The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 579 I'm not a good horse, and I don't eat grass

Chapter 579 I am not a good horse, and I will not turn back
Yan Shaochen, who had been silent all this time, answered Feng Ziyao's words, "I'm not worried about whether the two of you will fight, I'm just curious, is Chi Qian full?"

"Huh?" Liang Huan looked at him puzzled.

"If she doesn't have enough to eat, and she doesn't have the energy to continue taking pictures later, wouldn't you have to delay for another day?" Yan Shaochen gave her a bowl of soup with a charming smile on his face.

Liang Huan took the soup and just took a sip when he heard the sound of the door being pushed open.

"If you're worried that I'm not full, you should give me your wife's soup!" Chi Qian walked in with her lips pouted, and sat next to Xue Zhiyan again.

Su Lingxuan handed the bowl full of soup to her eyes, "Drink the soup."

Chi Qian took the soup bowl with a smile, and couldn't tell anything strange.

Xue Zhiyan looked up at the clock on the wall, it was only 3 minutes, and he just glanced at Jian Zelin, Jian Zelin looked at her with the expression that you are eating well, then lowered his head.

The process of taking photos after lunch was even simpler, and only the suits brought by the four of them were left.

So after changing into their own clothes, the four of them came to the small garden outside the studio.

This photo studio was opened in the villa area, and the several villas around it were rented out by the boss and used as their sets, so it was very convenient to take pictures.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun is not so poisonous, and today's weather is already very good, so it is not very hot.

The four women were still the same as in the morning, laughing and joking, without posing for a photo, and the photographer following behind took the photo.

The men also dropped their work and followed the photographer, watching the women take pictures, lest they do anything out of the ordinary.

Of course, the photographer wouldn't tell them stupidly, don't follow, the outrageous things were filmed long before you came.

In this set of girlfriend photos, the group photo of eight people is the last photo, so after the location shooting is finished, several people are tired from running, so they hang on the man and walk back.

Walking back to the photo studio, the photographer picked the most atmospheric set, eight people in different poses and positions, got together to take a group photo, and the day's work was over.

The well-fitting black clothes perfectly displayed the graceful figures of the women. As their men, they still didn't want them to change clothes.

But the sharp-eyed Jian Zelin saw the beads of sweat on Xue Zhiyan's forehead, so he stretched out his hand to wrap his arms around Xue Zhiyan's waist, rubbed her big hand on her back for a while, lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "Go and change clothes quickly." , take you to eat?"

As soon as Xue Zhiyan heard about eating, he laughed, pushed Jian Zelin away, turned and ran.

Seeing the high heels on her feet, Su Ling frowned, "Be careful with your feet!"

When he reminded them, before a few people could react, they saw Xue Zhiyan change from running to jumping on one leg, and then saw a graceful figure. He took off his high heels while jumping, and stepped on it with bare feet. on the ground.

Everyone felt cold, Jian Zelin's mouth twitched.

Then Feng Ziyao, Liang Huan and Chi Qian also took off their high heels while walking, turned and walked into the dressing room.

After a while, a few people changed into the clothes they wore in the morning and put on comfortable shoes.

"What to eat?" Xue Zhiyan held his head up, with an abnormal blush on his cheeks.

Jian Zelin frowned, reached out and touched Xue Zhiyan's cheek, and found that the body temperature was normal, "What do you want to eat, let me take you to eat it?"

Xue Zhiyan slammed his mouth, "Shall we go eat sushi?"

Jian Zelin raised his eyebrows, "Just want to eat this?"

Xue Zhiyan nodded, and rubbed his arms in his arms, "In the past, Yaoyao Liangshou used to eat the three of us once a month."

Su Lingxuan smiled and mentioned Xue Zhiyan's black dress. Although the texture was high-quality, it was still a bit thick because it was a late spring and early autumn dress.

No wonder looking at her boundless beauty, Jian Zelin asked her to change out of this black skirt, because she was afraid that she would get hot!
As soon as Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan laughed, and Chi Qian behind him also laughed.

"What's the matter?" Jian Zelin looked at the three women who were smiling and happy, puzzled.

"Xue Zhiyan, you are not afraid that you will be sweating profusely!" Chi Qian pulled a wet towel and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"I didn't say to eat hot pot!" Xue Zhiyan pouted. When it came to hot pot, she was really greedy.

When Feng Ziyao saw her expression, the corner of his mouth twitched, "You don't want to eat hot pot again, do you?"

"I won't go! Eating hot pot in summer will kill you!" Liang Huan was the first to disagree.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, let's find a Hakka restaurant to eat, order an old soup, and make up for you!" Seeing that his daughter-in-law refused, Yan Shaochen directly made the decision.

"Go?" Jian Zelin lowered his head and asked Xue Zhiyan's opinion.

Xue Zhiyan nodded, and squinted his eyes, "Is there any braised lion's head to eat? And Hakka sauerkraut bamboo shoots?"

Yan Shaochen heard that the words were ineffective, and gave Jian Zelin a meaningful look. Who knew that Jian Zelin only looked down at the woman in his arms, so he didn't appreciate his eyes.

"Okay, you can order whatever you want!" Yan Shaochen lowered his head, Wen Leng Tianliang raised his hair slowly, and led her out first.

"Oh yes!" Xue Zhiyan rubbed against Jian Zelin's arms again, unable to hide the joy in his heart.

"Food!" Jian Zelin lovingly kissed Xue Zhiyan's forehead, hugged her and walked out behind Yan Shaochen.

Feng Ziyao held Chi Yuan in one hand and Chi Qian in the other, and followed behind the group of people. She turned her head to stare at Chi Qian seriously, and asked, "Are you okay?"

Chi Qian shook her head, "Namingli said let me go back to him and give him a chance."

Chi Yuan was concentrating, and his breathing became cautious, not to mention his body stiffened after hearing these words.

Feng Ziyao gave him a disgusted look, pinched his forearm, then turned to look at Chi Qian, "What do you say?"

Chi Qian glanced at Feng Ziyao like an idiot, "I'm not physically abused, it's okay to find the same person to abuse me again and again!"

After Chi Qian finished speaking, she brushed the hair that was scattered on her shoulders, her hair was ready for a shawl now, and she said very chicly, "People like me like to see flowers bloom when they see others. A girl with good looks and abilities, is she going to find such a man to abuse me?"

"If I'm willing to wave a small leather whip and say I'm going to torture people, and the people behind me line up begging for torture, would you believe that they can line up to the seaside?" After finishing speaking, Chi Qian raised her eyebrows and gave Feng Ziyao a Amorous smile.

Chi Yuan shook the goosebumps that came out of his body, and felt a chill, so his stiff body just now returned to normal.

Feng Ziyao rolled his eyes at Chi Qian without hesitation, this girl is really confident enough! "Believe me, I absolutely believe that you have that charm!"

Chi Qian let out a sigh, stretched out his arms to wrap around Feng Ziyao's neck, and said proudly, "Girl, I want to be happy forever! Why do I have to hang on to him? Didn't someone say that good horses don't turn back?" Grass, even though I am not a good horse, I will definitely not eat grass when I turn around!"

(End of this chapter)

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