The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 569 Sweet burden

Chapter 569 Sweet Burden ([-])
Because the women all went to Qianxiang Xiaozhu for a party, the four men who were free first gathered in Jianglin Pavilion, and after solving the problem of food and clothing, they sat around and discussed what happened that day.

Su Lingxuan was the most normal one, except that he went to the airport to see off Jian Qiyang in the morning, this day was no different from ordinary days, it was still a meeting to sign documents.

Jian Zelin's schedule was similar to Su Lingxuan's, but he played with Xue Zhiyan for a while in the afternoon, so he had nothing to say.

If there is something wrong, it is Chi Yuan and Yan Shaochen.

Chi Yuan had the most things today, and it was also a day when his heart was not very peaceful, so he rushed ahead of Yan Shaochen and told everything he had experienced that day.

After listening to what he said, Yan Shaochen suddenly realized why Chi Yuan wanted the medicine from him.

In addition to lamenting that Chi Yuan was much more ruthless than Chi Qian, Yan Shaochen had a firmer thought in his heart, that is, if you have nothing to do, you must not mess with these people, otherwise you really don't know how to die.

Yan Shaochen also suddenly became a little scared. How could he have developed such a perverted medicine? I don't know if these people will feed him the medicine they made in order to punish him in the future.

If that's the case, Yan Shaochen's reputation will be ruined for the rest of his life.

At the end of Chi Yuan's speech, he asked back meanly, "Is this okay for a woman who is alone?"

Of course, what Chi Yuan got was speechless treatment, and of course there were three pairs of hygienic eyeballs.

I don't know if it was influenced by those women, but the usage rate of their white eyeballs has increased significantly recently.

Then it was Yan Shaochen who vomited bitterness. He didn't give a long speech like Chi Yuan, but just sighed, and then said in an extremely low tone, "My parents want to see Liang Huan."

Jian Zelin and the three of them held the teacup froze for a moment, and then the three of them looked at Yan Shaochen in surprise at the same time.

That look made Yan Shaochen uncomfortable.

Jian Zelin was surprised, Chi Yuan gloated, and Su Lingxuan couldn't believe it.

Jian Zelin was the first to react. He slowly picked up the teacup, drank up the tea, and calmly put the teacup on the coffee table in front of him.

"It will happen sooner or later, you should have been prepared." After Jian Zelin finished speaking, he glanced at Chi Yuan again, the meaning was self-evident.

Jian Zelin was absolutely aware of the importance of Liang Huan and Feng Ziyao to Xue Zhiyan, so he had vaccinated Chi Yuan in advance.

Yan Shaochen didn't deny it, "Of course I was prepared, but she never mentioned this issue. I was afraid that she would be resistant, so naturally I didn't mention it. Who knew that my witch mother would know about it. Called to ask for it!"


Su Lingxuan and Chi Yuan spat, and looked at Yan Shaochen in disbelief.

Su Lingxuan raised his eyebrows at Chi Yuan, and asked him silently, what did that kid Chen just say?

Chi Yuan blinked, and answered Su Lingxuan silently, as if he mentioned his witch mother!
Then the two of them swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and turned their questioning eyes to Yan Shaochen. After seeing Yan Shaochen nodding, there was a trace of sympathy in the eyes of the two of them.

It's no wonder that the two of them looked at Yan Shaochen like this, because his mother was simply a fighter among the strange.

They still remember what his mother said to them when they first saw Yan Shaochen's mother. She touched the faces of a few of them with a smile, and said calmly, "You boys have delicate skin and tender flesh. Yes, cut your belly open, I don’t know if the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney inside are so delicate and tender.”

They were all teenagers at the time, and it was inevitable that they would be horrified when they heard this. Who knew that seeing their panicked appearances, his mother did not feel guilty at all, but instead laughed. That laughter is still fresh in my memory. .

Obviously, Jian Zelin was also immersed in the memory, remembering what Yan Shaochen's doctor's mother said, he swallowed subconsciously, and turned his head to stare at Yan Shaochen.

After a long time, he opened his mouth, and his voice escaped from his throat, "It's the first time your mother saw Liang Huan, wouldn't she want to open her stomach to see her heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys?"

The corner of Yan Shaochen's mouth twitched, obviously he also remembered the past, he shook his head, "I don't know."

"Then you'd better not take her there, she will be gutted later, Feng Ziyao wants someone from me, where can I find Liang Huan for her!" Chi Yuan directly threw the teacup in his hand on the coffee table on, with an extremely depressed expression.

Seeing Chi Yuan's gloomy look, Su Lingxuan smiled softly, covered the corners of his mouth with his fists, and coughed lightly, "Don't be so pessimistic, maybe Aunt Yan will like Liang Huan very much."

"Well, that's even worse. Later, their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will learn how to open their stomachs together, and then teach Feng Ziyao and Xue Zhiyan later, will we still have a way out?" I couldn't help but shivered.

The corner of Jian Zelin's mouth twitched, and Xue Zhiyan appeared in front of him holding a scalpel, whispering in his ear, Jian Zelin, let me open your stomach to see your heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, shall we?

The corner of Yan Shaochen's mouth couldn't help but twitched, and the originally tense atmosphere was resolved by a few people in a few words.

Yan Shaochen sighed helplessly in the end, then looked into Jian Zelin's eyes seriously, as if making a promise to him, and said every word.

"Anyway, no matter what my parents think, I will never give up on Liang Huan. She is mine, and it can only be mine. If they don't accept her, then I can only abandon them."

Yan Shaochen spoke very seriously, as if his parents really wouldn't accept Liang Huan.

Su Lingxuan patted Yan Shaochen's shoulder, "Maybe it's really like what I said, maybe Aunt Yan will like Liang Xu?"

The corner of Yan Shaochen's mouth curled into a smile, and he nodded bitterly, "I hope so, but I still have to prepare for the worst, don't I?"

Jian Zelin nodded with a smile, and then turned his attention to Chi Yuan. Now that Yan Shaochen's incident has broken out, Chi Yuan has to be mentally prepared.

After all, such situations with him and Xue Zhiyan are very rare, childhood sweethearts, after many twists and turns, are really rare.

The corner of Chi Yuan's mouth twitched, he rubbed his nose unnaturally, and then a very happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he heard his shameless words coming out of his mouth.

He said, "My mother, Mrs. Chi, Ms. Lan Wan, has already talked to Feng Ziyao on the phone, and it seems that my father is very satisfied with the wife I found."

Jian Zelin and Yan Shaochen looked at each other, and they both glanced at Su Lingxuan at the same time, and the three of them showed contempt for Chi Yuan in their eyes at the same time.

The three people's disdain for Chi Yuan hadn't been fully expressed before three different phone rings rang.

Then I saw Jian Zelin, Yan Shaochen and Chi Yuan quickly taking out their mobile phones. When they saw the screen of the mobile phone, the corners of their mouths couldn't help but rise.

Su Lingxuan looked at the sweet smiles with five plus marks on the corners of the three people's mouths, shook his head helplessly, and spoke in a tone of envy and hatred, "It's really a sweet burden!"

(End of this chapter)

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