The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 590 She Is His Good Medicine

Chapter 590 She Is His Good Medicine
When Jian Zelin returned to the room, Xue Zhiyan was already asleep, but her eyes were still covered with eye masks.

Jian Zelin walked gently to the side of the bed, lifted the quilt and lay beside her, took off her eye mask, and looked at her sleeping face.

Jian Zelin felt stable in his heart for no reason.

As if all the panic just now had never happened, just looking at her face can make all his panic go away.

Xue Zhiyan is his good medicine.

Jian Zelin was sure of this in her heart.

He stretched out his hand to hold Xue Zhiyan tightly in his arms, breathed in the faint fragrance of her body, and let out a long sigh of relief.

It seems that as long as she is by my side, all the dark nights will no longer be long.

It seemed that as long as she was by her side, all anger could be calmed down.

"I won't let you have trouble." Jian Zelin kissed Xue Zhiyan's forehead.

In his sleep, Xue Zhiyan felt Jian Zelin's sincerity, and nuzzled comfortably in his arms, sleeping even more sweetly.


It was already nine o'clock in the evening when Chi Qian came out of Hengyuan headquarters.

She also doesn't know why she, as the boss, has to work overtime until late. The important thing is that there is nothing to work overtime at all!

Thinking about it, too, looking at the pile of numbers, I was in a daze, and it was time to get off work.

In order not to let the work be delayed until tomorrow, Chi Qian had no choice but to use the time after get off work to finish the unfinished work.

In a daze!Alas, it can't be like this in the future!

Chi Qian stretched out her hand and rubbed her swollen temples. It was only when she walked to the gate of Hengyuan that she realized that her car was still parked in the underground parking lot.

Turning around, I wanted to walk back to the building, take the elevator directly downstairs and drive, but after thinking about it, I was too lazy to drive.

So Chi Qian walked to the side of the road, stretched out her hand, and stopped the car.

Namingli's car stopped in front of Chi Qian's eyes before an empty taxi.

"I don't know if I have time to have dinner with the vice president?" As soon as the car window fell, Na Mingli's slightly teasing voice came over.

Na Mingli had a determined smile on his face. You Chi Qian ran to Hengyuan to avoid me, so it will be easier for me to see you.

But to his surprise, Chi Qian still didn't buy it.

She glanced at Namingli's car, turned around and walked away.

The tone is sitting in his car, disgusted by him, why not go back and drive!

Anyway, it only takes half an hour to drive back to Qianxiang Xiaozhu. No matter how tired you are, this half hour will pass quickly.

Unexpectedly, Na Mingli, who turned around and left Chi Qian, pushed open the car door, stood by the car door, and shouted at Chi Qian's handsome back, "Chi Qian! Is that why you don't want to see me?"

Chi Qian stopped in her tracks, turned her head and gave him a disgusted look, with a mocking smile on the corner of her mouth, "Mr. Na really knows how to joke, why don't I want to see you!"

After hearing Chi Qian's words, Na Mingli had a look of joy on his face, but before his joy lasted for a while, Chi Qian broke all the beautiful fantasies in his heart.

"Na is always our big client of Hengyuan, so I certainly don't want to see you! But now it's off-duty time, I'm not Hengyuan's Vice President Chi, and you're not Hengyuan's client either, so I don't think it's necessary for me to talk to you Meet alone."

Chi Qian's words made sense, and after she finished speaking, she turned around and continued walking without waiting for Na Mingli's response.

Chi Qian felt regretful!If I had known that I would meet Na Mingli, she would have to drive even if she was exhausted!This is great, and Na Mingli gave me a response again, and I haven't eaten dinner and supper yet!

Namingli clenched his fists resentfully, watching Chi Qian's gradually disappearing figure, a sternness flashed in his eyes.

Without much effort, Na Mingli saw Chi Qian's car driving out from the exit of the underground parking lot.

Before leaving, he did not forget to flash the flashing lights at him, and politely honked the horn.

Seeing Chi Qian's car disappear, Na Mingli's eyes dimmed, and at the same time, there was a trace of emotion that others could not understand, which flashed away quickly.

Chi Qian returned to Qianxiang Xiaozhu, washed the rice, put it in the rice cooker, and went upstairs to take a shower.

The early summer in S city is already very hot.

After a day-to-day routine of work, what makes Chi Qian feel comfortable physically and mentally is undoubtedly that she can take a good bath.

Soaking in the large bathtub, she closed her eyes and meditated, ignoring the vibrating cell phone beside her.

You don't even need to look at her to know who it is.

Besides Na Mingli, who would call her so persistently?
She couldn't think of anyone else.

She didn't know what Namingli was going to do, and pestered her again and again, which was really not his style of doing things.

Seeing Na Mingli like this, Chi Qian felt a little tangled in her heart.

When he was so busy fighting against his brother, he didn't even have time to look at her. At that time, Chi Qian always hoped that Na Mingli would put down his work and turn around to make an appointment with her for dinner.

But until that incident happened, Namingli didn't put down his work and went on a date with her for dinner.

Now the two are strangers, but Namingli pesters her again, wanting her to spare some time to eat and talk to him.

But who is Chi Qian? Once she misses something, she will never go back to find such a person. How could she agree to Na Mingli's request?

Chi Qian does not deny that there are some other factors involved, she does not deny at all that she is taking this opportunity to mess with Ming Li, but even if she is really messing with him, what can he say?
After all, Chi Qian didn't really promise him, and then broke the appointment with him!And judging from the relationship between the two, it is understandable for Chi Qian to do so.

Na Mingli can't say anything about her, even if she knows that she has a bit of a bad taste, what does it matter?
Na Mingli once made her suffer so much, she just tortured him, why not?
Besides, this torture was sent to the door by Na Mingli, and she didn't take the initiative to come to the door, so why would she give up this opportunity?

So Chi Qian felt that there was nothing excessive about what she did.

The phone finally stopped buzzing and vibrating, the red wine in the glass was gone, and the hot water in the bathtub was also cold.

Chi Qian reached out and pulled the bathrobe on the side, wrapped it around her body, wrapped her head in a big towel, with a little bit of foam on the tip of her nose, and went downstairs to eat supper.

When the doorbell rang, Chi Qian had just finished half a bowl of porridge.

She didn't have dinner at all, and it took a while to get back to eat. She was very dissatisfied that her meal was interrupted. Even though she was reluctant in every way, she didn't want the doorbell to continue to torment her eardrums.

When she opened the door and saw the man standing outside, Chi Qian was really embarrassed.

She didn't expect Namingli to be so difficult.

One word can be used to describe him, that is stalking.

"You!" Chi Qian really wanted to slam the door, and it was better to break Na Mingli's nose.

It's just that Namingli didn't give her this chance, when she uttered a syllable, he hugged Chiqian without hesitation, and kissed her lips...

(End of this chapter)

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