The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 540 Just Ridiculous

Chapter 540 Just Ridiculous
As Xue Zhiyan's complexion improved, the episode just now was turned over.

It's just that Yan Shaochen's words made the other three men and the other three women really stop going in.

Su Lingxuan stood beside Jian Zelin, leaning on the chicken wings, and looked at him sideways from time to time, but said nothing.

Chi Yuan, on the other hand, leaned against the prawns for Feng Ziyao in a daze, and glanced at Feng Ziyao from time to time.

As for Yan Shaochen, like a normal person, he grilled shiitake mushrooms and sliced ​​meat for Liang Huan.

"Ah Ze, Zhiyan..." Su Lingxuan frowned, but still couldn't hold back.

"Well, she's not pregnant." Jian Zelin glanced at Xue Zhiyan who was smiling happily, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

The sun was getting brighter, and the water vapor had almost evaporated. Xue Zhiyan and the others were sitting on the ground leisurely basking in the sun, but now they couldn't stand it anymore.

The four of them sat together in the middle, and put the blanket on Xue Zhiyan's body on their heads, trying to block a little sunlight.

"Xue Zhiyan, tell me the truth, are you pregnant?" Feng Ziyao glared at her fiercely.

Xue Zhiyan almost cried while explaining.

"No! No! I really don't!" Xue Zhiyan's words sounded like the lines spoken by the heroine in a romantic drama when she was framed.

Chi Qian smiled unkindly.

"Why do you look like the heroine in a bitter drama?" Chi Qian squeezed a piece of potato chips, then looked at Feng Ziyao, "My future sister-in-law is just like that wicked mother-in-law!"

Liang smiled slowly, not participating in their discussion, and took a wait-and-see attitude.

"Liang Huan, what about you!" Feng Ziyao looked at Xue Zhiyan for a while, then suddenly turned his gun.

Liang Huan choked immediately.

"I'm really lying on the gun!" Liang Huan coughed twice, took a sip of water from the teacup, and followed the food.

"Ask you something!" Feng Ziyao rolled his eyes impatiently.

Liang Huan looked back at the two of them, "We haven't moved for so long, do you think there will be?"

Hearing the relieved voices of Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian, Liang Huan continued to say in a calm and unhurried manner, "Besides, Yan Shaochen is a doctor, will he not know if I have anything?"

Feng Ziyao pouted, eating the food that Chi Yuan brought over just now.

"Yaoyao, what about you?" Liang raised his eyebrows slowly, and there was a deliberate element in his words.

Feng Ziyao was speechless, "We've only been together for a few days!"

Chi Qian stretched out her index finger and shook it, "It's not about the length of time we've been together!"

"It's about the hit rate!" Xue Zhiyan continued.

"You and Chi Yuan are more likely to win the lottery than us!" Liang Huan put down his teacup, clapped his hands, and lifted the blanket covering his head.

The sun was already high, and several people were covered with blankets, and their heads were profusely sweating.

The four men who were watching the movement of several people suddenly saw the blanket lifted, and the woman who made his heart move was actually covered with sweat on her forehead and a blush on her cheek.

Feng Ziyao frowned, "Why do I feel that the three of you are working together to deal with me?"

Xue Zhiyan hurriedly raised his hand, "I'm a patient, I won't have that experience to deal with you!"

Chi Qian and Liang Huan laughed dryly and jumped up quickly.

"It's not against you, it's teasing!" Chi Qian took two steps back, the smile on her face was definitely a successful smirk.

"Well, it's just a joke!" Liang Huan also took two steps back.

Feng Ziyao's eyes narrowed for a moment, "Xue Zhiyan, you'd better not be joking."

The corner of Xue Zhiyan's mouth twitched, shrunk his shoulders and moved to the side, "How is that possible!"

Feng Ziyao suddenly grinned, rushed over and hugged Xue Zhiyan, but moved his hand flexibly behind Xue Zhiyan's back.

"Ah!" Xue Zhiyan screamed, and then blushed and pulled up the blanket that had just been thrown on the ground.

Standing behind Xue Zhiyan, Chi Qian could clearly see Feng Ziyao's every move, "Tsk tsk, Feng Ziyao, you are so funny!"

Feng Ziyao glanced at Liang Huan and Chiqian, stood up with a dry smile, and walked to the grass. In an instant, Liang Huanchiqian and Feng Ziyao started a chasing and fighting scene.

When Chi Yuan and Yan Shaochen saw the three people fighting together, the corners of their mouths twitched to varying degrees. These people were very happy to be together.

Xue Zhiyan blushed and wrapped himself in a blanket, and glanced at Jian Zelin for help.

Jian Zelin frowned, put down the chicken wings in his hand, and took the roasted corn over.

Xue Zhiyan pouted and asked Jian Zelin to put the corn aside.

Jian Zelin walked in front of Xue Zhiyan, stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms, the two of them turned their backs to Su Ling and turned to several people.

"What's wrong, huh?" Jian Zelin asked in a low voice in Xue Zhiyan's ear.

All the hot air he breathed hit Xue Zhiyan's ears, she was as sensitive as Xue Zhiyan, and her face blushed a little more.

Xue Zhiyan didn't say anything for a long time, but leaned against Jian Zelin's arms, lowering his head shyly.

"What's wrong, uncomfortable?" Jian Zelin stretched out his hand to cover Xue Zhiyan's forehead.

He lowered his head and saw the woman in his arms, her blushing face seemed to be bleeding.

"Well, help me!" Xue Zhiyan muttered softly.

She didn't want to do this either, who made that goddamn Feng Ziyao hook up the buttons of her underwear just now.

"Huh?" Jian Zelin only heard her ask him to help her, but she didn't know what to do.

Xue Zhiyan tilted his head slightly, leaned into his ear and whispered something.

Jian Zelin froze all over, and looked at Feng Ziyao with a dangerous aura.

"Oh, don't be angry, help me!" Xue Zhiyan couldn't help being coquettish, it was clear that he still had time to show his murderous look towards Feng Ziyao.

When Xue Zhiyan talked to Jian Zelin, he also leaned into his ear, so Jian Zelin would inevitably be a little distracted.

In addition, what Xue Zhiyan said just now made Jian Zelin feel hot all over.

Jian Zelin swallowed, leaned into Xue Zhiyan's ear, and said softly, "Let's go to the car, I think..."

Upon hearing Jian Zelin's gradually hoarse voice, Xue Zhiyan turned around and gave him a hard look, and his face became more and more red.

Before Jian Zelin could say anything that made her blush and her heart beat, she opened her mouth and bit his chin.

The pain made Jian Zelin wake up a little bit, he laughed dryly twice, then gently pushed Xue Zhiyan away, and blocked Xue Zhiyan with his body.

Xue Zhiyan was covered with a blanket, so she couldn't see the movements of her hands from behind or in front.

Xue Zhiyan's speed was also very fast, Jian Zelin only pushed her away a little bit, and her hand was turned back, and then moved quickly on her back, and then threw the blanket covering her body aside.

"Okay!" Xue Zhiyan finally arranged his clothes, turned around and kissed Jian Zelin on the face.

Jian Zelin lowered his head and quickly nibbled on her neck, "I'll go and bake something for you."

Jian Zelin got up and walked to the grill again, and began to help Xue Zhiyan arrange food.

Xue Zhiyan sat on the crawling mat, watched them running around, and lay down on the ground smiling.

Seeing the women happy, the corners of the men's mouths couldn't help but rise slightly.

It was just a few people who were focused on having fun, and no one noticed that there was a pair of eyes not far away, staring at them intently.

(End of this chapter)

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