The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 577 The Man in School Uniform

Chapter 577 The Man in School Uniform

After Xue Zhiyan washed the four numbers, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more dazzling, and even Jian Jia had an imperceptible blush.

The chalk in her hand was resting on the blackboard, and a tiny light shone from above her head. The light hit Xue Zhiyan's body like a halo surrounding Xue Zhiyan.

Xue Zhiyan stared at his drawing on the blackboard with a smile, and slowly stepped back two steps, crossing his hands in front of his chest, very satisfied with his drawing.

Since she started writing again, the photographer's lens has never left her, so all the actions were recorded by the photographer.

However, in this series of actions, it is not only the three friends who are resting on the chair, nor the photographer alone.

Even Jian Zelin and the others who quietly followed behind saw this picturesque scene.

In Jian Zelin's eyes, all Xue Zhiyan's movements were like slow motion, unfolding in front of his eyes one by one.

When he saw the last four numbers that Xue Zhiyan wrote down, his face that was sullen due to anger gradually collapsed.

The corners of his mouth gradually turned up, looking at her pretty side face, bubbles of happiness kept bubbling in his heart.

Look, this is the woman he has admired since he was a child. Everything about her is related to him. In his eyes, everything she does is incomparably beautiful.

Jian Zelin silently recited the four numbers, 4125, it is you who love me.

It is you who love me, Xue Zhiyan.

But Jian Zelin loves you too!Xue Zhiyan.

Xue Zhiyan didn't notice the arrival of Jian Zelin and the others, he patted his hands stained with chalk in satisfaction, sat down in front of the desk, and followed the example of the other three friends, lying on the desk.

The four of them started chatting casually, and the four of them smiled sincerely, which directly blinded the eyes of the three men who were watching.

When Su Lingxuan arrived, he only saw a few women playing around in the set, and men who were fascinated by it.

Even when he looked at the four women in school uniforms, he felt as if he had stepped back in time.

Not to mention the three of Jian Zelin who have been watching for a long time.

Jian Zelin didn't know if Yan Shaochen and Chi Yuan had the same idea as him, anyway, he really wanted to turn back time.

Looking at Xue Zhiyan in a student uniform, he would think of what kind of scenes he had missed in those years when she was absent.

He didn't participate in her agility, her silence, her success, her failure, her depression, or her laughter.

At that time, he was abroad because of Na Mingli's entanglement, and he was distressed and wanted to kill him.He even doubted his own heart and Xue Zhiyan.

Looking at Xue Zhiyan who was wearing a school uniform at this time, he suddenly wanted to change into his old school uniform, walk to her side, hold her hand, and feel everything about her at that time.

He thought of the information he got when he first investigated Xue Zhiyan, the smart girl who skipped a grade, and he suddenly wanted to see her excited and excited smile when she got her graduation certificate.

He suddenly wanted to feel the feeling of Xue Zhiyan opening his arms and rushing towards her when he failed the exam and was so upset that he wanted to cry.

Jian Zelin didn't know why, seeing Xue Zhiyan like this, his eyes were a little sore.

He had never seen Xue Zhiyan who was like a flower, nor had he participated in her at her flowery age.

But even so, he still got a wonderful Xue Zhiyan.

It is his greatest regret not to have participated in her beautiful years.

Perhaps, in Xue Zhiyan's heart, it is also a pity that he did not participate in his youth.

Thinking of this, Jian Zelin was no longer angry at her for hiding the photo of her best friend, but waved to the reception lady who had been following him.

The reception lady came over obediently, and asked in a low voice, "Young Master Jian, what are your orders?"

Jian Zelin narrowed his eyes, and before he could speak, Chi Yuan and Yan Shaochen, who had been silent all this time, suddenly turned their heads and looked at the reception lady.

The two lowered their voices, for fear of disturbing the few people who were excitedly taking pictures.

The two spoke almost at the same time, and said, "Find four sets of school uniforms for boys."

The little receptionist was stunned for a moment, Su Lingxuan chuckled, and then pulled back her thoughts, knowing what they were going to do in the next second, she nodded and ran away.

This is the difference between men and women. Women change clothes, even if they are not in a closed changing room, they must be in a room that cannot be seen by others or in a bathroom with a locked door.

Men are different. The moment these four men got their school uniforms, they tore off the expensive ties around their necks as they walked, and they could even throw away their suit jackets casually.

Considering that there was a reception lady who had received their air-conditioning before, they didn't undo their belts as they walked, and then threw the suit pants in the set.

Although the four men did not speak, their thoughts coincided unprecedentedly. They didn't want another woman to bow down under their suit pants, and the woman inside was enough.

So Jian Zelin, Su Lingxuan and the others were a bit reserved, and they changed into school uniform pants only after entering the bathroom.

The few people who were still fighting, none of them paid attention to the four "boys" who walked in quietly.

Xue Zhiyan's eyes were sharp, and he saw the unruly man in the white shirt walking in front at a glance.

Xue Zhiyan stopped what he was doing in surprise, and looked at the man in a daze.

This was the first time she had seen Jian Zelin like this.

The school uniform was straddled crookedly, the collar of the white shirt was undone with two buttons, the beautiful collarbone was looming, and the hair, which had been carefully combed all the time, was scattered on the forehead in a mess.

The corner of his mouth was twitching slightly, and a wicked smile hung on his handsome face.Jian Zelin, who used to be high-spirited, has long been replaced by a cynical look.

He put his hands in his trouser pockets, his eyes were fixed on Xue Zhiyan's face, with a strange light shining.

Such a student pretending to be Jian Zelin must have fascinated thousands of girls back then, right?
This was Xue Zhiyan's first thought.

After that, a look of disappointment flashed quickly in Xue Zhiyan's eyes. During those years when she was away, how many Jian Zelins did she miss?
Such a reckless man must have existed as a male god in that innocent and young age, right?
The corner of Xue Zhiyan's mouth gradually curled into a wry smile, she had missed him for so many years.

Jian Zelin, who had been staring at her closely, naturally did not miss all the emotions in her eyes.The smirk on the corner of his mouth suddenly stopped, and Xue Zhiyan's heart trembled.

Only then did I remember that the few of them secretly ran out to take pictures, he wouldn't be angry, would he?
It's just that Jian Zelin showed the most perfect smile in the next moment, Xue Zhiyan only felt that the love in his eyes was more dazzling than his white front teeth.

Jian Zelin stretched out his hand towards her, his voice was low but clear, and he said, "Come."

Xue Zhiyan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and walked towards him step by step...

(End of this chapter)

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