The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 551 For her, what else can't survive

Chapter 551 For her, what else can't survive

Chi Qian leaned halfway on the bar counter, with a smile in her eyes, looking at Xue Zhiyan without squinting.

Because she had just walked in from the outside, there was still a thin layer of sweat on her nose, her cheeks were flushed, and her breath was still a little unsteady.

"What's the wind blowing today that brought you here?" Chi Qian's slender fingers tapped the bar counter lightly, the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"Well, I'm going to have dinner with Jian Zelin at noon. I want to make it myself, but I think about going to the supermarket to buy vegetables from Guanhai Yujing, and then bringing them here after finishing them. It's already afternoon, so why don't you just come and wait, and bring it up when you're done. Let's eat together." Xue Zhiyan put down the water glass, took out a tissue, and wiped the sweat from his nose.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I just got engaged yesterday, and today I have become a good wife and mother!" Chi Qian shook her head helplessly, "Jian Zelin is really good at controlling wives!"

Xue Zhiyan bit his lower lip, and poked her forehead with his hand, "He is working hard outside to make money and let me live a comfortable life, so I have to feel sorry for him, right?"

"But you are also rich!" Liang Huan pursed his lips, with a mocking smirk at the corner of his mouth.

Xue Zhiyan pouted, put one hand on the bar, and supported his head, "But I entrusted him to manage my family property, you know, I've never been too lazy to manage those things!"

Chi Qian and Liang Xu looked at each other, choking on Xue Zhiyan's words.

Xue Zhiyan was in a particularly good mood, but when she glanced out of the window, there was a trace of displeasure on her face.

"Just pretend you don't see it." Chi Qian said quietly, taking a sip of water from the glass in front of her.

"That's right! Just get used to it, just like what you did to Tong Yuan back then." Liang Huan said casually.

Chi Qian choked up after speaking.

Tong Yuan seems to be still testing medicine in Yan Shaochen's laboratory, and he doesn't know what's going on.

Chi Qian glanced at Xue Zhiyan worriedly. After that incident, Jian Zelin didn't tell her many things because she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear it.

Now that Liang Huan brought it up like this, he wondered if it would arouse Xue Zhiyan's doubts, so he went back to ask Jian Zelin what.

Liang Huan was also aware of his aphasia, and when he looked up at Xue Zhiyan, he found that her expression hadn't changed much.

She glanced nervously at Chi Qian, just in time to meet Chi Qian's gaze looking at her, their eyes flinched at the same time, and then turned away.

Xue Zhiyan didn't mind Tong Yuan too much, and she didn't want to ask any more questions, because she knew that Tong Yuan would definitely be punished as he should.

"Suddenly I want to eat custard!" Xue Zhiyan smacked his mouth, as if there was a bowl of delicious custard in front of him.

Liang Huan was speechless, and pointed to the kitchen, "If you want to eat, you can cook it yourself later!"

Xue Zhiyan simply lay down on the counter, his chin just resting on the ring on the ring finger of his left hand.

"Any other dishes, today?"

"I bought fresh shrimp, squid, tofu, what else?" Chi Qian only answered three things, and looked up at Liang Huan.

"It's all in the refrigerator, go in and see for yourself!" Liang Huan didn't bother to give her the name of the dish!

"Suddenly want to drink pig heart lotus seed soup!" Xue Zhiyan slammed his mouth again.

Liang Huan was completely speechless, "Miss, why don't you want to eat?"

"Beef and mutton!" Xue Zhiyan's answer was quite neat.

Chi Qian's movement of drinking water froze suddenly, and her brows became more and more wrinkled.

She suddenly turned her head and looked at the man sitting under the parasol, staring at her intently, her eyes met, but there was endless anger in her eyes.

Chi Qian suddenly put down the cup in her hand, reached into the counter, grabbed her mobile phone and car keys, and rushed out with big strides.

Under Xue Zhiyan's and Liang Huan's surprised eyes, Chi Qian walked up to Na Mingli, her face was gloomy and she didn't know what to say to him, so she took Na Mingli's arm and left.

Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan frowned together, their expressions were not very good.

The moment she saw Chi Qian's actions, the sky turned cloudy.

After Chi Qian took Na Mingli to leave, she didn't return to wait, didn't call, and didn't send a word.

Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan were not in a hurry, but they also knew that they still had to solve their own affairs, and no one else could help.

Xue Zhiyan said this to Jian Zelin when he was having lunch with Jian Zelin, but Jian Zelin didn't have too much attitude.

He said, "She is not young anymore, let her solve her affairs by herself."

He said, "As long as Namingli's target is not you, that's fine."

The corner of Xue Zhiyan's mouth twitched, he lowered his head to eat,

What Jian Zelin said is not unreasonable. They are worried about her, but there are some things that can only be resolved by letting her come forward.

Because none of them can represent Chi Qian and express her Chi Qian's opinion.

Liang Huan also told Yan Shaochen about this, but he was calmer than Jian Zelin.

He only said a word to Liang Huan, and he said, "No matter how bad Chi Qian's injury is, I can cure her."

Liang Huan had nothing to say, Dr. Yan was always so confident.

It's just that although the two men didn't care about it, they told Chi Yuan about it when no one was around.

Who knew that Chi Yuan was more relaxed, and said directly, let her make troubles, and he just needs to clean up the mess behind him.But now, he wants to accompany his wife for dinner, so he has no time to take care of her.

But the premise is that she can no longer let herself be covered in bruises.

Of course, after Chi Yuan hung up Yan Shaochen's phone, he sent Chi Qian a text message.

But Chi Qian didn't reply him.

The corners of Feng Ziyao's mouth twitched. After listening to what Chi Yuan said, he felt that the man in front of him was a typical example of having a wife and forgetting his sister.

Feng Ziyao was still a little worried about Chi Qian, so his originally happy expression also became a little serious.

Chi Yuan stretched out his arms around her waist, and whispered to her, "Don't worry, Qianqian is not that weak, she has survived such difficult times, what else can't survive?"

They all felt that Chiqian could solve this matter well, and they all thought that there was nothing Chiqian could not survive.

But they all forget that sometimes, if a person wants to survive, he just relies on his own beliefs and his own heart.

But if that person suddenly loses his heart and all his beliefs, how can he survive and survive?
They saw that Chi Qian survived, but they just knew that she still had a strong desire to survive.

They all saw that Chi Qian was recovering, and they felt that she would not fall twice on a man, and would not be so stupid as to forgive him.

But they all forgot that once a person's heart falls, it is not so easy to be freed.

Just like the entanglement between Chi Qian and Na Mingli, no amount of ruthless words, no amount of decisive actions can dispel the love in their hearts.

After all, the two who used to be each other's true love.

(End of this chapter)

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