The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 548 Engagement

Chapter 548 Engagement ([-])

Xue Zhiyan's daddy really surprised everyone present.

Even Old Jiang Jian Qiyang's hands trembled when he took the tea in her hand.

Chi Yuan and Yan Shaochen, who were standing aside, could clearly see the obvious trembling.Who has ever seen Jian Qiyang, who used to dominate the shopping mall, tremble with nervous hands when he heard an ordinary address that could no longer be ordinary?
The answer is definitely no.

So Yan Shaochen and Chi Yuan didn't know whether they were lucky or unlucky to see this scene.

Even when Jian Zelin was still thinking about how to pass this process, Xue Zhiyan yelled like that.

Naturally, without any deliberate flattery.

Dad, please drink tea.

He couldn't even say this so slickly, but she could.

Seeing Jian Qiyang drinking tea, Xue Zhiyan looked at Jian Zelin with a smile.

Who said that if you really love someone, you will treat his family as your own family without any suspicion.

Obviously, Xue Zhiyan really regarded Jian Qiyang as his father.

If so many things hadn't happened back then, and there hadn't been such a big circle around, she would have called him dad a long time ago.

Jian Zelin stared blankly at Xue Zhiyan who was smiling like a flower, feeling warm in his heart.

It never occurred to him that Xue Zhiyan would wrong her and pretend to be his family in his heart.After all, apart from grandpa, other people have no place in his heart.

Looking at Jian Zelin who was stunned, Xue Zhiyan took his hand, watched Jian Zelin recover, and blinked at him.

It seems to be asking him for praise, playful and tight.

The corners of Jian Zelin's mouth gradually turned into a smile, his eyes were as gentle as water, full of indescribable pampering.

"Okay, okay, sit down!" Jian Qiyang almost jumped up from the sofa happily when he heard Xue Zhiyan's soft "Dad".

He was looking forward to this call, but if Xue Zhiyan really couldn't call it out, he wouldn't force it.

However, Xue Zhiyan called.

Now that he called, he couldn't help being excited.

Su Lingxuan looked at the excited Jian Qiyang, touched his nose, and used this action to hide the smile on his mouth.

Uncle Jian is so funny, Xue Zhiyan's compliment can make him feel elated!

Yan Shaochen and Chi Yuan also looked at Jian Qiyang in surprise, because Jian Qiyang's performance was too obvious.

The unstoppable smile on his face appeared on his usual cold face, which was really surprising.

In this regard, Jian Zelin is very similar to Jian Qiyang, both father and son have iceberg faces.

There are very few, if any, smiles.

If we say that the biggest difference between Jian Zelin and Jian Qiyang is that the corners of Jian Zelin's mouth can't help but rise when he sees Xue Zhiyan.

Maybe Jian Qiyang used to be like this too, but these juniors have never seen it before.

This time Xue Zhiyan did not sit on her single sofa, she was hugged tightly by Jian Zelin, and sat on the big sofa beside her.

Su Lingxuan sat on Xue Zhiyan's exclusive seat, with a smile on his lips, "We should go and take some photos, otherwise my mother will call at night, and I can't explain it!"

Jian Qiyang nodded with a smile, "Yeah, if there is no photo to keep as a souvenir, Yan Wen will definitely be in trouble!"

Chi Yuan and Yan Shaochen had black lines all over their faces, Feng Ziyao, Liang Huan and Chi Qian were snickering aside, the expressions of these men were so wonderful.

"It's quite warm outside now, let's go take pictures!" Chi Qian clapped her hands and raised her eyebrows at Xue Zhiyan.

Xue Zhiyan frowned, and looked at Jian Zelin expectantly, "Did you find the photographer too?"

Jian Zelin coughed twice, rubbed his nose with his hand, "No."

This is indeed not there, because Jian Zelin doesn't like to take pictures, so naturally he will not prepare these.

