Chapter 543
As Xue Zhiyan said, Na Mingli is the thorn in Chi Qian's heart.

If she can bear the pain for a while, pull out the thorn, and wait until the wound heals, Chi Qian will still be a normal person, and she can live her life happily.

If Chi Qian is unwilling to pull it out, then the wound he inflicted on her will fester and become inflamed over time, making her miserable.

Chi Qian is a smart woman who knows what it means to live in the present moment and what it means to look forward.

Even if Na Mingli wants to turn back, he still has to see if she really wants to turn back.

I don't know who said that people who keep looking back are a sign of lack of self-confidence.

Chi Qian is a confident woman, but she also likes to look back. She always looks back to see if those who hurt her are better off than she is now.

But for Namingli, even if she didn't look back, she knew very well that Namingli was more painful than her.

It was more painful than her most difficult two years.

This is what he deserves, no?

But even though she thought so in her heart, Chi Qian still cried.

Not long after she drove the car out of Xishan Park, she parked the car on the side of the road and cried while lying on the steering wheel.

That cry, anyone who hears it will feel distressed.

She finally removed the once beloved him from her heart.

But if the love that had already penetrated deep into her bones and blood was to be removed like this, she would also bleed and lose her flesh.

She thought that as early as a few years ago, she didn't love him.

She closed her heart, seemingly ruthless and loveless, and she had no feelings for Na Mingli.

But is this really the case?I'm afraid only she knows, only she knows her inner thoughts best.

Others, no one knows, no one can see through.

The rain outside the car window was getting heavier and heavier, and it seemed to match her slow mood, crying along with her.

Chi Qian, who had been crying for a long time, finally raised her tear-stained face when she felt that her tears were all dried up.

Chi Qian put down the car window, let the humid air and raindrops fall into the car, finally blowing away the thick smell of tears in the car.

She took a few deep breaths, finally calmed down her emotions, and then restarted the car.

Her relatives and friends are still waiting for her at home.

With the rain so heavy, she couldn't make them worry.

Chi Qian turned on the radio in the car and listened to the music on it, "Even if I knew the ending earlier, maybe I would still choose to be destined to be with you, obviously love is not fair, and those familiar scenes where new couples laugh, leave me alone The hurt is sad, the hurt is the most thorough, there may be no more possibilities in my life, when will the entanglement pass, I lost myself, I can't help myself..."

Involuntary body, involuntary heart.

Hehe... Chi Qian chuckled twice, and rolled up the car window, blocking the wind and rain outside the window.

Chi Qian kept moving forward, in the rain and fog, she didn't notice the white car following her...


After Chi Qian returned to Guanhai Yujing, she fell seriously ill.

It was like playing a big joke with her. After being ill for 20 days, Chi Qian fully recovered.

In the past 20 days, except for the time when he had a fever, Chi Qian was hanging out with Xue Zhiyan.

At the beginning, I was afraid that Chi Qian's cold would be contagious to Xue Zhiyan, but after contacting him a few times, I found that Xue Zhiyan hadn't been caught. The two women who didn't know what to do mingled together all day long.

Xue Zhiyan finally stopped going to the hospital often, she felt tired, every time she saw Shen Bihua struggling on the hospital bed, Xue Zhiyan felt uncomfortable.

So she stopped going to the hospital.

She went to You'an Hospital instead.

It wasn't because of Shen Bihua's entrustment, but because she wanted to go.

She felt that only by looking at those energetic children could life be hopeful.

Grandpa Mao once said that children are the flowers of the future.

Xue Zhiyan looked at those flower bones, and the smile on the corner of his mouth never fell.

Although these children are orphans, the smiles on their faces are the purest and most sincere.

Xue Zhiyan felt that seeing those children laughing, playing games with them, and even the rainy weather all day would not make her feel bored.

As for the pain caused by the old wound on her body in the rainy day, it is no longer so difficult.

Chi Qian was forcibly dragged to You'an Courtyard by Xue Zhiyan. She had been here several times before, but Chi Qian never felt that this place could make her relax so much.

Especially after Xue Zhiyan's distressed two children were gone, they rarely mentioned You'anyuan anymore.

But in the recent period of time, Chi Qian has been incomparably enriched.

She suddenly felt that among these children, she really didn't have any pain at all.

I don't know if it's because she once lost a child, whom she loved so much.

Xue Zhiyan joked with her that if it didn't work, let Chi Qian take over the orphanage, and these children would definitely be treated well.

Especially Chi Qian's status as the eldest daughter of the chaebol family will definitely allow these children to be treated better.

When Xue Zhiyan said this, Chi Qian rolled her eyes. Chi Qian pointed at Xue Zhiyan, and replied generously, "We are each other."

Xue Zhiyan and Chi Qian hugged each other with a smile.

Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan were arranging their engagement banquet in a place that Xue Zhiyan couldn't see.

This time, Jian Zelin listened to Jian Qiyang's advice and arranged the engagement place at Jian's old house, and did not invite anyone.

Jian Zelin originally wanted to arrange it in Xue's old house, but thought that there was not much popularity there, and it might bring back sad memories for Xue Zhiyan, so he let this idea go.

Although Xue's house was the place where Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan met, in order to make Xue Zhiyan happy, Jian Zelin chose the place where they met again - Jian's house.

Their arrangement was carried out secretly, so Xue Zhiyan and the other women didn't get any wind.

Xue Zhiyan even forgot that she was still engaged to Jian Zelin.

Xue Zhiyan and Chi Qian were sitting in the courtyard of You'an Courtyard. There was a crawling mat under the big banyan tree. The two of them were sitting under the tree, enjoying the spring breeze and enjoying the warm sunshine.

Xue Zhiyan looked at the direction of the gate of You'an Courtyard and squinted his eyes, raised his foot and lightly kicked Chi Qian's calf, "Why do those people follow you every day?"

Chi Qian smiled, shook her head, raised her head to enjoy the sunlight falling through the dense leaves, "Let him go!"

Namingli is really persistent enough, even Chi Qian said that, but still didn't make him change his mind.

This guy is really stubborn as can be.

Xue Zhiyan laughed twice, and leaned on Chi Qian's shoulder, "If he had discovered his affection for you earlier, maybe both of your children would be soy sauce!"

Chi Qian just smiled and said nothing, looked at the building of You'an Courtyard, and then spoke after a long time.

But she didn't follow Xue Zhiyan's words. She said, "Zhiyan, if you really don't want to take over this Youanyuan, let me manage it. I found that I like this place, and I really like the children here!"

Knowing that Chi Qian was thinking of her child, Xue Zhiyan smiled and nodded, "Okay! Someone take care of me, I wish for it!"

(End of this chapter)

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