The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 553 I Have Left You Long Ago

Chapter 553 I Have Left You Long Ago
Chi Qian left, and Na Mingli stood there motionless, looking at the sea with confused eyes.

The sea breeze is still blowing, and the waves are constantly beating on the beach.

But in his eyes, all of this was meaningless.

His mind was full of what Chi Qian had said.

She said, Namingli, I have never hated you like I do today.

She said, Na Mingli, your selfishness almost killed Xue Zhiyan.

She said, Na Mingli, Xue Zhiyan is very important to me, but you have no place in my heart.

She said, Namingli, you are still ruthless as always, using a life you think is innocent to save a life you think is very important.

She said, Namingli, have you forgotten that life is equal.

She said, Na Mingli, it's okay to say that it's okay, otherwise I will hate you for the rest of my life.

She said, Namingli, I hate you, and I will hate you for the rest of my life with my child and that innocent child.

She always called him by his full name, and she said she hated him all her life.

Really turned into hate.

He suddenly felt that all he had done for a while was useless.

No matter what he did, no matter how nice he was to her, she would put him on the blacklist as she hated him in the past.

In the rest of my life, I hated him with all my energy.

He suddenly felt very painful in his heart, and he couldn't bear to live.

But he couldn't ignore her, couldn't let her go completely.

Before meeting her, he could miss her, miss her.

He even felt that even if they were face to face, he could face him calmly.

But he was wrong, and he was very wrong.

He met her in the bathroom hallway outside the Japanese restaurant, his heart beating uncontrollably.

He saw the tears falling from her eyes, and looked at the surprised expression in her eyes, he felt that his heart was hurting again and again as if being cut by a knife.

He cares about her.

He thought that she was just a weapon he used to attack Chi Yuan and Jian Zelin, but he didn't expect that she really fell into his heart.

Seeing Chi Qian get into the car and leave expressionlessly, his heart ached again uncontrollably.

The terrifying idea that had sprouted in his heart once again bubbled up.

He couldn't let his love for her be wiped out by Chi Qian like this.

He loves late.

So Chi Qian also loves him.

No matter what kind of closing method you use, you must let Chi Qian see him.

See his sincerity, see his love.

As for those insignificant people who occupy her heart and eyes, he will try his best to keep them away from slowness.

Chi Qian didn't return to wait in the afternoon, and she didn't want to go to see the sea and the imperial scenery, so she went directly to Qianxiang Xiaozhu.

She slept all afternoon, and it was dark when she got up.

She hasn't come to Qianxiang Xiaozhu for a long time, so there is nothing to eat here except the wine stored before.

Chi Qian casually put on a suit of clothes, took her wallet and went out.

She was so hungry that she only brought her wallet and car keys when she went out, and even threw her cell phone on the bedside table in her room.

So when she saw Na Mingli standing in the parking lot of the supermarket, she wanted to call Leng Yun, but there was no way for him to pick her up.

Na Mingli walked towards her step by step, the sound of his footsteps echoed in the empty parking lot, falling on Chi Qian's ears, but it was extremely heavy.

Chi Qian really didn't expect that after separating from him at noon, he would come to the door in the afternoon.

She thought she had said it clearly enough.

She doesn't want to have anything to do with him anymore, he will never be in her heart anymore.

Even if she hated him, she didn't want to put him in her heart and hate him anymore, otherwise her heart would really hurt.

Chi Qian took the things she bought in her hand, took a step to the side, raised her feet and walked towards her parking place.

"Chi Qian!" Na Mingli came over and grabbed her arm, preventing her from moving forward.

Chi Qian twisted her body, trying to break free from his hand.

"I won't let you leave me!" Namingli said with gritted teeth.

Chi Qian smiled, her laughter was still as clear and pleasant as ever.

"If I remember correctly, I left you a few years ago." Chi Qian raised her head, met his gaze without flinching, "So, you have amnesia now, are you kidding me?"

Namingli also laughed, but his smile made Chi Qian feel creepy.

Namingli lowered his head, leaned close to her ear, and deliberately lowered his voice, "Do you think I'm joking?"

Chi Qian's car keys and wallet, as well as the bag of things she bought, were all scattered on the ground.

She didn't know where Namingli was going to take her. She struggled and resisted, but Namingli blocked her.

She was tired and out of breath, but Namingli was very leisurely and relaxed.

Sitting in the car, she suddenly felt that this time was over. She didn't even bring out her mobile phone. They definitely didn't know about her disappearance.

Chi Qian sighed heavily, and turned her head to the side where Na Mingli was not there.

Looking at the dim lights outside the car window, I suddenly felt that I would not be happy in the days to come.

How can you be happy with someone you hate?

At night, Xue Zhiyan leaned against Jian Zelin's arms.

Jian Zelin put the computer on his lap, checked some of the emails from Vic, picked out important things, and replied.

Xue Zhiyan was holding the tablet and scrolling through the news, and saw a group photo of the two of them.

"Well, this photo is not bad!" Xue Zhiyan clicked on the big picture and saw two people in the photo.

When Jian Zelin heard Xue Zhiyan's words, he raised his head and moved closer, and saw a large picture of Xue Zhiyan's back exposed in the air.

This is a photo of Xue Zhiyan at the New Year's Day dinner.

At that time, he didn't think there was anything wrong with this photo. Now, it is obvious that he let everyone see his exclusive private beauty!

"Not good! Replace it!" Jian Zelin dropped the four words, turned around and continued to reply to Vic's email.

Xue Zhiyan glanced at him sideways, "I think it's pretty good, look, it's so affectionate!"

The two people in the photo are both sideways, her head is slightly hanging, his head is tilted, and his thin lips seem to be kissing his forehead.

The corners of the lips of the two of them are slightly raised, with faint smiles, they seem to be affectionate and affectionate.

Jian Zelin slammed the lid of the computer shut, looked at Xue Zhiyan with a serious face, reached out and took the tablet away, and returned directly to the main interface.

"If I say this photo is not good, it is not good!" Jian Zelin said in a very serious tone.

Xue Zhiyan curled his lips, patted his pillow, and lay directly on the bed, "You are so domineering!"

After speaking, he turned over and left the back of his head for Jian Zelin.

Jian Zelin casually put the computer and tablet on the floor, turned over and pressed Xue Zhiyan under him, "I still have a time to be more domineering!"

Xue Zhiyan's scream was swallowed by Jian Zelin before it could come out...

(End of this chapter)

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