The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 552 Never Hated You So Much

Chapter 552 Never Hated You So Much
Na Mingli didn't know that Chi Qian ran out suddenly and wanted to say something fiercely to him, but she was willing to talk to him, and he was still excited.

So he willingly drove behind Chi Qian, and began to look forward to the next time the two of them would have.

He had thought that Chi Qian would reject him again, and also expected whether Chi Qian would suddenly change his mind this time.

But she never thought that what Chi Qian said to him would have nothing to do with the two of them.

Chi Qian parked the car by the sea, and when she opened the door to get out of the car, Namingli's car just stopped beside her.

No matter what Naming Li does, he remains graceful.

Even when he was angry and wanted to curse, he would maintain his usual elegance.

This is the biggest difference between Namingli and Chiqian.

Slowness is also elegant, but her elegance is limited to special occasions.

But now his elegance, in her eyes, only made her feel sick.

So when Chi Qian saw that Naming Li was as elegant as ever, she became angry.

Namingli walked around to Chi Qian, with an elegant smile on the corner of his mouth, when he looked at Chi Qian affectionately, Chi Qian turned dark and walked towards him.

Her steps were very light, but he could feel that every step she took seemed to be stepping on his heart.

"Chi Qian..." Na Mingli just called out her name, Chi Qian raised her leg and kicked him in the stomach mercilessly.

Chi Qian used all her strength, and the defenseless Na Mingli staggered two steps backwards, clutching her stomach that had just been kicked, and looked at Chi Qian with a puzzled expression.

Although Chi Qian was a woman, she kicked him hard with all her strength, and it still hurt a little.

It's just that he didn't want her to see these painful expressions.

"Namingli, where is the child's heart!" Chi Qian wanted to ask this.

She just suddenly remembered that the heart of that child named Hao Chen was sold to N by that scumbag Tong Yuan.

Naming Li frowned, "What heart?"

With his hands gently covering his lower abdomen, he lowered his eyes and saw Chi Qian's shoe prints, which were clearly printed on his shirt.

The corner of Chi Qian's mouth curled into a sneer full of irony, is he playing dumb?But she is not a fool, she will not be deceived by him.

"A few months ago, you bought a heart from an organ dealer, didn't you?"

The sea breeze blows the broken hair on Chiqian's forehead, the sun shines down from the top of her head, she lowers her head slightly, he can't see the expression on her face clearly, only sees the gold edging on her side by the sun.

The expression on Namingli's face froze, how could she know about this?This matter is extremely confidential.

"Why, do you remember?" Chi Qian chuckled twice, her expression flickering, the smile on the corner of her mouth was always there, "Or, you are curious, how did I know?"

"Qianqian, listen to my explanation..." Namingli didn't expect that Chiqian was going to tell him about this, so there was unstoppable panic in his eyes.

That heart was found after searching for a long time to save his sister's daughter.

At this moment, he couldn't see Chi Qian's eyes clearly, nor could he see the expression on her face, but he could hear from her words that she was angry.

"Explain?" Chi Qian laughed again, "There's nothing to explain, you just have to say, yes or no."

"Qianqian, that heart is for Mingxin's child!" Namingli took a step forward, wanting to hold Chiqian's hand and explain to her carefully.

But Chi Qian's movements made all his movements freeze.

Chi Qian took a step back, still looking at him with a cold expression.

The cold look in his eyes made all his expectations and thoughts just now fall into an ice room in an instant, they were all frozen, and there was no momentum to sprout.

The sea breeze was still blowing, and the strands of her loose hair stuck to her face, making her already flickering complexion even more unpredictable.

She didn't speak, but looked at him coldly.

He didn't speak, just looked at her in pain.

Chi Qian had no choice but to clenched her hands and bit her lips tightly to stop her trembling.

The palm had already been pierced by nails, and she could feel warm liquid flowing from the palm.

Na Mingli is still so inhumane, he used another child's life to save the life of Na Mingxin's child.

One life is worth one life, but why should Hao Chen use his life to exchange that child's life?

Just because Hao Chen is an orphan?

"Namingli, you are really chilling!" Chi Qian took a deep breath, her voice trembling uncontrollably.

If it wasn't because he wanted the heart, Xue Zhiyan wouldn't have fallen into such a dangerous situation, and those two children wouldn't have died either.

Namingli opened his mouth, raised his hand and reached out to Chiqian, but Chiqian took a step back subconsciously, and was much further away from him.

"Namingli, you are really cruel." Chi Qian raised her hand, smoothed the hair on her face, and looked at him expressionlessly.

Namingli didn't understand, so he looked at Chiqian. He didn't know what the child had to do with Chiqian, but he could hear his distress in Chiqian's words.

He saw Chi Qian's serious expression clearly, and felt that despair seemed familiar.

So familiar, so helpless and desperate.

"Qianqian, do you know that child?" Namingli frowned, but still asked.

Chi Qian laughed suddenly, and smiled when she looked at Na Mingli, and crystal tears rolled down the corners of her eyes.

She originally felt that her decision was too ruthless for him. After all, they were still young back then, and they didn't understand many things.

These days, she can feel Na Mingli's intentions for her, and she can more clearly sense the deep regret in his heart.

She can't accept him again, but it can alleviate her hatred for him, but now...

She suddenly felt that her hatred for him was nothing at all.

Because she discovered that a person, no matter how he changes, will not change his nature.

As the so-called country is easy to change, the nature is difficult to change.

It's hard to say, but dogs can't change their diet!

That is the case with the Namin calendar.

Cruelty is his greatest characteristic, never expect him to be merciful one day.

unless he dies.

But there are some things that will be obliterated if someone dies.

She once thought that if the two of them were together, would he let go of those obsessions in his heart, and stop being so obsessed with some unimportant things.

Can he put away the sharpness on his body and stop hurting the people he cares about.

But thinking about it now, all her thoughts were her delusions.

She has long passed the age of dreams, but now that she thinks about it, she really feels that she was an idiot back then!
"Namingli, not only do I know that child, I can tell you about it." Chi Qian suddenly raised her head, glaring at the man standing in front of her with hatred, "That time, that organ trafficker might buy it for you." One get one free."

Naming Li frowned, very puzzled by this statement.

Chi Qian suddenly laughed, "One is that child's heart, and the other is Xue Zhiyan's heart!"

"One heart can't guarantee the success of the operation. Two hearts, even if one doesn't work, is there another one?" The smile on Chi Qian's face became more and more bitter.

Chi Qian looked up at the sky, she couldn't open her eyes under the sunlight, "Namingli, I have never hated you like I do today."

(End of this chapter)

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