The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 555 She's gone

Chapter 555 She's gone

When Chi Yuan accompanied Feng Ziyao to the hospital, Shen Bihua had already come out of the emergency room.

Shen Bihua, who was originally elegant, now has a withered complexion and a thin body lying on the hospital bed. He opened his eyes to see that their strength was gone.

When her illness was discovered, it was already difficult to treat, but in order not to worry Xue Zhiyan and the others, she decided to come for treatment.

Even though she already knew that at that time, her life was near the end of her life.

During this period of time, she borrowed money and medicine from God.

She didn't see Xue Zhiyan getting married, but she knew that she was engaged to Jian Zelin.

This is the most gratifying thing in her life.

When Su Lingxuan received the news and rushed to the ward, he was really shocked when he saw Shen Bihua's appearance.

If it's not easy to say, Su Lingxuan only felt that the elegant Dean Shen lying on the hospital bed in front of him was just a skeleton.

It's just that the skeleton still has breathing and skin at this time.

Xue Zhiyan's tears flowed silently, she couldn't cry, she could only lean on Jian Zelin's shoulder and weep.

She didn't know what she should do, she couldn't help her relieve the torment of the pain, and she couldn't say anything to comfort her, so she could only cry.

She couldn't even cry, she was afraid that Shen Bihua would be sad.

But God knows, such silent crying is more worrying than that kind of crying.

Especially Jian Zelin felt his shirt being wet by her tears, and his heart was clenched together.

Shen Bihua is about to pass away, which is indeed a sad thing.

But compared to Shen Bihua's death, Xue Zhiyan's crying like this was what he was most worried about.

"Okay, okay, control your emotions and go see Dean Shen." Jian Zelin kissed Xue Zhiyan's red and swollen eyes, and squeezed her shoulder in distress.

Xue Zhiyan's nasal voice was a bit heavy, and he leaned into Jian Zelin's arms and nodded heavily, "Call Dad, after all, they were quite familiar with each other before."

Jian Zelin kissed the top of her hair, "Okay, I'll let Vic contact him, is there anyone else who wants to contact him?"

"It's gone, those people in You'an Hospital, wait until the funeral and notify them." Xue Zhiyan sniffed, let go of Jian Zelin's arm, and walked gently towards the hospital bed.

Shen Bihua on the hospital bed seemed to know that Xue Zhiyan was approaching her, and when Xue Zhiyan was about to walk to the bedside, he finally opened his eyes.

She pulled out a smile with difficulty, and looked at Xue Zhiyan quietly, her originally cloudy eyes suddenly glowed.

Xue Zhiyan walked to the hospital bed, held her skinny hand, and stroked it gently.

She didn't even remember how long she hadn't been so close to her.

I don't know when it started, she gradually became afraid of Shen Bihua, afraid of getting close to her, and always felt that she would suddenly lose her temper with her.

That kind of Shen Bihua is actually very scary. In the first few years, Shen Bihua was not as good-tempered as she is now. Xue Zhiyan would be severely punished if she did something wrong.

Although Xue Zhiyan knew that she was doing it for her own good, it would inevitably leave a shadow in her young heart.

"Yanyan has grown up." Shen Bihua said such a sentence with great effort.

Xue Zhiyan still had crystal clear tears in his eyes, and smiled at Shen Bihua, "Yes, Yanyan is already getting married!"

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, she lowered her head shyly, but only she knew that she didn't want Shen Bihua to see her tears.

"Yes! Zhiyan is already getting married!" Shen Bihua smiled and nodded, every word she said seemed to use up all her strength.

Xue Zhiyan nodded, "Mother Shen, don't worry, he treats me very well."

Shen Bihua looked at Xue Zhiyan's eyes suddenly flickered, and after a long time, she nodded, "Yes, you are always so lucky, there is always a man by your side who only has you in his eyes."

Xue Zhiyan didn't think too much, nor did he carefully investigate who Shen Bihua was talking about.

Just because she doesn't care doesn't mean others don't care either.

Liang Huan and Feng Ziyao didn't think too much about these words, but in the ears of the four of Jian Zelin, there was another meaning.

You, besides Xue Zhiyan, there is another person.

And this person should be someone related to Xue Zhiyan, otherwise Shen Bihua wouldn't have mentioned the last words to Xue Zhiyan when he was dying.

Just this person, who could it be?
About the same age as Shen Bihua, the only living woman around Xue Zhiyan was Yan Wen.

Jian Zelin looked at Su Lingxuan, but Su Lingxuan shrugged, saying that he didn't know who the other person Shen Bihua was talking about was either.

But he can be sure of one thing, that woman is definitely not his mother Yanwen.

"My words must be happy!" Shen Bihua let out a long breath, and squeezed Xue Zhiyan's hand vigorously with his skinny hands.

She looked at Xue Zhiyan's eyes even more flickering than before, looking at her as if she was looking at another person.

The way she looked at Xue Zhiyan became softer and softer, and her words became more and more incomprehensible.

"In my entire life, the person I'm most sorry for is you, it's you. Will you blame me? You will! After all, I've made you lose so much, but I've also made you stay with him forever..."

After Shen Bihua finished speaking, she slowly closed her eyes, and even holding Xue Zhiyan's hand, she gradually lost her strength.

She said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Then he let go of Xue Zhiyan's hand forever.

Xue Zhiyan covered his mouth, but in the end he didn't cry out, tears flowed down his fingers and dripped onto Shen Bihua's gradually stiffening palms.

Jian Zelin came over and hugged Xue Zhiyan's shoulder from behind, silently giving her strength, his shoulder will always be her support.

Jian Qiyang pushed open the door, just in time to see Shen Bihua's hand falling slowly.

Looking at Xue Zhiyan's trembling back, he knew that Shen Bihua was gone.

He also knew that Shen Bihua must have not said that.

He knew Shen Bihua too well, he was too persistent, determined to one thing, had the character of not turning back if he hit the south wall, even if he hit the south wall, she would not turn back.

He just sighed, walked to Xue Zhiyan's side, raised his hand to pat her on the shoulder, then walked to Shen Bihua's bed, and straightened her messy hair.

"Zhiyan will have a good life, you can go at ease!"

After all, he would never tell the matter that Shen Bihua concealed.

That matter, if possible, let it be hidden forever with their death!

After all, it was undoubtedly the biggest blow to Xue Zhiyan when that incident was revealed.

I'm afraid that when she learns the truth, even if she is living a good life, she will feel that life is worthless, right?
Xue Zhiyan's personality is very similar to Yan Xi's.

In her dictionary, there is no deception, no concealment.

Maybe Shen Bihua's walking like this is good for her and Xue Zhiyan.

Jian Qiyang rang the ward's call bell, and then pulled the quilt covering Shen Bihua neatly.

(End of this chapter)

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