Chapter 544

When Leng Yun came, Xue Zhiyan and Chi Qian were so comfortable that they were about to fall asleep.

When Leng Yun stood aside, not knowing how to speak, Xue Zhiyan narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth.

"Chi Qian, his people are so bold that they even dare to approach you." Xue Zhiyan said with a little sarcasm.

The two people who squinted did not see the black lines on Leng Yun's face and the twitching corners of his mouth.

Chi Qian also laughed twice, and stretched out her hand directly to the air. Leng Yun's mouth curled into an imperceptible smile, and handed over the document in her hand.

"Zhiyan is not from Namingli, but from Leng Yun." Chi Qian's voice fell lightly.

Xue Zhiyan opened his eyes, saw Leng Yun standing aside, raised his eyebrows, and looked at the two with meaningful eyes.

How could Chi Qian not know what Xue Zhiyan was thinking, so she glanced at the document in her hand, and then handed it to Xue Zhiyan.

"Look for yourself, don't be disgusting!" Chi Qian smiled faintly at Leng Yun after speaking, "Didn't my brother ask you to bring me something else?"

Leng Yun was taken aback, and took out the medicine box from his pocket, "Chi Shao said you forgot to take medicine when you went out, let me bring it to you."


Xue Zhiyan smiled happily.

This cold cloud is much more funny than Vic and Ben.

I forgot to take my medicine when I went out.

a ha ha ha!Xue Zhiyan looked at Leng Yun who couldn't help laughing, and burst into tears.

Leng Yun also seemed to realize that there was something wrong with his words, and his ears turned red, so don't ignore Xue Zhiyan at first.

Xue Zhiyan saw that he was almost smiling, so he opened the things that Chi Qian handed over, and instantly felt sick.

Xue Zhiyan glanced at Chi Qian in surprise, then at Leng Yun, "Is this true?"

Leng Yun nodded.

"Then she doesn't have to go hungry and choose Lin Mo!" Xue Zhiyan felt as if he had swallowed a fly alive.

Chi Qian shook her head, "Pay attention, it's not that you're hungry, it's that bastards are looking at mung beans."

Xue Zhiyan was speechless, what he said!
"Then Jian Zelin is bastard or mung bean?" Xue Zhiyan looked at Chi Qian puzzled, and asked her for an answer.

"Jian Zelin didn't see her right, so it doesn't matter if it's bastard or mung bean!" Chi Qian replied solemnly, took back the document in Xue Zhiyan's hand, and returned it to Leng Yun.

Xue Zhiyan laughed again, if Jian Zelin heard this, he would probably be blown up again.

When Leng Yun heard these two women discussing Jian Zelin like this, the corner of his mouth twitched. He knew that he would hear such a conversation between the two, so he dragged Vic along!
Xue Zhiyan smiled and pulled Chi Qian to stand up, and the two walked side by side into the office building.

At this time, Jian Zelin, who was having a meeting on the top floor of Shengshi, suddenly sneezed twice.

Jian Zelin looked back at the bright sunshine outside the window, and frowned slightly.

Xue Zhiyan and Chi Qian were researching one thing recently, which was to cut down the forest next to You'an Courtyard.

As for what it will be used for after cutting it, it has not yet been decided.

If another row of houses is built, the orange orchard at the back will look too nondescript.

After the two sent Leng Yun away, they had been thinking about this problem in the office.

The office that used to belong to Shen Bihua has been redecorated, and now it doesn't look as stuffy and depressing as it used to be.

Even the desk and sofa coffee table have been replaced with new ones.

The two of them sat on the single sofa, thinking about what they would do after the forest was felled.

The two women have ideas, and the brothers in their own family naturally fully support them.

Su Lingxuan and Chi Yuan have already said at the same time, as long as they can think of the use of that land, they will immediately allocate funds to find someone to help them start construction.

When Feng Ziyao came, he saw Xue Zhiyan and Chi Qian, the two of them curled up on the sofa in unison.

Feng Ziyao first went to the water dispenser to get himself a glass of water, sat on the sofa and drank it, then threw the glass on the tea table, the crisp sound caught the attention of the two who were meditating.

"What are you thinking about?" Feng Ziyao stretched and lay down on the big sofa.

"Think about it, if that forest is cut down, what else can you do besides build a house?" Xue Zhiyan didn't want to build a house. After all, You'an Courtyard doesn't have so many children and doesn't need too many rooms.

Feng Ziyao looked at the floor plan of You'an Courtyard, the forest is a little bit past the orange garden, and the house building is really not very good, and it can't be built much.

Feng Ziyao is a designer, so there are naturally many ghost ideas. She stared at the blueprints for a while, then put down the blueprints in her hand.

"Let's add some melons, fruits and vegetables. When you can't cultivate the land in winter, it can also be used as a playground for children." Feng Ziyao frowned, as if thinking about the feasibility of this method.

"When they can farm the land, let the children do it to enhance their hands-on ability, so that they will have some special experiences in the society in the future."

It is said that men are the most attractive when they are working, but when a woman is thinking seriously, that kind of charm is definitely not inferior to that of a serious man.

Feng Ziyao was like this.

Chi Yuan has seen her seriously thinking, frowning slightly, pursing her red lips, although her expression is serious, but people can't help but be fascinated by her.

The same was true for Xue Zhiyan, seeing Feng Ziyao's serious expression, he couldn't help being fascinated.

"And children can't always play indoors. In winter, they can go for a run or something to enhance their physical fitness!"

Chi Qian thought for a while, then nodded her head in agreement, "The most important thing is that in this way, in summer, You'an Courtyard will be self-sufficient in fruits and vegetables, which can save a lot of expenses."

"Well, yes, and it can also generate income for You'an Hospital." The corners of Xue Zhiyan's mouth curled up slightly, Feng Ziyao's suggestion was really good, "Pure natural green vegetables can also be sold online, of course there is a surplus when!"

The more the three women talked, the more excited they became, so that the three of them forgot the time, and even forgot that they asked the men to have dinner together.

I've been so invested that I can't even hear the voice of the phone.

If Jian Zelin hadn't come to the door, they probably would have discussed it until dinner time.

Looking at the serious Xue Zhiyan, Jian Zelin felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

It's not that seeing her happy makes her feel uncomfortable, it's just that Xue Zhiyan is too serious, and for more than half a month, she has neglected him a bit.

He didn't mind if he stayed at home and visited Shen Bihua occasionally.

But since Chi Qian got sick after returning from the picnic, instead of taking care of Shen Bihua, she took care of Chi Qian directly, and then the two of them simply got together during the day when they had nothing to do.

Now she and Chi Qian took over You'an Courtyard naturally, and seldom care about him.

Therefore, if Jian Zelin wanted to have lunch with Xue Zhiyan, he had to make an appointment in advance.

So I finally found a time to have lunch together, but the three women forgot about it. Jian Zelin felt really uncomfortable.

City S, which was approaching May, already felt a bit summery, so when Xue Zhiyan suddenly felt a little cold, she subconsciously turned around and saw her mobile air conditioner standing at the door with a dark face.

Xue Zhiyan grinned, and stretched out his hand towards him, "You're here!"

(End of this chapter)

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