The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 578 I'll Give You Minutes

Chapter 578 I'll Give You 10 Minutes
This group of student photos later turned into a group photo of four men and four women.

Naturally, the photographer didn't say anything, and secretly took a commemorative photo when several couples were eyeing each other, so that they looked like students in the camera.

Especially when a few people secretly hold hands and peek at each other, it really feels like a secret puppy love at school.

The photographer kept praising these handsome men and beauties, and at the same time admired their aura. They have the feeling of what kind of clothes they wear. There are not many such people now.

After this group of photos was taken, Jian Zelin and the others changed out of their school uniforms, put on suits and leather shoes, and tied up their ties.

This group of photos from my student days was taken the longest, and it was already two o'clock in the afternoon after several people had changed their clothes.

Because a few people revisited their school days, they didn't notice that the lunch time had passed long ago, and they also forgot that a few people were still hungry.

Especially Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan, they really complied with that sentence, they are full of water.

The two took the opportunity of taking pictures to relive the feeling of their school days, and participated in each other's school days in the camera.

This is enough.Xue Zhiyan thought.

Jian Zelin fondled Xue Zhiyan's hair, reached out and took the water glass in her hand, and put it firmly on the table, "Don't drink water, you won't be able to eat anything later."

Xue Zhiyan smiled and nodded, "Well, I won't drink anymore."

Liang Huan and Feng Ziyao were much smarter than Xue Zhiyan. As soon as they came out after changing their clothes, the two hugged each other, not giving Yan Shaochen and Chi Yuan a chance to attack.

Chi Qian stood beside Su Lingxuan with her arms folded, with an expression of watching the show, Su Lingxuan looked at Chi Qian and smiled helplessly.

"Ling, how did you find it?" Chi Qian looked at it for a long time, but she didn't see the picture she expected, she curled her lips in dissatisfaction, and then thought of the key question.

How did they find it?Obviously the four of them concealed it very well.

"Because of me." A familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

Hearing Chi Qian's voice suddenly, his expression froze, he frowned and turned his head impatiently, and sure enough, he saw Na Mingli's face.

Chi Qian just smiled and raised her eyebrows. She already knew that Na Mingli had been following her, and he knew exactly what she was doing.

It's just that I didn't expect that Na Mingli told Jian Zelin and others about it this time. Really, is this the rhythm of how many people want to reconcile?
But Chi Qian wouldn't be so foolish as to think that they would reconcile, there were so many things stuck in it, if they really wanted to reconcile, it would have to be turned upside down, right?

Xue Zhiyan didn't expect that Na Mingli was responsible for this matter, so when she looked at Jian Zelin again, her eyes were more scrutinized.

She was curious, when did the two of them become in a relationship of notifying each other?

Jian Zelin smiled and poked Xue Zhiyan's forehead, "Put away those strange thoughts of yours."

Xue Zhiyan pouted, raised his hand and patted the back of Jian Zelin's hand, "I'm hungry."

Jian Zelin laughed out loud, looked up at Chi Qian, "Are you hungry?"

Chi Qian rolled her eyes at him, then walked up to Xue Zhiyan and sat down, "I thought you just loved your wife?"

Jian Zelin stretched out his long arms, and pulled Xue Zhiyan into his arms, "Nonsense, a daughter-in-law is more important than a younger sister!"

Chi Qian got angry, rolled her eyes, and turned her head away from him.

Su Ling smiled without saying a word, glanced at Na Mingli who was being ignored, turned around and walked out, and after a while, came back with Jiang Linge's takeaway box in his hand.

Of course, Jiang Linge's takeaway was also provided to a few of them.

Xue Zhiyan drooled and looked at the box in Su Lingxuan's hand, and blinked, "Oh, it's a pity, I changed the school uniform, otherwise I can relive the feeling of eating in the classroom!"

Jian Zelin smiled and squeezed Xue Zhiyan's chin, "What's the matter, can we go back to the set room to eat?"

"Then how can it be the same? He will be wearing a school uniform, more like a student!" Xue Zhiyan acted coquettishly.

Feng Ziyao rolled his eyes, "I didn't see how you liked to wear that school uniform when you were in school!"

Liang Huan laughed, then pushed Feng Ziyao away, and rubbed himself into Yan Shaochen's arms, "We all skipped a grade, and we skipped a grade and left within a few days after the school uniform was issued. Who wears it, you wear it?"

Feng Ziyao pursed his lips, glanced at Na Mingli who had been standing aside, but pointed at Chi Yuan, "I'm hungry!"

have to!Daughter-in-law is hungry, hurry up and serve food!
Chi Yuan, who originally wanted to lose his temper, calmed down when he thought of Feng Ziyao, who had also experienced youth just now.

Then she thought that she hadn't eaten for a long time, and she didn't have the energy to get angry, so she hurried to pick up some food, and when the meal came, she ate it by herself.

Chi Qian simply ate two mouthfuls of food and a mouthful of soup, then put down the bowl and chopsticks, walked up to Na Mingli, stared at his expressionless face with eyes open.

"I still have something to do in the afternoon, what should I do?" Chi Qian's voice was calm, if someone who didn't know about the relationship between the two of them would have thought she was acting like a spoiled child to her lover.

Namingli froze for a moment, "I'll wait for you."

Chi Qian laughed for a while, then put away the smile on her face, and looked at him coldly, "But I don't want you to wait."

"Chi Qian, we need to have a good talk." Naming Li frowned.

Chi Qian snorted coldly, "Namingli, we've already talked about it, haven't we?"

Namingli's expression became more and more solemn, and the hand hanging on the side of his body was also tightly clenched into a fist.

"Or do you want me to tell you directly, Hey, Na Mingli, I really don't want to see you anymore?" The pollution-free smile on Chi Qian's face really blinded everyone's eyes.

"Give me 3 minutes." Namingli took a deep breath, he would not let all his gaffes be exposed in front of these people.

Chi Qian looked up at the wall clock on the wall, "I'll give you 10 minutes, and after 10 minutes, no matter what the result is, I hope that you will remove all the people you arranged around me."

"Similarly, don't bother me anymore, I really really really don't love you anymore!" After Chi Qian said this, she walked out without even looking at her brother.

Na Mingli also didn't even look at these people, and followed Chi Qian out.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Xue Zhiyan bit his chopsticks and looked up at Chi Yuan, then his eyes fell on Jian Zelin's face.

"Qianqian won't fight him, will he?" Xue Zhiyan blinked innocently.

Jian Zelin picked up a shrimp and fed it directly into Xue Zhiyan's mouth, "Eat well!"

Chi Yuan sneered, and also fed Feng Ziyao a shrimp, "If he does anything to Chi Qian again, I will kill him at all costs!"

Feng Ziyao took a piece of fish and stuffed it into Chi Yuan's mouth, "Shut your crow's mouth, everyone has to live a good life, I don't want to be a widow at such a young age!"

(End of this chapter)

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