The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 559 The Disappearing Notepad

Chapter 559 The Disappearing Notepad
Xue Zhiyan and Chi Qian went to tidy up the clothes and daily necessities left by Shen Bihua, while Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan went to the storage room where Shen Bihua's desk was placed.

The things that were originally placed in the desk drawer were not touched by the other staff of You'an Courtyard. They were put there in the past, and they are still put in the same way now.

So Jian Zelin relied on his extraordinary memory to open the first drawer at once, where the notebook was placed back then.

The first time I saw a group photo of Xue Li and Yan Xi holding Xiao Xue Zhiyan, it was placed in this drawer, and there was an old notepad at that time.

If he was not mistaken at the time, Xue Li's complexion in that photo was lighter than that of Yan Xi and Xue Zhiyan.

This clearly shows that Shen Bihua often looks at that photo, and always subconsciously strokes Xue Li's face.

How close does it have to be to keep looking at his photos and keep touching his face in order to miss him?
Jian Zelin didn't know.

Later, I found those old photos, which fell out of that old notepad.

Most of them are group photos, those of Xue Li and Yan Xi, those of Yan Xi and Xue Zhiyan, those of Xue Li and Xue Zhiyan, those of Xue Li's family of three, and a few of Xue Li and Shen Bihua.

Only there are no single photos.

Shen Bihua kept the photos in her notepad all the time, it can be seen that those photos, just like the things recorded in her notepad, are secret and important.

But now, in the opened drawer, where is the notepad still there?
Not to mention the notepad, there is not even a piece of paper of the same type on the notepad, let alone the photos that once lay here with the notepad.

Jian Zelin frowned tightly.

"What's wrong?" Su Ling flipped through the documents in the bookcase, most of which were the identity information of the former children.

Jian Zelin pointed to the empty drawer, "The notepad I told you is gone."

Su Ling came over and rummaged through the drawer. Apart from some documents, he really hadn't seen the notepad.

Su Lingxuan leaned halfway against the table, rubbing her chin with her fingers, thoughtful.

"Will it be in the things that Zhiyan and Qianqian packed up?" Su Lingxuan looked at Jian Zelin suspiciously.

If that notepad really records important secrets, it is equivalent to her diary, then how can private things be placed in personal belongings?

"If it's really that important, putting personal items in the room may be seen by the cleaners. If you carry them with you, you don't have to worry about your secrets being discovered." Jian Zelin shook his head, directly denying Su Lingxuan's proposal statement.

"In that case, the notepad you mentioned should still be here." After Su Lingxuan finished speaking, he turned around and started flipping through the documents on the table.

Jian Zelin squatted down and checked the other drawers to see if she had put them in other places.

"No!" Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan searched for a while, and said in unison.

The two looked at each other, changed positions, and searched again, but they still couldn't find what they were looking for.

Su Ling frowned and frowned, "Tell me, is she afraid that we or Zhiyan will know something, so she destroyed the notepad long ago?"

Jian Zelin shook his head and frowned, "No, she keeps the photo so precious, it won't be destroyed so easily."

"Then tell me, where else can I put it besides her clothes and daily necessities?" Su Lingxuan's brows frowned even tighter.

"Call Yuan and ask him to check whether Shen Bihua has rented a safe from the bank." After Jian Zelin finished speaking, he saw the books on the shelf beside him.

He stared at the rows of books, thoughtful.

He has read it in books before, and when some people hide secrets, they like to hide them in books.

Su Lingxuan looked at Jian Zelin's pensive look, and followed his gaze to the bookshelf, "You don't think Shen Bihua hid that notepad on the bookshelf, do you?"

Jian Zelin nodded, "It is indeed possible."

Then the two tall men walked to the front of the bookshelf together, and began to search through the books on the bookshelf, not missing a single one.

The two searched until dark, but they couldn't find what they were looking for, and they searched all the books on the shelf.

When Xue Zhiyan and Chi Qian came over, the two were sweating profusely, sitting on the floor with serious expressions.

The two of them never figured out where she would hide that old notepad.

"You two are sitting on the ground, isn't it cool?" Xue Zhiyan walked behind Jian Zelin and squeezed his shoulder.

Jian Zelin was sitting with his back facing the door, so he turned his head when he heard Xue Zhiyan's voice. Xue Zhiyan lowered his head and squeezed his shoulders, which became the angle from which he looked up at her.

Su Lingxuan shook his head, "I'm not tired, it's just that there are so many things, the two of us really don't know what to do!"

After speaking, he rubbed his nose and smiled helplessly.

"Have you all packed up?" Jian Zelin squeezed Xue Zhiyan's hand and looked up at her.

Xue Zhiyan nodded, "There's nothing to clean up. Most of the daily necessities have been thrown away, and the clothes are also treated in the same way. The remaining books and documents have been brought over and placed in the previous office."

Chi Qian sat on a chair beside her and looked at the things that Shen Bihua had used. There were traces of rummaging everywhere.

This is not packing things, it is simply looking for things in these things!

But Chi Qian didn't ask, they must have their intentions, it's better for her not to talk too much.

Xue Zhiyan went to the table and walked around, opened every drawer to search, then looked up at Su Lingxuan and Jian Zelin.

"Have you seen a very old notebook, that is the notepad of Shen's mother before she was alive, and there are many phone numbers that can be used on it." Xue Zhiyan said, he took out a book from the shelf and gestured for its size.

Jian Zelin instantly turned his head to look at Su Lingxuan. Although their eyes were normal, they were taken aback.

How did Xue Zhiyan know about the existence of this notebook?

The two looked at each other, neither of them showed anything wrong, they turned to look at Xue Zhiyan in surprise.

"Phone number? What phone number?" Jian Zelin stood up, stretched his legs, walked to Xue Zhiyan's side, and hugged her tightly.

"There are phone numbers for schools, hospitals, and some public welfare organizations. Mother Shen likes to write them down with a pen." Xue Zhiyan stretched out his fingers and counted one by one.

She had only counted the number of non-profit organizations, and before she could say anything after that, Jian Zelin stretched out his hand and held her fingers tightly.

Xue Zhiyan who was stopped raised his head in surprise, and looked at him in surprise, "What's wrong?"

Su Lingxuan picked up the books on the floor and put them back on the bookshelf, "There is a huge library of resources by your side, and that notepad is no longer needed!"

The corner of Jian Zelin's mouth twitched, Xue Zhiyan laughed, and then pointed to Su Lingxuan, "You really have the mouth to talk about others, but you don't have the mouth to talk about yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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