The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 572 The Forgotten Girlfriend Dress

Chapter 572 The Forgotten Girlfriend Dress

Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan had just finished lunch when Xue Zhiyan received a call from a stranger.

Generally, Xue Zhiyan would not answer an unfamiliar number. If she was in a good mood, she would take the initiative to hang up the caller instead of letting the ringing ring forever.

Xue Zhiyan was also in a good mood at noon today, but suddenly wanted to finish listening to the ringtone of his mobile phone, so he didn't reach out to hang up the phone.

Just when she thought the phone would ring once, the phone rang again.

Still the same number.

This time Xue Zhiyan reached out and hung up the phone.

The phone rang again for the third time.

Liang Huan glanced at Xue Zhiyan, then looked down at the phone number jumping on the screen of her phone, "Who is it?"

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, "I don't know."

"express delivery?"

Xue Zhiyan rolled his eyes, "I don't have online shopping, okay?"

This time it was Liang Huan who reached out and hung up the phone.

When the phone rang for the fifth time, the corners of Liang Huan and Xue Zhiyan's mouths twitched uncontrollably.

This caller is really persistent!
"Go ahead, what if I need you urgently?" Liang Huan pushed Xue Zhiyan's shoulder.

Xue Zhiyan curled his lips, "It's best not to call for an insurance loan!"

She answered the phone this time, and before she could find out who the caller was, they reported to the house first.

"Hello, Ms. Xue, this is the SPY store on the VIP floor of Shengshihuatian. The four black dresses you ordered have been modified according to your requirements and sizes. Will you come to pick them up soon? Or do you want us to pick them up for you? Home delivery?" The woman on the other end of the phone had a very sweet voice, and quickly finished what she wanted to say.

Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan were stunned for a moment before they realized that half a year ago, a few people went shopping and ordered a set of four black clothes. At that time, they said they were going to take a photo of their girlfriends, so they didn't bring back the clothes.

If it wasn't for the phone call today, they would have forgotten what they said about taking photos of their girlfriends.

Xue Zhiyan was stunned for a moment, then heard the female voice on the phone again, "Hi Miss Xue, are you listening?"

Xue Zhiyan nodded, "Yes, yes."

"Then look, you and your friends, do you want to come over and try the effect?" the woman asked again.

Xue Zhiyan glanced at Liang Huan, Liang Huan nodded, "Well, I will contact my friend, and we will meet at the same time to try on clothes in the store."

"Okay, then I won't bother you. Goodbye, Miss Xue."

"Goodbye." Xue Zhiyan hung up the phone mechanically.

Liang Huan looked at Xue Zhiyan's stunned expression, and couldn't help laughing, "Don't say we forgot, I guess Yaoyao and Qianqian have almost forgotten it too!"

Xue Zhiyan also smiled, and asked her directly, "Shall we try on that suit today?"

Liang Huan shrugged indifferently, "It doesn't matter to you and me, just report to Yan Shaochen and Jian Zelin about going shopping, and it will be fine, and we both have a lot of free time, so it's not necessarily the two of them, right?"

Only then did Xue Zhiyan remember that Chi Qian had gone to work in Hengyuan.

She frowned and shook the phone in her hand, "Ask?"

Liang Huan hesitated for a moment, "There's no need to be in such a hurry, right?"

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, "Hurry up, it's best to finish the filming before you go abroad. What if you and Yan Shaochen come back from abroad and announce that you are going to get married?"

The corner of Liang Huan's mouth twitched, and he glanced at Xue Zhiyan, "How can it be so fast!"

Xue Zhiyan shrugged, "Not necessarily! Besides, the clothes have been ordered for a long time, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter, so I won't be able to take outdoor photos any longer!"

Liang Huan thought for a while, and felt that what Xue Zhiyan said made sense, so he nodded, "Then call and ask, whether they have time or not, I will send Yan Shaochen a message first."

Xue Zhiyan curled his lips, "Your doctor Yan is undergoing surgery, how can he have time to read your text messages!"

"Then he'll be seen as soon as he leaves the operating room!" Liang Huan answered her unceremoniously, not forgetting to roll her eyes, "Jane Zelin will be called if you are capable! "

Xue Zhiyan lost again.

She just doesn't have that ability!
Xue Zhiyan called Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian respectively, and it was obvious that those two also completely forgot about the photo of their girlfriends.

But what made Xue Zhiyan feel a little relieved was that the two of them became excited after thinking about the plan of taking photos with their girlfriends, and they said that they would go to try on clothes together after get off work tonight.

This is something Liang Huan did not expect.

It seemed that Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian's thoughts coincided with Xue Zhiyan's. They both felt that they should take girlfriend photos before Liang Huan got married.

By the way, a few people will take a set of photos separately, as a commemoration of when they were not married.

After hanging up the phone, Xue Zhiyan remembered that she is now engaged to Jian Zelin, and she is already considered a half-wife.

But Liang Huan still comforted her, "As long as you haven't officially married Jian Zelin, you can't be considered a married woman!"

After hearing Liang Huan's words, Xue Zhiyan felt very comforted, so he no longer struggled with the issue of the single commemorative photo.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw a man sitting under the parasol at the door. It was obvious that the man was Na Mingli.

Xue Zhiyan frowned unhappily, and pointed in the direction of Na Mingli, "He comes every day?"

Liang Huan looked up at what Xue Zhiyan said, and nodded with no surprise, "Well, I come here every day, with a cup of latte, and sit for three hours."

"Qianqian doesn't even come here anymore, so he's still here?" Xue Zhiyan pouted dissatisfiedly, "Who are you pretending to be affectionate for? Anyway, I don't care about it anymore!"

Liang Huan shrugged his shoulders irrefutably, "Who knows! Maybe he cares about it himself! If you want to wait, just wait. Anyway, Qianqian is really not here."

Xue Zhiyan heard a voice-over from Liang Huan's words, she turned to look at Liang Huan, "What do you mean by that?"

Liang Huan glanced at Na Mingli, "You didn't come a while ago, and Qianqian didn't come at that time, Na Mingli thought we hid her and ran up to me to threaten me!"

After Liang Huan finished speaking, he smiled helplessly, and looked at Na Mingli with a touch of sympathy in his eyes.

"Threatening you?!" Xue Zhiyan jumped off the chair suddenly, her legs softened for a moment, and she almost knelt on the floor in front of her.

Liang Huan stretched out his hand to give her a hand, just thinking that she was out of habit and didn't take it to heart, "Yes! Don't hide Chi Qian, otherwise he will use his method to let Chi Qian see him."

"Did he say anything else?" Xue Zhiyan still looked nervous.

Liang Huan shook his head, "No, just to warn me not to interfere with Chi Qian and his affairs."

After Liang Huan finished speaking, he smiled helplessly, "There is no need for people to interfere in the affairs between the two of them. There is no need for people to intervene at all, and the ending is already set."

Xue Zhiyan heaved a sigh of relief after hearing Liang Huan's words. Na Mingli didn't threaten her, so that's fine.

Then Xue Zhiyan took another look at Na Mingli who was sitting outside, and nodded, "It's all because of him that he and Chiqian are here today, but he doesn't seem to realize it yet. It's just that Chiqian avoids him." That's good, lest when seeing him, I will think of the unpleasant things in the past and make things difficult for myself."

(End of this chapter)

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