The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 556 Conceal, I Just Don’t Want They To Worry

Chapter 556 Conceal, I Just Don’t Want They To Worry
Shen Bihua's funeral was held three days later.

Chi Qian appeared that day, and finally appeared after being missing for nearly half a month.

Her face was pale, she looked thinner, her face was bloodless, and she was extremely weak.

She didn't tell them that she escaped from the four-person villa in Namingli after exhausting all means.

She pointed at her carotid artery with sharp glass shards. If Namingli continued to imprison her, she would cut off her carotid artery unceremoniously.

At that time, even if Namingli had the best personal doctor, when they arrived, all she had left was a cold corpse.

Na Mingli would not gamble with Chi Qian's life, he knew that he had already stolen these ten days.

He sent Chi Qian away.

He watched Chi Qian walk out of his villa without looking back, his heart ached.

If possible, he would definitely not send Chi Qian away.Because he knew that once Chi Qian left, he would no longer be in his eyes.

Even these days, he forced her to look at him, even if there was only hatred in her eyes, she only looked at him alone.

Chi Qian stood in front of Shen Bihua's grave and bowed respectfully.

She didn't have any relationship with Shen Bihua, but she knew that she had a very important influence on Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan, so she bowed to her politely.

After all, the dead are the greatest.

Seeing her weak appearance, Chi Yuan and Feng Ziyao couldn't help feeling distressed.

Xue Zhiyan returned the salute to Chi Qian in a nonchalant manner, while Jian Zelin stood straight beside Xue Zhiyan.

"Qianqian, are you okay?" Liang Huan stood beside Chiqian, reaching out to hold her arm.

Chi Qian shook her head vigorously, "Let Yan Shaochen prescribe some medicine for me later?"

Yan Shaochen glanced at her, his expression became more solemn.

She would definitely ask Yan Shaochen to prescribe her medicine. These days, Namingli's torture to her made her feel sick even thinking about it.

If she hadn't come to attend Shen Bihua's funeral, she would have rubbed all the skin off her body in her bathroom.

But she can't do that. It's summer, and if there is any injury on her body, it will be seen by Chi Yuan and the others, and she can't see their distress.

"Chi Qian, where have you been lately?" Chi Yuan stood up and asked in a low voice.

She didn't know that during Chi Qian's absence, he and Feng Ziyao were worried to death, and every time Chi Weiran and Lan Wan called, Feng Ziyao changed the subject.

"I went out to play for a few days, but I was sick for a few days when I came back, and I have been sleeping at home." A bitter smile curled up on the corner of Chi Qian's mouth.

She didn't want Chi Yuan to know what she had experienced these days, and she didn't want that pervert Na Mingli to do anything to him, so she had to hide it.

Chi Qian stopped talking, and looked at Xue Zhiyan who was standing aside, with endless distress in her heart.

Namingli threatened her and didn't want Xue Zhiyan to speak, so he gave up the idea of ​​escaping.

So after being imprisoned for three days, she gave up the idea of ​​escaping from Namingli as soon as possible for the first time.

She was at his mercy, even if the two of them were on the bed, she still looked at the roof with a blank expression, and didn't give him any response.

How to give it!She hated him so much in her heart.

Knowing that he still loves her, so what?She doesn't love her anymore, everything about him has nothing to do with her anymore.

But for Xue Zhiyan and the others, she decided to compromise.

Finally, when she saw the news of Shen Bihua's death on the news, and Xue Zhiyan's swollen eyes and pale face, she couldn't stand it anymore.

She threatened Namingli with her life, and she was sure that Namingli would not let her get hurt.

Xue Zhiyan didn't look any better than her.

She was so weak after more than ten days of torture.

But Xue Zhiyan, in just three days, had already haggarded so much.

She withdrew all her thoughts, walked to Xue Zhiyan's side again, hugged her tightly, and gently stroked her back with her slender hands.

"Zhiyan! All the suffering is over, and it will be better in the future. Dean Shen will bless you." Chi Qian's clear voice drifted into Xue Zhiyan's ears.

Xue Zhiyan's eyes were red again, he hugged Chi Qian back forcefully, and nodded vigorously.

Jian Zelin stood aside and took a deep breath, and finally made Xue Zhiyan stop crying. Chi Qian's words made all his efforts in vain.

It seems that she is going to cry herself to sleep again tonight, when will her red, walnut-like eyes subside?

Jian Zelin felt that his head was getting bigger, but seeing Chi Qian's pale and feeble appearance, he couldn't lose his temper.

After all, it was for Xue Zhiyan's good that Chi Qian said these words to comfort her.

Xue Zhiyan let go of Chi Qian's embrace, "Go over there and have a rest, you look weaker than me!"

There is a heavy nasal sound in her voice, which shows how many times she has cried.

Jian Zelin even felt that Xue Zhiyan's throat was broken from crying, so she didn't dare to let her cry anymore.

She shed tears, and he felt that a needle kept poking his heart.

"Okay, don't cry, you forgot what you promised me?" Jian Zelin walked to Xue Zhiyan's side, and squeezed her shoulder vigorously.

Xue Zhiyan nodded, "Well, I haven't forgotten."

Jian Zelin looked at the people coming from behind, "There shouldn't be many people left, just go to the cemetery later, come home with me and have a good rest, okay?"

Xue Zhiyan hesitated, "But Mama Shen's belongings haven't been cleaned up yet."

Jian Zelin's expression darkened instantly, and he looked at Xue Zhiyan displeasedly, "The relics can be sorted out anytime, do you have to tire yourself out?"

"I..." Xue Zhiyan opened his mouth, but made no sound.

"Xue Zhiyan, you don't know that you are like this, it makes me feel very distressed." Jian Zelin squeezed her shoulder with more strength.

Xue Zhiyan nodded. She had been crying for the past three days, and even she felt that she was going to cry to the point of collapse.

She was sad, and Jian Zelin was also feeling bad. She was always worried about whether she would be exhausted, and had to help her with some things.

"I'm sorry, I'll listen to you." Xue Zhiyan hugged Jian Zelin.

Jian Zelin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand and patted her butt lightly as a sign of punishment, "My tone of voice was too harsh, you should be sad, but no matter how sad you are, you should cherish it." own body."

"Well, I see." Xue Zhiyan sniffed and gave Jian Zelin a smile.

Jian Zelin reached out and pinched her nose, "It's so ugly!"

Xue Zhiyan pulled Jian Zelin's tie again, and wiped away his tears unceremoniously, "You have to see it too!"

Jian Zelin lowered his head and kissed Xue Zhiyan's earlobe, "Good boy, no matter what you are, I like it."

Xue Zhiyan stretched out his hand and pinched his waist, "It's not the right occasion to confess your love here?"

Jian Zelin rolled his eyes, "Be good, don't worry me, don't think about other things."

Xue Zhiyan nodded, let go of Jian Zelin, faced the person who walked in behind, and stood up respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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