The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 567 Looks like someone is going to be unlucky

Chapter 567 Looks like someone is going to be unlucky

When Xue Zhiyan came to look for Jian Zelin, he saw a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, looking in a good mood.

"What's wrong with you?" Xue Zhiyan got him a glass of water from the water dispenser, sat opposite him, and carefully observed his expression.

Jian Zelin shook his head, "Today I was called perverted."

The corner of Xue Zhiyan's mouth twitched, he leaned over and touched his forehead with his hand, he didn't have a fever, why is he talking nonsense?

Jian Zelin held Xue Zhiyan's hand in a funny way, and kissed every finger of her, "Sit down for a while, I'll be done later."

Xue Zhiyan looked at Jian Zelin, who was a bit abnormal, and nodded awkwardly, then turned and walked towards the sofa.

Xue Zhiyan, who was sitting on the bed, kept looking at Jian Zelin secretly, thinking that it might be because of Jian Qiyang's departure that others are not normal, right?
Otherwise, if a normal person is called a pervert, it's fine if he doesn't get angry, how can he still laugh?
From the moment Xue Zhiyan entered the office, the smile on Jian Zelin's face became deeper and deeper.

He admits that he has a bit of bad taste, especially when it comes to punishing Di Wei. He clearly knows the real situation of the Di family, but he still offers them a piece of cake, and then snatches it with his own hands. mouth food.

This is a bit too cruel, especially for a woman who really likes him.

But all this is not so important in his eyes, especially after the person who likes him but doesn't like him hurts the person he cares about.

In his opinion, it was not enough for the Di family to be punished like this, but considering that Xue Zhiyan was kind, he left a way out.

In fact, he is accumulating blessings for Xue Zhiyan. Although he is not a superstitious person, when it comes to Xue Zhiyan, he is still willing to believe in everything.

Didn't the old saying say, it's better to believe what you have than to believe what you don't have.

Especially after Xue Zhiyan survived a catastrophe and came back to him, he believed even more in things like Jifu, which he never valued.

Xue Zhiyan saw that Jian Zelin was always in good spirits and showed no sign of anger, so he held the magazine and read it bored.

So when Jian Zelin looked up at her again, she was immersed in the magazine article, and didn't notice Jian Zelin's eyes at all.

In fact, there was nothing novel about the article, it was similar to the ones she had read when she was in school, it was just because she hadn't read such an article for a long time, and she was not used to it.

So when Jian Zelin walked to her side and sat down with his arms around her shoulders, her eyes were red.

I don't know if it's because of Jian Zelin and the feeling of home these people brought her, or because Jian Qiyang's departure today brought her some feelings.

Xue Zhiyan threw down the magazine in his hand without hesitation, turned around and nestled in Jian Zelin's arms, and couldn't help but wipe tears on his shirt.

"What's wrong?" Jian Zelin gently pushed Xue Zhiyan away, held her face in both hands, and wiped away the teardrops on her face with his thumb.

Xue Zhiyan sniffed hard and shook his head, "No, I just read this article, it's a bit touching."

Jian Zelin glanced at the magazine Xue Zhiyan threw on the sofa, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "It's just to make people cry, don't be too serious?"

Xue Zhiyan nodded, stretched out his hand to take out a tissue, wiped it on his face indiscriminately, looked up at Jian Zelin with watery eyes, "Are you done?"

Jian Zelin took the tissue in her hand, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and nodded.

"Then let's have lunch!" Xue Zhiyan pointed to the lunch box on the coffee table, "It won't taste good when it's cold."

Jian Zelin nodded, "Go and wash your cat face, shall I open the dishcloth?"

Xue Zhiyan nodded, then turned and walked into the lounge.

Su Lingxuan hung up Chi Yuan's phone, and then dialed Jian Zelin's number after seeing that the time was almost up. Before he could ask Jian Zelin, he heard Xue Zhiyan's voice from the other end of the phone.

"Jian Zelin, didn't you say you want to eat? Why did you run to answer the phone again!" There was a hint of displeasure in her tone of voice.

Su Ling twirled the pen in his hand, and smiled dryly into the phone, "You should eat first, and I'll contact you by email in the afternoon."

When Su Lingxuan heard Jian Zelin hum, he hung up the phone, turned around and looked at the bright sunshine outside the window, the warm smile on his face just now turned into a sneer in the next second.

Although the weather is sunny, some people seem to be unlucky again.

He knew that when Jian Zelin did something, he would hide it from Xue Zhiyan, so he didn't want Xue Zhiyan to overhear him when he was discussing with Jian Zelin about the Di family and the Li family.

Like Jian Zelin, he had some things that he didn't want Xue Zhiyan to know, especially he didn't want her to worry about the two of them.

Also surprised was Yan Shaochen, who had just received a call from Chi Yuan after being exhausted by his mother's call.

He thought there was another big party at night, but he heard Chi Yuan asking him for something, but he didn't say what it was for.

What made him most curious was that Chi Yuan actually opened his mouth and told him to let cat go abroad once, give this medicine to people, and record the data after the medicine.

This made Yan Shaochen wonder, who is Chi Yuan trying to punish, thinking of such a damaging trick.

It's just that Chi Yuan didn't tell him, but only told him that when the cat went, he would know who it was for.

So Yan Shaochen agreed, then hung up the phone and sent a text message to cat, and then fell into endless distress.

In fact, his mother didn't call him for no reason, but saw the photo of him and Liang Huan at the banquet, and then came to ask him about Liang Huan's life experience.

Of course he wouldn't hide it, because he knew that even if he didn't tell, his abnormal mother would find out.

He nervously finished all the things about Liang Huan, and was ready to be scolded by his mother and father, who knew that what he got was a terrible silence.

After the silence, it was his mother who laughed happily. Not only did she not mean to dislike Liang Huan, but she also told him to take Liang Huan to country A sometime and meet them!
What's happening here?Yan Shaochen was entangled, he was entangled in how to tell Liang Huan about this matter, he was entangled in the attitudes of his mother and father.

He was afraid that Liang Huan would not agree to go with him to meet his parents, and he was also afraid that his parents would pretend to like Liang Huan and embarrass her in person.

So when Chi Yuan's call came in, he thought that there was some party tonight, and he could consult with them then make a decision.

Did you know that Chi Yuan called to ask for medicine?And after talking about his purpose, he hung up the phone without hesitation, which really made him a little at a loss.

He scratched his hair, feeling that he still couldn't think of a good solution, so he secretly made a decision.

Anyway, stretching the head is a stab, and shrinking the head is also a stab. It's better to know the attitude of his parents early, so that he can be prepared at that time so that his woman won't be wronged.

After Yan Shaochen finished thinking about it, he quickly unlocked it and dialed Liang Huan's phone...

(End of this chapter)

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