Chapter 589 Chaos!
Xue Zhiyan was lying on the bed at night with eye masks on, only then did he realize how cruel Jian Zelin said in the morning, "Secretary Xue, take care of me".

The job Jian Zelin gave her was not too complicated, it was text entry, and all the documents he signed were entered into the computer verbatim, and the computer files were saved.

After a whole day, Xue Zhiyan not only had cramp in his hands, but even his eyes were a little cramped.

As for this job, Xue Zhiyan had doubts about it, because a company's important documents are all in triplicate, one electronic file, one copy in the boss's hand, and another paper copy in the secretary's office.

She knew it was like this when she was in Kaisheng, but when Jian Zelin asked her to do it here in Shengshi, she did it, but she didn't expect that she was even more tired than Kaisheng.

Xue Zhiyan sighed, and covered her eyes with her palms, and a burst of warmth spread to her eyeballs through the eye mask, which made her eyes feel very comfortable after a day's work.

Jian Zelin was reading documents in the study next door, he told Xue Zhiyan like this, but only he knew what to read.

He first read the recipe Yan Shaochen prepared for Xue Zhiyan, and wrote down what Xue Zhiyan would eat tomorrow, then put down the recipe and took out Shen Bihua's notepad in the drawer.

The notepad has been in his hands for a while, but he only read the beginning. It's not that he doesn't have time, it's just that he doesn't have the courage to read it.

In addition, he also had the feeling that he was spying on other people's privacy, and this obscene approach made him feel uncomfortable.

But for the sake of Xue Zhiyan, he still had to bite the bullet and read the previous part. There was nothing there, it was all about her admiration for a man, but it could be read from the lines in her words that the man had no feelings for her, It can even be said that the man loves another woman, and deeply.

Jian Zelin is very disdainful of such things, maybe because he has experienced some things, so he is very contemptuous of this kind of meddling in other people's marriages, even if you have a crush on a married man, in his eyes, he looks down on him of.

Jian Zelin bit the bullet and continued to look down, forgetting the passage of time. By the time he finished reading most of the diary, his face was almost as dark as the night.

If you turn off the desk lamp in the study room, you will definitely not be able to see Jian Zelin's face, because after reading the contents of the diary, his anger made his face look as dark as the night.

However, he still suppressed the anger in his heart, put away the notepad, threw it into the drawer in disgust, leaned back in the seat and took a dozen deep breaths, and finally suppressed the anger in his heart.

If he was alone, he would throw a tantrum unabashedly.But now Xue Zhiyan was in his room next to him, he couldn't let his bad mood affect Xue Zhiyan.

Now is not the time to tell Xue Zhiyan everything, he still has to verify, to check, and when everything is confirmed, it will be too late for him to tell Xue Zhiyan.

It's just that he was a little uncertain, that is, would Xue Zhiyan's emotions break down after hearing his retelling?
He wasn't sure about this, and when he thought of Yan Shaochen's hesitation in the morning, leaving half of the sentence unfinished, Jian Zelin opened his private mailbox.

Only Su Lingxuan Chiyuan and Yan Shaochen knew about this email address. He blocked all advertising emails, so any emails could only be sent by them.

So he was not surprised at all when he saw an unread message in his mailbox's inbox.

He had already thought about it, Yan Shaochen couldn't send a message or tell him in person, he would find a way to tell Jian Zelin what he hadn't finished.

Now that they had Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan beside them, they also paid a lot of attention when they talked, and they were no longer so open-mouthed.

After all, the life of one person is completely different from the life of two people.

Jian Zelin read Yan Shaochen's email at a glance, only to feel a sharp pain in his heart.Such overwhelming pain made him feel that he was directly back when he was young, but the pain now is obviously more obvious than the pain at that time.

Jian Zelin closed the computer, leaned back in the chair and sighed heavily, closed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

He didn't know why he had to go through so many things when he was a good person. Even so, why he couldn't live a stable life for a few days after the matter was over.

Is this predestined?Do you have to go through all the doomed hardships in order to be happy?Do you have to go through ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships like Tang Seng and his disciples before you can get the scriptures?
But Xue Zhiyan is not a group of Tang Seng who went to the west to learn from the scriptures, so why let her go through so much alone?Do you have to let her go through all kinds of hardships, so that she can get the hard-won happiness?
How long can a person's life be?he does not know.

But what he knew was that in Xue Zhiyan's life, he had experienced hardships in the first half of his life, and he was not sure what the outcome of the second half of his life would be.But he dared to say that as long as Xue Zhiyan had Jian Zelin in the second half of his life, he would make her the happiest person in the world.

Yan Shaochen's email said that cat analyzed Xue Zhiyan and found that she has a strong sense of self-protection. Judging from the previous intentional kidnapping incident, her subsequent lethargy is a way of self-protection .

The email also said that cat said that Xue Zhiyan was weak and strong at the same time, so when she encountered something she didn't want to face, her fragile side would make her choose to escape. At that time, all her strength and optimism would be Be replaced by thoughts of avoidance.

If Xue Zhiyan experiences something that is more irritating to her, or knows some news that is contrary to her consciousness, she will most likely choose to escape, protect herself, and isolate her from all contact with outside news. May fall back into a deep sleep.

This is her most straightforward way of escaping.

Her lethargy during the recent period may have something to do with her inability to accept Shen Bihua's illness and death.Although she didn't say anything and even resisted Shen Bihua in her heart, the true thoughts deep in her brain and heart controlled her consciousness and body.

This is Yan Shaochen's conclusion about her lethargy.

At the same time, Yan Shaochen also said that he didn't know how long Xue Zhiyan would sleep, and the cat couldn't figure it out.

If something like this really happened, it would depend on Xue Zhiyan's own will. To put it bluntly, it would depend on her mood.

Jian Zelin only felt that his headache was severe, he never thought that Xue Zhiyan would have such a situation, it was too unreal for him.

But it wasn't someone else who said it, it was Yan Shaochen who said it.If someone else told him, he would still find it ridiculous, and he might even be beaten up by him for saying Xue Zhiyan casually, but this was said by his most trusted Yan Shaochen...

Yan Shaochen's words, combined with the contents of the diary he saw just now, terrified Jian Zelin.

It was the first time that he regretted doing something so much, and he began to doubt whether it was right for him to always want to find out the truth about the Xue family accident.

He started to get scared, he was afraid of Xue Zhiyan's reaction when he knew everything, but he couldn't stop.

The only thing he can do now is procrastinate.

Yes, drag it first!It would be nice to let her know one day later.

He really didn't want to see Xue Zhiyan look desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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