The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 568 Sweet burden

Chapter 568 Sweet burden ([-])

Xue Zhiyan, Feng Ziyao, Chiqian and the three of them leaned on the sofa, each holding a goblet with a dark red liquid in it, and the aroma of wine and grapes permeated the air.

Liang Xu has been sitting on the sofa with a sad face for half an hour, except for saying "I'm here" when he entered the door, until now he only moves his body when pouring wine.

"What's wrong with her?" Xue Zhiyan turned to look at Chi Qian, she didn't wait after lunch, so she didn't know what happened to Liang Xu in the afternoon.

Chi Qian shrugged, "I don't know either." After speaking, she took a sip of red wine.

Feng Ziyao glanced at Liang Huan, then at Chi Qian, then straightened his body, looked at Chi Qian seriously, "Compared to what's wrong with her, I want to know what's wrong with you."

Xue Zhiyan was a little bored by her words, "What are you two talking about? How come I'm a little dizzy?"

Feng Ziyao raised his eyebrows, turned his head to Xue Zhiyan, but his eyes remained on Chi Qian's side, "Yuan said, she went to work in Hengyuan today!"

Xue Zhiyan couldn't accept the news, so he blinked, "Hengyuan? Go to work?"

Feng Ziyao nodded again, "Yeah, this young lady who never cared about Chi's family affairs took some medicine by mistake today and ran to work!"

Xue Zhiyan stammered and did not speak a complete sentence, and looked at Chi Qian in surprise, as if he wanted to find the answer on her face.

Chi Qian coughed twice unnaturally, took another sip of red wine, concealing her panic and unnaturalness.

Her eyes suddenly drifted to Liang Huan who was at the side, and she cleared her throat, "The protagonist tonight is not me!"

Feng Ziyao and Xue Zhiyan obviously didn't get the answer they wanted, they rolled their eyes in displeasure, and they said in unison, "Then she has to say, what happened!"

"Yan Shaochen said that his parents want to see me." Liang Huan's slightly hoarse voice came over just after the two people's voices.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound similar to the breaking of bones, and there was a rustling sound.

When Liang Huan looked up again, he saw Xue Zhiyan, Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian standing in front of him in surprise.

"I said, Yan Shaochen's parents want to see me!" Liang Huan repeated again, then put down the wine glass in his hand, and looked blankly at the three friends standing in front of him.

Xue Zhiyan didn't speak, and sat back first. She had never experienced the so-called meeting parents, because Jian Qiyang liked her from the beginning, and Jian Zelin naturally had to be her, so she didn't know how to comfort her .

Although Chi Qian had an unforgettable relationship that caused her to die of pain, she had never met Na Mingli's parents and relatives, so she had no right to speak.

Feng Ziyao was left, swallowed his saliva, glanced at Chi Qian, but didn't answer Liang Huan's words, and asked Chi Qian directly, "Your parents haven't contacted your brother recently, have they?"

Chi Qian was speechless, and rolled her eyes directly to her, "You get out with my brother day and night, don't you know if my father has called him?"

Now Feng Ziyao was speechless, she sat down dully, her eyes rolled around, and she squinted from time to time.

After everyone was silent for a while, Feng Ziyao suddenly looked at Liang Huan and asked, "What did Yan Shaochen say?"

Liang Huan frowned, and said quietly, "He just told me to make me mentally prepare in advance, and he also said, I don't have to worry about anything, I have him."

After hearing what Liang Huan said, Feng Ziyao was obviously relieved, and leaned lazily on the sofa, "Since he said he was there, why are you nervous?"

Liang Huan frowned even tighter, "But... I think they will know about the Shen family's affairs."

Xue Zhiyan snorted, "What relationship do you have with the Shen family? Your surname is Liang, and your parents are both teachers."

Liang Huan was stunned for a moment, thought carefully about Xue Zhiyan's words, and then nodded hesitantly, "What if his parents think that a scholarly family background is not worthy of their family?"

Chi Qian rolled her eyes, "The scholarly family is just right for their medical family, not much difference." Chi Qian paused as she spoke, "Slow down, don't think about those rich people with weird tempers in TV dramas. It has become a reality, I have met Yan Shaochen's parents, they are two pretty good elders, both of them were doctors, so they should not have such an exaggerated concept of family status."

Liang Huan shook his head, "That's what I said. They didn't come later. Now that I'm going to see them, I always have to think about it. If they don't agree, how will Yan Shaochen and I go in the future."

"Walk with your feet!" Feng Ziyao raised his head and drank the red wine in the glass, and said quietly, "Didn't Yan Shaochen say that, with him, they are all protecting their weaknesses, and they will never let their women suffer of."

Chi Qian nodded, agreeing with Feng Ziyao's statement, "You have to let your man support you in everything, so as to show his importance."

Liang Huan still knew this truth. For some things, since men said they could handle them well, he had to believe that they could handle them well.

It's just that Liang Huan was a little scared. She was afraid that Yan Shaochen would fall out with his family because of her, and then she would become the main factor that disturbed the family's disharmony.

"I'm just afraid that he will fall out with his parents because of me." Liang Huan sighed, and said what he was most worried about.

Xue Zhiyan glanced at Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian, and the three of them laughed tacitly.Hearing the laughter, Liang Huan looked up at the three of them in puzzlement.

"What are you laughing at?"

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, "If their family really doesn't accept you because of your background, Yaoyao and I have a way to make you a good family."

Feng Ziyao smiled and nodded, "If Yan Shaochen really fell out with his family because of you, it can only mean that he is a good man and will not let his woman suffer any grievances."

"Hmm, besides, Yan Shaochen is a doctor and you are a senior barista. Even if he falls out with his family and goes out to work alone, you two won't starve to death." Chi Qian shook the wine glass in his hand , Watching the dark red liquid swaying in the quilt, leaving shallow marks on the wall of the cup.

"That's right! Don't forget, you are still waiting for the second boss!" After Xue Zhiyan said this, he raised his head and drank the red wine in the glass.

I don't know if it was because what a few people said had an effect, or if Liang Huan really decided to leave the matter to Yan Shaochen, so she didn't look as melancholy as before.

Chi Qian looked at the four people who fell into silence again, and sighed helplessly, "Now that you are all family members, it will not be easy to get together like this!"

Xue Zhiyan nodded in agreement, "Every time I come out to do something, I have to report to someone, it's really awkward."

Feng Ziyao especially nodded in agreement, she absolutely agrees with this point, not to mention Liang Huan, who absolutely agrees 100%.

These few men are buddies together, and their personalities and tempers are surprisingly similar, especially the possessiveness, which is really not something ordinary people can bear.

So these four women can get together and be friends, right?This is the so-called bird of a feather flock together, right?
Xue Zhiyan, Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan sighed at the same time, and said in unison, "Sweet burden!"

Hearing this, Chi Qian smiled, raised her head and drank the wine in the glass.

(End of this chapter)

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