The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 558 Please Be Careful About Other People's Feelings

Chapter 558 Please Be Careful About Other People's Feelings
"Ling, you are really stingy, don't spread the word!" Chi Qian's voice was full of ridicule.

"You don't know how dangerous it is to make a phone call in a car. Jian Zelin and you two really have the heart to ask Xue Zhiyan to answer your phone calls while driving?" Chi Qian raised her brows looking at Su Lingxuan after she finished speaking.

Su Lingxuan was completely helpless, all three of them wanted to make themselves bleed!
Su Lingxuan turned the steering wheel easily, raised her eyebrows, "She has never played with these before, and she really likes the little silver gun on Ze's body!"

Chi Qian was surprised this time, and Jian Zelin was speechless.

This was all a year ago, how could he still remember it so clearly?
"You mean Jian Zelin's close-fitting one?" Chi Qian said in surprise.

Jian Zelin coughed twice, "If you like it, you like it. I was still afraid that she would hurt me, so I never gave it to her."

A gleam flashed in Xue Zhiyan's eyes, and he nodded, "I like that pistol with its tone, but it's also dangerous!"

"Why do I have a bad premonition?" Chi Qian shrank her shoulders, looked at Su Lingxuan and said softly.

Su Lingxuan nodded and agreed.

"So, let the owner of the silver gun protect me at all times, it's safer, isn't it?" Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, looked at Jian Zelin and smirked for a while.

Sure enough, Chi Qian and Su Lingxuan were speechless, Xue Zhiyan always likes to show their affection so unabashedly!
"We can't be friends anymore, Xue Zhiyan!" Chi Qian shouted this sentence with a smile, and hung up unceremoniously.

Su Lingxuan looked at Chi Qian's angry little face, and couldn't help laughing.

Xue Zhiyan's side looked different.

She looked at Jian Zelin innocently, and her expression was quite innocent, "What's wrong with me?"

Jian Zelin stretched out a hand, rubbed Xue Zhiyan's long hair, and said with a smile, "It's nothing, there's nothing wrong with what you said."

Xue Zhiyan chuckled, "I also think that what I said is not wrong at all!"

"That gun is indeed more dangerous than you." Xue Zhiyan nodded cutely.

Jian Zelin stepped on the gas pedal again, and smiled without saying a word.

When they arrived at You'an Courtyard, the children were moving freely in the yard.

Since learning the previous lesson, the door of You'an Courtyard is not always open.

Xue Zhiyan led Chi Qian to the front, playing with and teasing the children from time to time, not paying attention to what Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan were saying behind them.

"I hope we can find what we are looking for today." Jian Zelin glanced at Xue Zhiyan's profile.

Su Lingxuan put his hands in his pockets, squinted his eyes, "If what you found is related to Zhiyan, do you want to continue?"

Jian Zelin nodded without hesitation, "We must continue, even if I don't tell her, those things must be investigated clearly. The suffering of the past ten years cannot be made in vain."

Su Lingxuan looked at Xue Zhiyan's eyes, his eyes were filled with infinite distress.

The few of them used their news network to find out about Shen Bihua's previous work, and Jian Zelin also told Xue Zhiyan about it, but she didn't think of anything.

And it was such a coincidence that after Xue Zhiyan's accident, he appeared in You'an Courtyard, and happened to be rescued by Shen Bihua, and Shen Bihua never returned to Xue's to work after that.

Everything is such a coincidence, Jian Zelin does not believe that there are so many coincidences in the world.

Moreover, in Shen Bihua's attitude towards Xue Zhiyan, he always felt that Shen Bihua was hiding something, that's why he was so resistant to Xue Zhiyan's revealing his identity at first.

The most important thing is, why are there so many photos of Xue's family in Shen Bihua's place?
As her secretary, how could she get those photos?
"Then you have investigated clearly, do you want to hide it?" Su Ling asked seriously, he knew what Xue Zhiyan hated the most, and if she didn't tell her the result of the investigation, she would definitely go crazy.

Jian Zelin was silent for a while, looking at Xue Zhiyan's side face secretly in a trance.

If it was really as they had speculated, and the investigation revealed that the Xue family's affairs were closely related to Shen Bihua, this would undoubtedly be a great blow to Xue Zhiyan.

Told her that she would most likely break down.

But if you hide it from her and don't tell her, there will definitely be a knot in her heart.

Her world is like this, and there is no room for concealment and deception.

So Jian Zelin was in a bit of a dilemma.

He wanted to investigate clearly the cause and effect of the Xue family's accident back then. He wanted to know why Xue Zhiyan had left for so long.

But he was worried that when Xue Zhiyan knew the truth, he would show a desperate look and expression.

He knew that even though Xue Zhiyan never mentioned the events of that year, she still wanted to know in her heart what caused the car accident that killed her whole family.

After all, those were her dearest and most loved ones, all of them died at once, and she was the only one left. No matter what, she felt uncomfortable, right?
This time, for the first time, Jian Zelin had the idea of ​​giving up the investigation. He had never done anything like this, wanting to give up halfway.

Just because that person is Xue Zhiyan.

In the end... Do you want to give up?

Xue Zhiyan felt Jian Zelin's gaze on her, and when she turned her head, she just met his blank eyes.

It was the first time Xue Zhiyan saw Jian Zelin who was at a loss. He had always been a confident decision maker. What made him look like this?

Seeing Xue Zhiyan looking at her, Jian Zelin slightly raised the corners of his lips, and a familiar smile appeared on his handsome face.

Jian Zelin left Su Lingxuan who was walking beside him, strode to Xue Zhiyan's side, pushed Chi Qian away, and hugged her shoulder.

"What's the matter?" Jian Zelin in the sunshine no longer had a cold aura, especially when he had a smile on his face, he was definitely a standard warm man.

"Just to see, why didn't you follow up?" Xue Zhiyan smiled and rubbed Xiao Douding's head beside him, "What were you looking at just now?"

Jian Zelin smiled and kissed Xue Zhiyan's hair, his eyes were full of his love for Xue Zhiyan, "Just now I thought, is my words so gentle and charming when I was a girl, and also so bright and moving .”

"Tsk—" Chi Qian protested unbearably, "Do you two dare to be concerned about the feelings of others?"

Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan shrugged at the same time, "Don't dare!"

Then I heard the happy laughter of the children, surrounding Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan, "Sister Zhiyan, hug your brother, shame on your face!"

"Hey, right! Are they shy! Shay!" Chi Qian bent over, smiling, encouraging the children to boo.

Su Ling came over, patted Chi Qian on the head, bent down, smiled nicely and said to the children, "They are ashamed, let's not look at them!"

After Su Lingxuan finished speaking, he made a gesture of covering his face, and the children followed suit, and quickly ran away, no longer surrounding them.

(End of this chapter)

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