Jian Zelin himself knew that when he took the most photos, he took selfies with Xue Zhiyan with his mobile phone.

"You can have this!" Xue Zhiyan nodded seriously.

Jian Zelin frowned unnaturally, "Zhiyan, I really didn't..."

Before he could say the word "prepare", he was interrupted by Chi Qian.

"We can use the mobile phone!" Chi Qian raised the expensive mobile phone in her hand, "Send it directly to Aunt Wen, she will be very happy!"

Liang Huan smiled and nodded, "Yes! And you can make a video and send it to Aunt Wen!"

"Ah!" Feng Ziyao suddenly shouted.

Everyone turned their gazes to her, looking at her puzzled, wondering what the hell she was calling.

"The process of your engagement just now was not photographed!" Feng Ziyao was a little annoyed, and pouted.

Chi Yuan smiled dryly, and pointed to the direction of the piano, where there was obviously a camera.

"I knew you would forget, so I have already prepared!"

Looking in the direction he pointed, there is really a camera working.

Xue Zhiyan looked at Jian Zelin's darkened face and smiled.The hand held by him gently scratched his palm, "Don't make a bad face, you still have to take wedding photos when you get married!"

Xue Zhiyan's voice was very low, so only Jian Zelin could hear it.

Jian Zelin had no choice but to pull out an unattractive smile, "No way, you know me and don't like taking pictures."

Xue Zhiyan pouted, "Don't you like being with me?"

Jian Zelin was speechless, he didn't like taking pictures, but if Xue Zhiyan said it, he would definitely do his best.

"It's fine if you don't shoot, you can go back to the villa by yourself tonight." Seeing that Jian Zelin was silent, Xue Zhiyan lowered his eyes, with an unconcealable disappointment on his face.

Jian Zelin's heartbeat was stagnant, he hugged her tightly, and whispered in her ear, "When did I refuse the matter you proposed, huh?"

Xue Zhiyan tilted his head, looking at Jian Zelin who was smiling at the corner of his mouth, the unhappy look just now was gone from his face.

Just when she was about to say something, Yan Shaochen's voice came from the opposite side, "Hey, what are you two talking about secretly!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, everyone is biting their ears!" Chi Yuan was very contemptuous.

Jian Zelin didn't take it seriously, but shrugged, "You two can put your arms around Liang Huan and Feng Ziyao and whisper to each other, it depends on whether the two of you will cooperate!"

Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan lay on their guns, the corners of their mouths twitching.

The two of them were not Jian Zelin's opponents, so they had to give Xue Zhiyan a blank look, stood up and walked out.

Seeing Yan Shaochen and Chi Yuan's dissatisfaction, Jian Zelin lifted his chin, "Not convinced? If not convinced, let me see if you two are capable and get engaged!"

Depend on!Yan Shaochen and Chi Yuan gritted their teeth, they have never seen anything like this before, it's a shame!
The two got up angrily, followed the two women and walked out.

Su Ling smiled and stood up, "Don't provoke them, hurry up and take pictures!"

Jian Zelin walked out with Xue Zhiyan in his arms, walked a few steps before he remembered something, turned around and asked Jian Qi who was drinking tea on the sofa, "Dad, do you want to come together?"

Xue Zhiyan followed suit and nodded, "That's right, let's take some photos and pass them on to grandpa, he will definitely be very happy!"

Jian Qiyang shook his head, "He knew you were engaged to Aze, and he was so happy from ear to ear!"

Xue Zhiyan let go of Jian Zelin, walked to the sofa, took Jian Qiyang's hand without hesitation, and pulled him up from the sofa, "Let's go, let's go! Take a few photos and come back and drink tea!"

"Today is a memorable day, we have to keep something to commemorate!" Xue Zhiyan was afraid that he would refuse, so he let go of his arm, walked behind him, and pushed him forward.

Xue Zhiyan like this is like a child, playful and cute.

(End of this chapter)

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