it. I took it and reminded me again today."

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he laughed a few times, seeing that everyone was silent, he rubbed against Jian Zelin's arms again, "I'm really fine, if you don't believe me touch it!"

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he grabbed Jian Zelin's hand and put it on his forehead. Sure enough, the cold sweat just now subsided, without the cold feeling.

Su Lingxuan, who had been silent all this time, spoke out coldly.

"Can you explain to me why you have to stick to today's picnic?"

Xue Zhiyan curled his lips, "Jian Zelin agreed, and everyone hasn't been together for a long time. There are so many bad things during the Chinese New Year, so it's time to relax."

Xue Zhiyan paused, "Besides, I really just need to take it easy."

Su Lingxuan snorted coldly, "You better be fine!"

As the cold sweat on Xue Zhiyan's body faded away, Chi Yuan took the blanket from the car again, and she drank some hot tea, her face was finally not so pale.

This little episode is over.

Gradually, everyone was playing again.

(End of this chapter)

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