The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 571 As long as you are not too hot

Chapter 571 As long as you are not too hot
When Jian Zelin led Xue Zhiyan's hand downstairs to eat breakfast, Xue Zhiyan's lips were still red and swollen.

It's a little numb, but I don't feel anything.Xue Zhiyan's cheeks were also red, and a sensible person would know what was going on at a glance.

Xue Zhiyan was still wearing a knee-length dress with a cardigan on his upper body.Because summer dresses can rarely block the collarbone and neck, the scattered strawberries on her collarbone and neck are exposed to the air.

Seeing the hickey on Xue Zhiyan's neck, the maid lowered her head and snickered for a while, prepared breakfast for the two of them, and hid directly in the kitchen.

Jian Zelin sat on a chair leisurely eating breakfast, and from time to time glanced at Xue Zhiyan's masterpiece on his neck, and then gave Xue Zhiyan a satisfied smile.

Xue Zhiyan was finally taken aback by his smile, dropped the chopsticks in his hand, and looked at Jian Zelin angrily.

"It's not fair!" Xue Zhiyan said angrily.

Jian Zelin frowned, and a smirk bloomed on the corner of his mouth, "Huh? Why is it unfair?"

Xue Zhiyan raised his finger and pointed to Jian Zelin's neck, which was tightly blocked by his shirt and tie, "Obviously you have it there too, why should yours be blocked, and mine will be seen?"

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he raised his other hand, and gently blocked what he was passing by, with an expression of dissatisfaction.

Jian Zelin drank all the milk with a smile, put down the cup gently, with a smile on his face, staring at Xue Zhiyan intently, his black and white eyes were shining brightly.

"What are you looking at!" Xue Zhiyan lowered his head unnaturally, picked up his chopsticks and fiddled with the dinner plate in front of him again.

The other hand was still covering his collarbone, blocking the bruises on it, his eyes were rolling around, thinking about how to deal with Jian Zelin.

Seeing her unconvinced look, Jian Zelin laughed out loud, and then saw Xue Zhiyan staring at him, wishing to swallow his eyes.

He coughed twice, cleared his throat, and looked at Xue Zhiyan with shining eyes.

He looked at Xue Zhiyan's angry little face, paused every word, and said clearly, "If you don't think it's too hot, you can also wear a shirt to cover those hickeys!"

Xue Zhiyan was defeated.

Jian Zelin knew that Xue Zhiyan was afraid of heat.

What else did you tell her, if you are not too hot, this assumption is not valid at all!
He knew that when it was hot in summer, he wished she would stay in the air-conditioned room and not go out for a whole day, and he told her to wear a shirt to hide the hickey marks, which was obviously on purpose!
snort!Xue Zhiyan poked hard at the poached egg on the plate again, and secretly glanced at Jian Zelin, who was sitting opposite her smiling happily.

Xue Zhiyan lowered his eyes, picked up a piece of egg that she had smashed, and threw it into his mouth in frustration.

Xue Zhiyan finally finished eating all the eggs on the plate, then quietly put down the chopsticks in his hand, picked up the watermelon juice on the side, and drank it clean.

"You can eat by yourself at noon, I'm afraid of the heat, so I won't cook today!" Xue Zhiyan threw such a sentence at Jian Zelin, got up and walked out of the restaurant.

Jian Zelin smiled and shook his head, went back upstairs to the study and took the things he found last night, went downstairs to the living room, took Xue Zhiyan's hand and left the old house.

Before the car drove away, the maid on duty asked, "Master, do you want a servant to come over tonight?"

When Jian Zelin is not living in Jian's old house, he always arranges servants to watch the house. The house cannot be left empty when the master is not at home.

Once the master came back, even in the middle of the night, the servant had to rush back to his residence overnight.

Just like last night, when Jian Zelin brought Xue Zhiyan back, the servant had to rush back to her place under the moonlight, and there was no need to stop.

Jian Zelin nodded, "From now on, it will be as usual, and my young mistress and I will go back to watch the sea view."

After Jian Zelin said this, he stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out of Jian's old house.

Jian Zelin was afraid that Xue Zhiyan would lose his temper, so he thoughtfully parked the car at the waiting door, kissed her on the forehead, and then helped her unbuckle her seat belt, opened the car door, and looked at her without looking back Walked in and so on.

Jian Zelin watched the waiting door close, smiled helplessly and shook his head, this little girl really loves to hold grudges!
But just couldn't hold back for a while in the morning, and bit her collarbone and neck a few more times, and her face became dark all morning.

But he was also bitten by her a few times?
That's not enough, after seeing him put on his shirt to cover the teeth marks on his neck, his face became even darker.

Now I don’t even have lunch with me!Jian Zelin sighed for a long time. When reversing the car, he glanced at the document bag on the back seat, and put away his helplessness.

It's fine if she doesn't come over for lunch, otherwise he really doesn't know when he will have to look at the things he found yesterday.

As soon as Xue Zhiyan approached the bar, Liang Huan smiled.

Xue Zhiyan glared at her, then raised his hand to block her neck.

Liang Huan stretched out his hand to pull Xue Zhiyan's hand, and said treacherously, "Don't block it, the more you block it, the more obvious it will be."

Xue Zhiyan gave Liang Huan a blank look, "Then don't look at it! Look at your face!"

Liang Huan smiled, knowing that Xue Zhiyan had been beaten by Jian Zelin, so he poured her a glass of ice water, "Drink it quickly, and put down the fire!"

Xue Zhiyan pushed the cup back, "Change me to plain water, it's too cold, I'm afraid my body won't be able to bear it."

Liang Huan froze for a moment, then nodded. She had heard Yan Shaochen talk about Xue Zhiyan's physical problems, and she also knew that Yan Shaochen was going to give Xue Zhiyan a detailed examination before she and Yan Shaochen went abroad to meet his parents. .

Originally, it was said to be done a while ago, but Yan Shaochen was always unable to get away, and Xue Zhiyan and Jian Zelin also had a little more things to do, so they never did it.

Liang Huan poured her a glass of normal-temperature lemonade again, "You and Jian Zelin find some time, and hurry up to do all the inspections."

Needless to say, she could tell that Xue Zhiyan was getting thinner, but now that she had Jian Zelin by her side, she and Feng Ziyao didn't have to worry about many things.

Xue Zhiyan took a sip of water, nodded, "Well, I'll go back and talk to Jian Zelin at night."

After finishing speaking, she put down the water glass, stared at Liang Huan's face quietly for a while, and then asked, as if thinking of something, "When are you two going abroad?"

"He's going to be busy for a while, right?" Liang Huan smiled relaxedly, completely without the feeling of nervousness yesterday.

Xue Zhiyan nodded, then lay down on the bar counter, blinked at Liang Huan, "Are you going to have dinner with Yan Shaochen at noon today?"

Liang Huan shook his head, "No, he has surgery today, what's the matter?"

Xue Zhiyan smiled brightly, "Then we two will eat together, we haven't had a meal alone for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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