The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 541 Chapter Fools

Chapter 541 April Fool's Day ([-])
The fight between the three of Feng Ziyao ended in Chi Qian's physical exhaustion and he raised his hand in surrender.

The three of them walked back to Xue Zhiyan, sweating profusely. Xue Zhiyan thoughtfully poured tea and prepared wet wipes for the three of them.

The three of Feng Ziyao sat down, and the four of Jian Zelin walked over with two plates in their hands, smiling.

They found their own women to sit down, and put the baked goods in the middle.

"Okay, foodies, let's eat!" It was Su Lingxuan who said this.

Xue Zhiyan finally got an appetite, picked up a piece of chicken wing, and looked at Su Lingxuan sympathetically.

"For the sake of being a loner, I don't care about your unrestrained speech!"

Xue Zhiyan was so wronged that he leaned into Jian Zelin's arms and ate chicken wings after speaking.Jian Zelin was not idle either, hugging Xue Zhiyan from behind and not forgetting to help her peel the shrimp.

Xue Zhiyan showed his love to the fullest, every time he peeled a shrimp, she pinched it and brought it to his mouth.

After he ate it, he continued to lower his head to eat the chicken wings. If he didn't eat it, he ate the shrimp himself, tore off the few meat from the chicken wings, and brought it to his mouth.

Jian Zelin was also very cooperative. Xue Zhiyan ate most of what Xue Zhiyan fed him.

Seeing the loving appearance of the two, Chi Qian smacked her lips enviously, "No wonder the internet says you two are the happiest!"

Liang Huan nodded cooperatively, "Yes! Just say that you two are a match, and there is still true love!"

Jian Zelin knew that this was a comment on the Internet, but it was only a comment on the Internet, and no one around her said anything about it.

So when Liang Huan said this, he felt somewhat uncomfortable, so he frowned naturally.

Before Jian Zelin could express his opinion, Feng Ziyao had his opinion first.

"Why can't there be true love if the family is right! These people are a bit too boring, right?" Feng Ziyao directly threw the half-eaten chicken wings in his hand to Chi Yuan.

"It's like we are born to live in intrigue. How can there be so many conflicts of interest in life!" Chi Qian took a sip of tea, and looked at the sky with empty eyes.

Yes, as she said, where are there so many intrigues and conflicts of interest in life!
But this kind of intrigue, this kind of interest dispute, really made her meet.

People say that first love is the deepest.

Her belated first love was not only the deepest, but also the most painful.

Liang Huan smiled and shook his head, "There must be! Isn't there a living example in front of you!"

After Liang Huan said this, regardless of everyone's astonishment, he pointed to the tip of his nose, "Look at me, you will know!"

After Liang Huan said this, he smiled wryly.

Knowing that Liang Huan and Yan Shaochen were together, Shen Linli, who was crushed by Yan Shaochen and Su Lingxuan, came to the door.

But Yan Shaochen ruthlessly threw him out.

Of course, he didn't go to Liang Huan directly, but went to Yan Shaochen's hospital.

Yan Shaochen wouldn't hate Shen Linli if he didn't see him, but when he saw his flattering face, he felt even more distressed and angry.

So in a fit of anger, he had someone throw Shen Linli out.And he gave a death order like he did to Feng Jing, and his hospital will not accept any cases from the Shen family in the future.

No matter how much money you give him, he won't watch it.If there is a doctor in the hospital, I'm sorry, get out!

Everyone sighed, and the originally relaxed atmosphere became heavy again.

Just as Xue Zhiyan predicted on New Year's Eve, this year was really a chaotic year.

Everyone ate in silence, which made everyone feel uncomfortable.

Eunuch Sun seemed to notice everyone's unnaturalness, and played hide-and-seek, and even invited Granny Feng to join in the fun.

Xue Zhiyan looked at the darkening sky, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "This Father Sun is joking with us, right?"

Jian Zelin laughed twice, "Well, on April Fool's Day, it's okay to play around."

Su Lingxuan and Chi Yuan laughed, it was rare for Jian Zelin to joke like this.

Yan Shaochen also looked up at the gray sky, and then at the time, and before he knew it, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Why don't we go back, if it happens, we can go back to rest!" Feng Ziyao glanced at Chi Yuan, who nodded.

"That's right! Go back to Guanhai Yujing, go to your villa, we can continue to play!" Chi Qian said with a smile, and the smile froze on her face in an instant.

Liang Huan glanced at Yan Shaochen, "It seems that we have never been to Guanhai Yujing, your entertainment paradise!"

"Well, you guys pack up first, I'll take care of something!" Chi Qian stood up in a panic, staring straight ahead with no expression on her face.

Seeing Chi Qian's movements, everyone noticed that there was a man standing not far away.

Those who knew him frowned.

Even Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan, who had only met him a few times, couldn't help frowning.

Needless to say, Xue Zhiyan, the person who made Jian Zelin feel uncomfortable, naturally couldn't get anything good from her.

"Why does he linger?" Xue Zhiyan seemed to be talking to himself, but he was asking these men.

There's no reason why he just happened to meet them in their private activities, right?

If you talk about supermarkets and shopping malls that are highly directional, you will encounter them when you encounter them. After all, everyone is a businessman, so there is nothing wrong with encountering them.

But this time I went out for a picnic, the date and place were chosen randomly, so it would be a coincidence to meet him again, right?

There are only two situations for this kind of coincidence, either it is really too fateful, and you can meet it everywhere you go; or someone deliberately made it look so coincidental.

Obviously, they don't want to believe in such things as fate, after all, we are no longer seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys and girls, and they are not so dreamy.

That is to say, Namingli has come after him!
Xue Zhiyan couldn't help frowning, he was chasing after them like an asshole, it really made people feel uncomfortable!

Obviously people don't have any ideas, but they still want to follow. What does this mean, is it a deep love?
But people are hurt by him so much that they are about to be unfeeling and unloving. What's the use of expressing affection again, who cares?

After hurting and losing, I found out the preciousness, why did I go so early?

Jian Zelin's dissatisfaction reached Xue Zhiyan's dissatisfaction, and he tightened his arms around her waist, "Go wait for me in the car and put away the blanket!"

Xue Zhiyan took a deep breath, glanced at Chi Qian, whose expression was not very good, and left here without saying anything, wrapped in a blanket.

This time, Namingli did not cast his gaze on her.But Xue Zhiyan still hated him a little bit.

Xue Zhiyan, who had walked a few steps, turned back as if thinking of something, walked up to Chi Qian, and squeezed her hand encouragingly.

"It's a poisonous thorn, so pull it out as soon as possible. Don't wait for the wound to fester and become inflamed. Even if it hurts now, it's better than being in this pain for a long time in the future."

Facing Xue Zhiyan, Chi Qian also squeezed Xue Zhiyan's hand, and walked past her to Namingli.

(End of this chapter)

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