The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 549 Named My Surname

Chapter 549 Named My Surname

Who said that the daughter-in-law who married into the door was half of his daughter.

But Jian Qiyang felt that Xue Zhiyan was his daughter, not his daughter-in-law.

Jian Qiyang was dragged by Xue Zhiyan to take more than a dozen photos. Seeing his son's jealous face, he used his age as an excuse to go back to the house.

The weather is getting warmer, and the courtyard of Jian's family is no longer as desolate as it is in winter.

When Xue Zhiyan was tired, he walked to the swing that Jian Guozheng had set up for her. Looking at the big yard, he was filled with emotion.

In a few months, she will be here for almost a year.

Think about it a year ago, she and Jian Zelin were still at odds here, the two hedgehogs would explode once they got together.

Now, the two hedgehogs put away their sharp points and hugged each other tightly.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan sitting on the swing chair with a faint smile on his lips, Jian Zelin raised the camera in his hand and snapped pictures of her.

Looking up from this angle, he could see his study upstairs. He still remembered that time when Yan Shaochen was in his study and saw her falling asleep sitting on a swing.

He still remembered that time when Su Ling took a picture of her just waking up.

Time passed so quickly, Jian Zelin narrowed his eyes, walked up to Xue Zhiyan and sat down.

With his legs on the ground, he kept shaking the swing.Xue Zhiyan leaned his head on his shoulder, enjoying his leisure time.

Such a quiet and beautiful day is difficult.

Especially today is the day when two people get engaged.

Jian Zelin suddenly pushed Xue Zhiyan away, and ran into the house as if remembering something.

Xue Zhiyan, who was leaning very comfortably at first, was suddenly pushed by him, a little stunned, she frowned as she watched Jian Zelin leave like a breeze.

Soon Jian Zelin ran back again, out of breath, with his hands on his knees, holding something in his right hand.

"What are you doing?" Xue Zhiyan reached out to wipe the sweat from Jian Zelin's forehead.

Jian Zelin shook her head, gulped and dressed roughly, and did not answer her question.

Seeing Jian Zelin running around, the others who were taking pictures also came over to see what happened to these two newly engaged couples.

After Jian Zelin calmed down, he squatted in front of Xue Zhiyan.

He held a blue velvet box in his hand, and he gently stroked Xue Zhiyan's fingers, with a faint smile on his lips.

Xue Zhiyan was confused by his actions, "What's wrong with you?"

Jian Zelin raised his head and smiled brightly at her. The smile was so bright that it caught Xue Zhiyan's eyes.

"There is a very important thing that must be given to you!" Jian Zelin swallowed and said solemnly.

Xue Zhiyan blinked, Su Lingxuan stood aside, secretly smiling.

Only he knows what it is, that ring was made by Jian Zelin himself, and now in the studio behind Xiyan, there are still countless corpses of the ring.

He has been busy working on the ring since he proposed the engagement.

The reason why he showed Xue Zhiyan the ring last time was just to confirm that she liked that style.

Facts have proved that Xue Zhiyan really likes it.

It seems that Jian Zelin still understands her.

Xue Zhiyan looked up at Su Lingxuan nervously, only to find that Su Lingxuan had been snickering, which made her even more puzzled.

These two people must have something to hide from her.

But when she looked at Chi Yuan and the others, their expressions were all normal, there was no difference.

Such a situation made Xue Zhiyan very entangled. Once he had an idea in his heart, if it was not confirmed, he would keep thinking about it, and the more he thought about it, the more entangled he would become.

Xue Zhiyan is like this now.

She felt that Su Lingxuan and Jian Zelin must be hiding something from her, but she couldn't guess what it was.

And Jian Zelin sleeps next to her every night, she will definitely notice if he hides anything from her, but she doesn't.

Jian Zelin is normal, this is her conclusion.

Could this be an illusion?Su Lingxuan and Jian Zelin made it on purpose?

Just as Xue Zhiyan was frowning, she felt a cold ring on her finger.

Xue Zhiyan pulled back his thoughts, looked down and saw a shiny silver ring on the ring finger of his left hand.

She had seen the style of the ring before.

The clasped hands, at the junction of the hands, a small diamond is shining.

She remembered that this ring had a beautiful name called Hand of Holding.

She looked at Jian Zelin's every move in surprise, the ring was already on her ring finger.

She remembered that day Su Ling came to Guanhai Villa to look for her under the rain, and showed her the pair of rings, and then hurried away with the rings.

She also thought about it at the time, she likes this ring, no matter what, she must let it be put into her pocket.

But now, Jian Zelin personally put on this ring for her, she was shocked except for shock.

Seeing her shocked expression, Jian Zelin remembered that day when Su Lingxuan asked him for help, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious.

He lowered his head and kissed her hand, and his hoarse voice reached her ears, pulling her soul back.

"Zhiyan, put on a men's ring for me!"

Jian Zelin's dark eyes stared at her tightly, taking in all her expressions and movements.

Xue Zhiyan blinked, then lowered his eyes, looking at the ring in the ring box, his fingers trembling slightly, he picked up the ring that belonged to him.

She held his hand with one hand, and put the same style of men's ring on the ring finger of his left hand.

Xue Zhiyan suddenly felt that this move was sacred.

And it has a very important meaning.

From then on, he belonged to her, and he had been branded as belonging to her.

In the same way, she also bears his brand.

As soon as the ring was put on his ring finger, he straightened up abruptly, and hugged Xue Zhiyan tightly in his arms.

The onlookers stood together in pairs, embracing each other tightly, silently witnessing the first step they took.

Tomorrow is a new beginning for Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan.

During the day, everyone was lively and lively, and played happily all day.

Because there were no outsiders and reporters involved, the few people had fun and relaxed, which is rare for them to have fun.

So when they returned home at night, they made an agreement.

Whether it is Yan Shaochen or Chi Yuan's engagement in the future, or the engagement of Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan today, no outsiders are invited, they let go of the relaxed play, and don't need to smile falsely at outsiders.

Although it is very tiring, at least my heart is relaxed.

At night, Xue Zhiyan was lying beside Jian Zelin, still in the posture that he was holding her and she was hanging on him like an octopus.

Neither of them spoke, and there was only the sound of their even breathing in the room.

The dim light at the head of the bed shone on the faces of the two of them, covering them with a layer of gold.

Xue Zhiyan sighed contentedly, lying in Jian Zelin's arms and smiled softly.

"What are you laughing at?" Jian Zelin lowered his head and whispered in her ear.

"Well, I just thought I was listening to Dreams this day." Xue Zhiyan raised his left hand after speaking, and looked at his left hand with a smile in his eyes.

Jian Zelin lowered his head and kissed Xue Zhiyan's forehead, "Well, I think so too. But..."

"But what?" Xue Zhiyan turned over and lay on Jian Zelin's body.

The smile in Jian Zelin's eyes was much stronger, and he looked straight at Xue Zhiyan, "But all of this is true, you, Xue Zhiyan, will bear my Jian Zelin's surname in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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