The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 566 It's really a bad taste!

Chapter 566 It's really a bad taste!
Chi Yuan didn't ask the cause and effect of that matter, but he could hear from Chi Qian's tone that Chi Qian's matter was resolved very well.

And most importantly, she was not influenced by Namingli.

What excited him the most was that Chi Qian didn't evade Na Mingli's name this time, but directly said his name, summarizing what happened.

Since Di Wei drugged her, Chi Qian can do whatever she wants, and he will take care of anything that happens.

She even felt that what Chi Qian said would add a little fun to her life, and it was no challenge for that woman at all.

So Chi Yuan made a secret decision in his heart, and he will directly order Leng Yun again later, to be more ruthless.

Now that Di Wei has reached out to Chi Qian, don't blame him for playing hard.

Although there was a document spread out in front of Chi Yuan, he didn't read much into it, and Chi Qian didn't even see the threatening flash in his eyes.

Chi Yuan raised his eyes and saw that Chi Qian was looking at the information of Di's family without any abnormality, then put away all his thoughts and started to look at what Leng Yun found.

Diwei once ran after Jian Zelin, but he didn't pay much attention to the situation at her home, and of course he would not investigate her.

Later, those things between her and Xue Zhiyan were not enough for him to investigate Di Wei, after all, with Jian Zelin, he knew that Jian Zelin would protect Xue Zhiyan, even if it didn't appear that way on his face!

Worst of all, there was Su Lingxuan, he wouldn't look at Xue Zhiyan at a disadvantage, so he really didn't think about investigating Di Wei at that time.

But now looking at the records in hand, I feel that Di Wei really shouldn't have been let go. What kind of mess is in this information?

As early as a year ago, their Di family was not as peaceful as it seemed on the surface, and she could still show off in front of Xue Zhiyan?Where did she get her confidence?

After only reading two pages, Chi Yuan felt that his eyes were hurting.He threw down the documents in his hand angrily, and took out a wet towel to wipe his hands, as if he touched something dirty with bacteria just now.

Seeing her elder brother's actions, Chi Qian couldn't help laughing. She raised her eyes and glanced at Chi Yuan, "You can't stand it after watching this? If you read the rest, you might spit it out." Bar?"

Chi Yuan raised his eyebrows, "What's going on behind?"

Chi Qian pulled out a piece of paper from the file folder and waved it in front of her eyes, "Do you know how she got some orders for the Di family?"

Chi Yuan frowned, "Isn't it under the guise of Aze?"

Chi Qian raised her eyebrows, and threw the fluffy piece of paper directly in front of him, "It's not just that idiot Jian Zelin, you've been taken advantage of one by one!"

Chi Qian closed the document in his hand a little disgusted, and then randomly pulled out another document from the side, "Here is her ID card usage information, most of them are express hotels!"

After Chi Qian finished speaking, she threw the folder out like something dirty, and followed Chi Yuan's example, took out a wet tissue and wiped her hands.

"Tsk tsk, she hides really well!" Chi Qian took a sip of tea leisurely, "I really don't know, their family is like this, why does Jian Zelin go to such trouble to suppress their family!"

Chi Yuan also frowned in disgust, it was obvious that what Chi Qian said was right, given the situation in that woman's family, Jian Zelin didn't have to do anything at all, and their family wouldn't last long.

"Who knows!" Chi Yuan also picked up the coffee cup and took a sip, "Aze's hands are really dirty!"

Chi Qian nodded agreeingly, "It's just that I'm curious about one more thing, brother, aren't you surprised?"

Chi Yuan raised his eyebrows, "You mean, where did she get the money to support her living a luxurious life abroad?"

Chi Qian nodded with a smile, picked up the coffee cup and took another sip of coffee.

The smile on Chi Yuan's face suddenly became more sinister, "Before we investigate, do you want to give Aze a break?"

Chi Qian was stunned for a moment, then frowned, "As long as it won't affect Zhiyan and his feelings, it's okay to tell him."

Chi Yuan glanced at his sister with a smirk, and suddenly felt that she wasn't a devil enough.

"Don't look at me like a devil, I'm very kind." Chi Qian put down the coffee cup in her hand, stood up and walked outside.

"Are you still coming to work tomorrow?" Chi Yuan asked her with a smile.

"Come on, why don't you come?" Chi Qian replied directly, "And I'm going to my office now, it's not fun to be with you, a shrewd ghost!"

Chi Yuan touched his nose with a smile, "I want to have dinner with Yaoyao at noon, do you want to join?"

Chi Qian waved her hand without turning her head, "No, I don't have the will to be a light bulb!"

Chi Qian closed the door, and Chi Yuan was the only one left in the huge office. Chi Yuan stared at the documents on the table for a while, then picked up the phone and dialed Jian Zelin's number.

Chi Yuan told Jian Zelin about the matter in detail, and thought that Jian Zelin would hang up the phone angrily, but who knew that he heard Jian Zelin's laughter on the phone.

Chi Yuan didn't understand. In the past, when Jian Zelin heard that someone was using him, he would definitely kill that person in anger, but today he laughed, he really didn't understand.

So when Chi Yuan opened his mouth, he couldn't hide the concern in his tone, "Aze, what's wrong with you?"

Jian Zelin smiled again, then cleared his throat, "Yuan, don't you understand me?"

Chi Yuan remained silent, Jian Zelin was right, he knew him well, so he naturally knew that this matter was not as simple as he and Chi Qian thought it was.

Jian Zelin also paused at the right time, and then said his own words slowly, "Yuan, if I hadn't nodded in agreement, do you think Di Wei would have gotten those orders so easily?"

Chi Yuan frowned, "Then what do you mean?"

Jian Zelin laughed again, and there was more sarcasm in the laughter, "Yuan, do you know what it feels like to watch a person rise to a certain height, and then watch him fall from the clouds?"

Chi Yuan was speechless for a while, and then sneered at the phone, "Aze, you are really wicked."

Jian Zelin didn't deny it, "If you also have this opportunity, you can try it, the feeling is really... very cool!"

Chi Yuan laughed twice, since Aze knew about this, he didn't have to worry about anything, and he didn't have to worry too much about what he wanted to do.

"By the way, do you want to help Qianqian with something?" Chi Yuan chuckled lightly.

Jian Zelin put down the pen he was signing, squinted his eyes and glanced out of the window, thought for a while, and tapped lightly on the table with his bony index finger.

When Chi Yuan wondered if he had hung up the phone, he took a long breath and said calmly, "Since she likes to give others random medicines, let her try Chen's results." try it?"

(End of this chapter)

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