The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 576 The Woman in School Uniform

Chapter 576 The Woman in School Uniform

Xue Zhiyan felt that the day he chose was too good, the day when they took pictures was decided by Xue Zhiyan.

Going out with Jian Zelin early in the morning, she felt that she was really lucky and couldn't say it. The weather is really amazing!

I thought that City S had already entered the sweltering summer, but who knew that a cool wind was blowing today. Forget it, the sky was blue, and there was no sign of smog at all. Occasionally, a white cloud or two floated by, covering the air. It's really comfortable to cover the sun.

While driving, Jian Zelin peeked at Xue Zhiyan's smiling face, and kept asking questions in his heart. What is this woman excited about?
Thinking of something, Jian Zelin asked, "What are you happy about?"

Xue Zhiyan was startled when he heard Jian Zelin's question, he hurriedly put away the smile on his face, turned his head and opened his innocent eyes, and looked at him seriously, "The weather is so good, shouldn't you be happy?"

good weather?Do you think you are in the British Empire?Are you talking about the weather?The corner of Jian Zelin's mouth twitched, and he stepped on the accelerator hard.

Seeing that Jian Zelin's face darkened, Xue Zhiyan didn't know what he was thinking, turned his head away, and continued to look at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window. A happy bird was already singing in his heart. Although the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, he didn't dare to be too Excited.

She was afraid that Jian Zelin would discover something, so she would directly detain her. Without a personal girlfriend photo, she couldn't be called a girlfriend photo!
Therefore, Jian Zelin must not be allowed to discover their conspiracy!Who made the photos taken today have **** scenes?

It can't be blamed that these women hide too much from them, it's really because the possessiveness of these men is too terrifying.

But fortunately, the one who took the photo this time was a female photographer, the photographer's wife on Jian Zelin's birthday last time.

But even though they were women, they didn't dare to tell them rashly that today they were going to take photos of **** girlfriends.

This is a popular style of taking pictures in the past few years. Girls take photos of their best sides as souvenirs. It is also a good memory to take out when they are old.

Of course Xue Zhiyan was suppressing the excitement in his heart, Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan on the other side were suffering even more than her.

Chi Qian doesn't care anymore, she didn't live in Guanhai Yujing recently, she said she saw them eye-catching in pairs, so she went back to her Qianxiang Xiaozhu, where she lived.

Chi Yuan is also typical of having a wife and forgetting about her younger sister's master, so she didn't even try to persuade her to stay, but let Leng Yun find someone to protect her.

Chi Qian had already brought all her equipment, except for the four sets of clothes, she also brought her makeup tools.

Liang Huan and Feng Ziyao made excuses to each other, Feng Ziyao drove her red Audi to Yan Shaochen's door early in the morning, and ran away with Liang Huan.

Leaving Yan Shaochen and Chi Yuan looking at each other in blank dismay, no one knew what was going on with these two women, so they ran away as if impatient.

Speaking of which, this female photographer is also a woman with a lot of brains, knowing that the four of them may have come here without telling their boyfriends, so the first set of photos is the most popular set of photos they asked for.

In this group of photos, although several people are not wearing clothes, the key parts are blocked by the actual scenery on the side. The four people under the camera are smiling sweetly, and the smiles on their faces cannot be faked at all. from the heart.

By the time this group of photos was taken, two hours had passed in the morning, and the four of them hurried into the shower room of the photo studio. After taking a hot shower, they changed into the school uniforms prepared for them by the photo studio.

Coincidentally, it turned out to be Xue Zhiyan, Feng Ziyao and Liang Xu's middle school uniforms. Although Chi Qian didn't go to school with them, she was very excited to put on the school uniform that she hadn't worn for a long time.

So when the four of them laughed and went upstairs and downstairs to another studio to take this group of student photos, they didn't even notice that there were three men with gloomy faces sitting in the reception area of ​​the studio.

The three men exuded a cold aura, sitting on the sofa like Shura from hell, so cold that others couldn't get close.

The reception lady at the side felt that she had fallen into a hole in the ice, put down the tea, and ran out of the reception room as if fleeing.

Of course, the four chatting happy women didn't see this scene, they just felt that the air-conditioning in the studio was really good, it was so full before it was midsummer, it was really considerate!

The second scene that the four "******" went to looked like a school classroom, even the desks and chairs were the same as in the school, not to mention the two front and back scenes. blackboard.

The first reaction of the four people was to rush to the blackboard in front of the classroom, grab the chalk on the desk, and start writing and drawing randomly on the blackboard.

Because the four of them were wearing clothes this time, the female photographer didn't ask them to pose, but quietly followed behind them. When she saw a picture that she thought was beautiful, she naturally took it.

A group photo of four people, a photo of each person alone, as long as there are facial expressions and movements that catch her eye, she will record them with the camera in her hand.

The four of them were tired of drawing in front of the blackboard. Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao picked up the eraser and wiped off all the chalk marks on the blackboard. The four of them smiled at each other and began to write their names on the blackboard.

Xue Zhiyan.

Feng Ziyao.


Liang Huan.

There is a heart behind each name, and the photographer naturally took pictures of this scene.

Four women with handsome eyebrows and eyes, holding chalk in their hands, tilted their heads slightly, and the corners of their mouths all raised in the same arc, looking at each other with indescribable emotions in their eyes.

This is my girlfriend, right?The photographer who looked at them through the lens expressed envy for their affection.

Feng Ziyao and Liang Chi were tired, so they walked to the desk, sat down, lay down on the desk, and looked at Xue Zhiyan who was still standing in front of the blackboard.

Xue Zhiyan looked at his name, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious.

She turned around suddenly, picked up another color of chalk, and wrote her name again under her big name, followed by another three words.

Seeing the two names written side by side, she still felt dissatisfied, so she picked up the red chalk and drew two small figures with one stroke under the names.

The little figure with a bow on its head represents a girl, and it is drawn under Xue Zhiyan's name.

The bald man represents a boy and is drawn under Jian Zelin's name.

Then Xue Zhiyan drew a thin red line starting from the hands of the two villains, and then drew a heart shape on the blackboard between the two, and the other end of the line fell on the little one representing Jian Zelin. man's hand.

Xue Zhiyan looked at his masterpiece with a smile, and finally did not forget to draw an open umbrella on the two names, covering the two names under the umbrella.

She wrote four numbers on the blank space of the umbrella.


It is you who love me.

(End of this chapter)

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