Chapter 560
Chi Qian just sat on the chair, watching the bright lights in You'an courtyard, and the children and staff sat in the courtyard to enjoy the shade.

As night fell, City S didn't have the scorching heat of being scorched by the sun during the day. At night, the evening breeze was blowing, making it very comfortable.

Looking at the figures of those children running around, Chi Qian suddenly remembered the little life in her stomach.

Even though he hasn't formed yet, Chi Qian still likes him, even if the child's father is the man she hates right now.

Namingli, ah Namingli, you are really hard to love!

Thinking of what Namingli did to her a while ago, her body couldn't stop shaking.

Xue Zhiyan, who was arguing with Jian Zelin and Su Ling, turned around and saw Chi Qian staring out the window in a daze, her body trembling uncontrollably, which frightened her.

"Qianqian, what's wrong with you?" Xue Zhiyan ran over and hugged Chiqian from behind.

Chi Qian turned her head to look at her, her face was also a little pale, "Huh? Me?"

Xue Zhiyan nodded vigorously, "I saw you were trembling non-stop, and your complexion is so bad, is there something uncomfortable? Are you tired this afternoon? Are you feeling better?"

Chi Qian shook her head with a smile, "I'm not tired or uncomfortable, just a little hungry!"

There were black lines on Xue Zhiyan's face, but she still didn't believe it, because the smile on the corner of Chi Qian's mouth was too unnatural.

Chi Qian patted Xue Zhiyan's hand on her shoulder, "Really, I'm just a little hungry."

As Chi Qian said, she glanced out of the window again, and landed on the group of children having fun, her eyes were full of indescribable love and regret.

Seeing those children, Xue Zhiyan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered, if Chi Qian hadn't experienced such a thing, her child would be three years old now, right?

Xue Zhiyan looked back at Jian Zelin helplessly, she didn't know how to comfort Chi Qian, there was no way to comfort Chi Qian with words.

Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan walked over one after the other, stood in front of the window and looked at the scene Chi Qian saw, and both sighed silently.

Chi Qian's ecstasy made the two of them more sure about one thing. Na Mingli made Chi Qian understand what love is, and at the same time, let this once simple girl know what hate is.

None of the three of Jian Zelin spoke, they stood quietly behind Chi Qian, watching the scene of children playing outside the window.

Jian Zelin's phone rang, breaking the terrible silence.

Xue Zhiyan pouted, slightly dissatisfied, as if blaming him for the untimely ringing of the phone, which broke the quiet atmosphere.

Chi Qian also froze for a moment, lowered her eyes, put away all the emotions in her heart, and returned to her usual normal demeanor.

Jian Zelin quickly hung up the phone, glanced at the three people who were looking at him at the same time, "My dad asked us to go back to the old house for dinner."

Chi Qian smiled and patted her stomach, "I said just now that I was hungry, now I have something to eat!"

Xue Zhiyan rolled his eyes, "Food!"

Chi Qian smiled, "Food is the paramount necessity of the people!"

Su Lingxuan smiled and reached out to rub Chiqian's hair, while Jian Zelin stretched out his hand to hook Xue Zhiyan into his arms.

"Let's go!" Jian Zelin whispered in Xue Zhiyan's ear.

Xue Zhiyan nodded, and reached out to pull Chi Qian, "Let's go?"

Chi Qian glanced at Xue Zhiyan, "Aren't you looking for that notepad?"

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, "I won't look for it anymore!" As he said that, he stretched out his hand to hold Su Lingxuan's arm, and leaned his head on Jian Zelin's shoulder, "These two are alive, much easier to use than that dead notepad!"

Chi Qian glanced at Su Lingxuan and Jian Zelin sympathetically, and expressed sympathy for the fact that they were compared with the notebook.

It was already an hour later when several people arrived at Jian's mansion from You'an Courtyard.

At this time, Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan were sitting in the living room chatting with Jian Qiyang, while Chi Yuan and Yan Shaochen were obediently sitting aside to make tea for the two of them.

Feng Ziyao picked up the tea made by Chi Yuan, frowned, and drank it reluctantly.

Yan Shaochen saw a black and slender figure with sharp eyes, and a look of relief appeared on his face. He hurriedly stood up and gave up the tea making place.

"Zhiyan is here!" The tone of the speech could not conceal the joy.

The corner of Liang Hu's mouth twitched, he glanced sideways at him, put down the tea cup in his hand, and didn't drink the bad cup of tea.

It is said that whether the taste of tea is good or not, apart from its own taste, the quality of water depends on the skill of the tea maker.

It can be seen that Chi Yuan and Yan Shaochen's technique is really not very good.

Even Jian Qiyang poured tea into the trash can while a few people were not paying attention.

How could Jian Zelin not know what Yan Shaochen meant, and directly put his arms around Xue Zhiyan's shoulders, glanced at the messy tea sets on the tea table, and felt his head hurt a bit.

"If you want to drink tea, make your own. Zhiyan has been busy all afternoon and is very tired!"

Everyone was speechless. Unexpectedly, Jian Zelin didn't know what tact was.

Even Jian Qiyang was speechless, he really wanted to drink the tea made by Xue Zhiyan, but he just asked Jian Zelin to pinch the little sprout in his heart with a single sentence.

Xue Zhiyan leaned against his arms and giggled, looked at the mess on the tea table, pushed away Jian Zelin's hand, walked over, and re-boiled the water.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan walking over with a smile, Jian Zelin glanced at all of them with a sullen face, followed him, and sat on the sofa beside Xue Zhiyan.

"Aren't Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan also able to make tea?" Jian Zelin said displeasedly with a sidelong glance at Chi Yuan and Yan Shaochen.

Chi Yuan shrugged helplessly, and looked down at the woman leaning on his arms, "Uncle Jian is pulling the two of them to chat, we can only wait on the side!"

When Chi Qian heard this, she couldn't help laughing beside her. If outsiders knew that these two men were waiting by her side, her jaw would drop in shock.

Xue Zhiyan also held back his laughter, but the movements of his hands did not stop.

She replaced the tea with new ones, washed the cups again, cleaned up the messy tea tables, and re-arranged the tea cups for everyone.

Su Lingxuan sniffed vigorously, and there was already the fragrance of tea in the air. He glanced at Xue Zhiyan with a smile, "The tea made by Aze, Yuan and Chen is really not flattering!"

The three of them stared at Su Lingxuan at the same time, and said in unison, "I don't dare to compliment you, then come here!"

After making tea, Xue Zhiyan burst out laughing, seeing Su Lingxuan's shriveled face, he smiled even more joyfully!
Su Lingxuan is a typical example of laughing at fifty steps and laughing at hundred steps!
Su Ling twisted an unnatural smile on the corner of his mouth, touched his nose, turned his head to look aside, an unnatural blush floated across his face.

After Xue Zhiyan divided the tea for everyone, he went to Jian Zelin's side, "Dad, you asked us to come here, what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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