The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 542 Chapter Fools

Chapter 542 April Fool's Day ([-])
Chi Qian stood in front of Namingli without saying a word before the large army retreated.

Na Mingli's eyes also always stayed on Chi Qian's expressionless face, as for Jian Zelin and Chi Yuan, he didn't pay attention to them.

In fact, Jian Zelin and the others packed things very quickly. Xue Zhiyan didn't participate in it, otherwise the speed would be even faster.

But even so, Chi Qian still felt that they were slow.

What she wanted to make clear to Na Mingli, she didn't want them to hear, and she didn't want them to intervene, so she just stood quietly.

Until Grandpa Sun really hid completely, the weather was already so gray that water could be squeezed out.

Chi Qian shook her sore neck, looked up at the gray sky, her face was finally no longer expressionless.

The corners of her lips curled slightly, and a ruthless sneer appeared on her delicate face.

Today is really April Fool's Day!Even God knows to give you sunshine when you are happy, and give you cloudy days when you encounter troubles.

Interesting weather!
Looking at the sneer on Chi Qian's face, Na Mingli didn't know what she was really thinking.But the ruthless expression on her face really hurt his heart.

He didn't remember when Chi Qian's expression on his face was either calm and expressionless, or a mocking sneer.

Is it from her knowing that he was with her just to win Jian Zelin?

Or did he kill their child himself, leaving her in pain?

He really can't remember.

However, he clearly remembered that when Chi Qian was facing him, there were also times when he smiled like a flower.

At that time, when she was beside him, she could always smile happily, never giving him such an expression.

Even if she was angry and had a temper tantrum, she had never been so indifferent before.

"Is this intentional?" Chi Qian frowned, his face full of disdain, "Do you really think that I didn't notice the person you arranged for?"

Namingli frowned, "Chi Qian, I miss you."

"Heh!" The sneer on Chi Qian's face changed, she smiled and bent the corners of her eyes and brows, "I miss you too!"

Today is April Fool's Day, what you say can be ignored.

Chi Qian knew this well, that's why she dared to tell Chi Yuan, I miss you too.

But if you really want to, only the person who speaks knows.

Namingli's lips moved, but he didn't make a sound, but his hands were tightly clenched.

The two fell into a situation where they had nothing to say.

Na Mingli only felt a strong bitterness spreading from the bottom of his heart.

Since when, the two have been relatively silent.

Even if he cherishes his words like gold, she has always been like a sparrow, chirping by his side, and has never been so quiet.

Chi Qian looked at the painful expression on his face, the disdain on his face became more and more obvious, she even raised her hand in a wicked way.

Na Mingli thought he was going to do something to him, and subconsciously took a step forward, but saw Chi Qian's hand land on her lower abdomen.

Her snow-white slender hands covered the black jeans, gently drawing circles on her lower abdomen.

The sarcasm on her face also turned into loneliness, her eyes were empty and lifeless, "Look, he also has a day of regret!"

Na Mingli froze all over, staring straight at Chi Qian's every move, and listening to what she said, he felt an invisible hand squeeze his heart fiercely.

Chi Qian ignored Na Mingli, a wry smile appeared on her lonely face, "But, you have no chance to see him regret it!"

Chi Qian breathed a sigh of relief, looking up at the gray sky, feeling something was about to slip from her eyes.

She sucked her nose hard, kept her emotions stable, retracted her gaze, and looked at Namingli.

Seeing his stiff body and pained expression, she laughed out loud.

She is not a fool, how could she not see the regret in his eyes.

But what about regrets, harm is easy to cause, even if he uses the whole world to compensate her, time cannot go backwards.

He regretted it and came back to find her, trying to save her. He did this a little too late.

How late she was, she didn't bother to calculate.

But she just knew it was late, it was really late.

His regret, his compensation, the child who has not yet formed, can't be seen at all.

Maybe TA needs his confession, but she is slow, she doesn't need it.

Since she doesn't need it and won't look back, what's the point of everything he does to her?
In her eyes, it was just his unnecessary entanglement.

Since it is a meaningless entanglement, why do you still feel pain in your heart and still want to cry?
Chi Qian didn't know, and took another deep breath.

"Namingli." She called his full name.

Namingli stared at her blankly, with an indescribable bitterness in her heart.

He didn't hide the pain in his eyes. He looked at her, his Adam's apple moved, and he let out a muffled sound, "Mmm."

"I don't accept all your compensation, I don't accept your confession, and I won't come back to you again." Chi Qian took a deep breath, inserted her fingernails into her palm, "Everything you do now, I am I won't accept it, so don't come again."

Chi Qian didn't give him a chance, and continued to speak her own words, "All that you have done means nothing to me, and you are just a stranger to me."

After Chi Qian said this, she smiled at him sincerely, but there was still an unknown liquid overflowing from her eye sockets.

It's raining.

Chi Qian raised her head dumbly, seeing the dense raindrops falling from the sky, she was also relieved.

With the cover of the rain, so that he could not see the tears rolling down her face.

She can also let herself shed tears for him without any scruples.

Last time, this must be the last time.

Chi Qian thought secretly.

Namingli didn't speak, Chiqian's hand covering her belly finally dropped under his gaze.

"Goodbye." Chi Qian said lightly.

Goodbye means never seeing you again.

Chi Qian took a step forward and brushed past him.

But he precisely grabbed her wrist, with such force that it could crush Chi Qian's slender wrist.

"We..." Namingli choked up, "Can we be friends?"

Chi Qian chuckled, shook her head, twisted her wrist, and broke away from his holding her hand.


As if knowing why he wanted to ask why, she continued to speak in a calm tone without giving him a chance to speak.

"Lovers who break up cannot be friends, because they have hurt each other, and they cannot be enemies, because they have loved each other."

Chi Qian finished speaking softly, "So just be strangers, that's the best way."

"Namingli, I'm doing well now, I hope you really really don't bother me anymore, I have relatives and friends, my world no longer needs you."

No more, no more need of you.

Chi Qian braved the rain and walked towards the parking lot.

However, Namingli stood quietly in the rain until Chiqian drove away without moving again.

(End of this chapter)

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