The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 593 This man, why are there so many chapters?

Chapter 593 Why is this man talking too much?
Before Xue Zhiyan went to bed at night, when she thought of Chi Qian's request, she couldn't help but secretly smile.

He even sneaked into the cloakroom while Jian Zelin was taking a shower, and took a look at how many casual clothes Jian Zelin had.

Her plan at the time was that if Jian Zelin didn't have a few sets of casual clothes, she would quickly buy some for him.

Who knew that classmate Jian Zelin would save money for Miss Xue Zhiyan this time.

Except for Xue Zhiyan's open wardrobe on the front wall which was full of her clothes, the open wardrobes on the other two walls were full of Jian Zelin's clothes.

Of course, one side of the wardrobe is full of well-made handmade suits, and the other side of the wardrobe is naturally casual clothes that Jian Zelin seldom wears.

Xue Zhiyan took a closer look and found that most of these casual clothes were taken by Jian Zelin as home clothes.

If the two of them don't go out, all the clothes Jian Zelin wears at home will be the clothes in this closet.

Xue Zhiyan retracted his surprised chin, and when he turned around, he saw Jian Zelin standing behind her, wiping the drops of water from his hair.

"Hey, have you finished washing?" Xue Zhiyan smiled mischievously.

Walking in front of Jian Zelin, ignoring the wet drops on his naked body, she directly put her arms around his neck, and hung her whole body on him.

Jian Zelin snorted, clasped Xue Zhiyan's waist with one hand, and supported her hips with the other, and hugged her directly.

"Running around?" Jian Zelin glanced at her, covered his head with a white towel, walked out of the cloakroom holding Xue Zhiyan in his arms.

I originally wanted to throw Xue Zhiyan onto the bed like before, but I was afraid that her subconscious movements would affect her recovery, so Jian Zelin's movements this time were much gentler than before.

"Jian Zelin, do you really want to wear casual clothes?" Xue Zhiyan pushed him lightly, avoiding his approaching mouth.

Jian Zelin froze for a moment, turned over on the bed with Xue Zhiyan in his arms, and Xue Zhiyan lay on his chest.

His eyes narrowed, as if thinking carefully.Then Xue Zhiyan saw him nodding his head, "I told you that I want to be a student with you, and it seems a little inappropriate to wear a suit."

Xue Zhiyan covered his mouth and giggled for a while, reached out and scratched Jian Zelin's waist, "Isn't it because of Chi Qian's request?"

Xue Zhiyan frowned slightly, and looked at Jian Zelin with interest, with a smirk on his lips.

Jian Zelin squinted his eyes at her, seeing all her little movements and expressions, so he naturally knew what she was thinking, and it was impossible for her to get her way.

He pressed her directly onto the bed, reached out and turned off the light in the room, and said in a deep voice, "Sleep."

"Hmm!" Xue Zhiyan struggled a bit, reached out and touched his still wet hair, and his eyebrows frowned in the dark, "You, dry your hair, or you'll catch a cold."

Jian Zelin rubbed Xue Zhiyan's hair, knowing that if he didn't dry his hair, he wouldn't be able to sleep.

So he obediently turned over and got out of bed, and before going into the bathroom, he did not forget to tell Xue Zhiyan, "Lie on the bed, don't run around."

Xue Zhiyan nodded obediently, and smiled as he watched him turn and walk into the bathroom.

I don't know if the original date of the graduation ceremony was not very far away, or because the time passed quickly, the day of the graduation ceremony came soon.

These days, except for the things that Liang Huan needs to bring with him to go abroad, other people's lives are normal.

But the most excited one should be Xue Zhiyan, the picture of eight horses thrown to her by Jian Zelin, she has already embroidered five horses.

Seeing her excited appearance, Jian Zelin was somewhat depressed, but there was nothing he could do about his depression. Who asked him to throw the cross-stitch to her, so it was understandable that her attention was not on him during the day.

On the morning of the graduation ceremony, Xue Zhiyan woke up early. For the first time in a long time, Xue Zhiyan didn't use Jian Zelin to wake her up.

Looking at Xue Zhiyan who woke up, Jian Zelin had a look of surprise on his face.

"Are you awake?" Jian Zelin gave her a good morning kiss, and his voice was still a bit muffled.

Xue Zhiyan stretched his waist, nodded, "Yes, I'm awake."

"To wash up?" Jian Zelin looked at the glorious Xue Zhiyan.

I have to say that after more than half a month of recuperation, her complexion has really improved a lot.

Xue Zhiyan smiled and nodded, rubbing against Jian Zelin's arms, "Today, can you let me go by myself?"

Hearing this, Jian Zelin frowned slightly, "Yes, but..."

"Huh?" Xue Zhiyan raised his head, looked at Jian Zelin who had finished speaking halfway, and waited for him to continue.

"You can walk by yourself, but you can't run or jump, you know?" Jian Zelin stared at Xue Zhiyan intently, there was a tendency that he would not let her move freely if she shook her head.

Who is Xue Zhiyan?Having been by Jian Zelin's side for so long, I naturally know what his eyes and movements mean.

Moreover, what Jian Zelin said was for her own good, so at that moment, Xue Zhiyan nodded obediently.

But who is Jian Zelin?How could he not know the smallness in Xue Zhiyan's heart, Chi Qian, Feng Ziyao, Liang Huan and others were also there today, these women's favorite is obedience and disobedience.

On the surface they agreed well, but when they turned around, they were no longer them.

In view of previous experience and lessons, Jian Zelin stretched out his hand and pinched Xue Zhiyan's little nose, "You'd better do what you say, and don't think about obedience, otherwise..."

After Jian Zelin finished speaking, he smiled sinisterly, and the look in Xue Zhiyan's eyes gradually became more dangerous.

Xue Zhiyan stuck out her tongue helplessly. Jian Zelin directly cut off her back path. It is estimated that Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan are on the same side. As for Chi Qian...

well!Xue Zhiyan sighed heavily in his heart, and nodded obediently again.

"One more thing." Jian Zelin spoke again.

Xue Zhiyan frowned, why does this man have so many conditions?Why didn't I find out that he talked so much before?
Seeing Xue Zhiyan frowned, Jian Zelin's mouth twitched, "Why, you don't want to agree? That's fine, just sit in a wheelchair!"

Xue Zhiyan bared his teeth, hey, stingy man!Can others not be dissatisfied?I was dissatisfied for a while, and did not express my opinion!
Seeing her dissatisfied expression, Jian Zelin uttered a monosyllable from his nose, "Huh?"

Xue Zhiyan lowered his head and rubbed against his arms, "Okay, tell me, tell me, why don't I promise you everything?"

"Well, be good!" Jian Zelin patted Xue Zhiyan on the back twice as if to appease a cat whose fur had exploded, "You must stay within my sight, and you are not allowed to run around."

"That's it?" Xue Zhiyan raised his head, a little disbelieving, the second condition Jian Zelin said was to let her stay by his side.

"Well, that's it." Jian Zelin nodded.

Xue Zhiyan showed her white teeth, smiled happily, and nodded heavily, "No problem!"

(End of this chapter)

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