The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 594 What a coincidence, you are here too

Chapter 594 What a coincidence, you are here too

When Jian Zelin and his group arrived outside the auditorium of the university, the headmaster was already waiting outside with a fat head and a much rounder body.

I don't know if it's because he's been in the sun for too long, or because the fat man is prone to sweating. The principal's white shirt has already been soaked with sweat, exuding the smell of sweat and greasy smell.

Xue Zhiyan pouted, tilted his head to Jian Zelin's ear and whispered to him, "It's over, I don't want to eat pork for a long time, what should I do?"

The corner of Jian Zelin's mouth twitched, and there was a smile that was not a smile on his handsome and cold face. He looked straight at Xue Zhiyan, and from the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the fat principal, and the smile on the corner of his mouth had a hint of sarcasm.

"Anyway, your favorite is to eat chicken. It doesn't matter if you eat pork or not." Look, how domineering and pampering these words are!

If it were someone else, they would definitely say, well, he is also your principal, why don't you be more merciful?

But Jian Zelin is not this kind of person, he basically doesn't have the talent to be a teacher, and he rarely preaches to others.

Occasionally preaching to Xue Zhiyan, it was because Xue Zhiyan's actions had an impact on her, he would possess Tang Seng and nag her for a while.

Otherwise, in most cases, when he sees Xue Zhiyan running on people, it is already his greatest gift not to say even worse words.

Jian Zelin was not a talkative person in the first place, when he talked a lot, he was talking to Xue Zhiyan and his group of friends. As for the others, they really had nothing to do with him.

So when Xue Zhiyan said that the fat principal was like a pig, he really didn't feel it. Even because of Xue Zhiyan's description, when he looked at the fat principal, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that Xue Zhiyan's description was too strong.

Feng Ziyao's reaction was the most direct. When the principal came over to shake hands with Chi Yuan, she immediately vomited.

Seeing Feng Ziyao's reaction, Chi Qian immediately burst out laughing.She knew that Chi Yuan and Feng Ziyao had always taken protective measures, so it was impossible for them to become pregnant, but she still wanted to tease them.

Therefore, Chi Qian's first reaction was to run to Feng Ziyao's side and look at her with a surprised expression.

"Yaoyao, do you have it?" Chi Qian said while patting Feng Ziyao's back.

Liang Huan handed over a wet tissue. Because Xue Zhiyan couldn't run and jump around, he obediently stood beside Jian Zelin, took out the water glass he was carrying from his bag, and handed it over.

With a pale face, Feng Ziyao glared at Chi Qian, "I'm pregnant with you! I'm suffering from heat stroke! Heat stroke!"

Yan Shaochen smiled and took out a mint candy from Liang Huan's bag, and threw it to Chi Yuan, "She's fine, just a little bit of heat stroke!"

Yan Shaochen deliberately put the emphasis on the word heatstroke, and glanced at the fat principal inadvertently, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

Seeing this, Liang Huan stretched out his hand and pinched Yan Shaochen, then turned to look at Feng Ziyao, "Are you okay? It's okay, let's go in quickly, it's too hot outside."

Chi Qian, who failed in her little trick, made a fan with her hands and fanned it next to her cheeks, "Yeah, the wind blowing is hot, let's go in quickly?"

Chi Yuan embraced Feng Ziyao, nodded politely to the principal, and walked past him into the auditorium.

Seeing this, Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan went in together without too much delay.

Yan Shao quickly embraced Liang Huan, "Why do you have such little reaction to the principal?"

Liang Huan's eyes rolled, and he turned his head to look at the principal, "Why did you have such a big reaction? If I wasn't with you, he wouldn't know me. To him, I'm just a graduate student." One of a kind."

Yan Shaochen raised his brows. He knew Liang Huan's temper was very cold, but he never thought that he could be so calm. "The more it is because of this, the more you should be sick of him?"

Liang Huan gave him a pair of hygienic eyeballs, "If I disgust him, he still thinks he has such a place in my heart. But the truth is, I don't even know who he is after leaving this school. Why make yourself sick because of a passer-by, A, B, and C!"

Liang Huan nodded and smiled at a teacher he didn't know, and then continued, "He just wanted to use me to curry favor with Dr. Yan, why should I give him this opportunity to make you hate him?"

Liang Xu looked at him, with a little exploration on his face, "Could it be that you like that fat principal to bother you?"

He smiled and shook his head, "I only like you to bother me, others, better not come."

Then Yan Shaochen didn't care about the occasion, turned around and stopped, and kissed Liang Huan deeply, which attracted the people on the side to stop and look sideways.

Liang Huan was not shy either, he hooked Yan Shaochen's neck directly, and responded to him forgetfully.

After the kiss was over, Yan Shaochen straightened her hair that was never messy, with a smirk on the corner of his mouth, "Oh, Mrs. Yan, what should I do, someone will definitely bother you in the future!" A, B, and C passers-by on the side.

Liang Huan patted the non-existent dust on Yan Shaochen's shoulder, "It's okay, Mr. Yan, as a good wife in the new era, I will not cause trouble for Dr. Yan!"

Chi Qian followed up from behind with a dark face, lifted her foot and lightly kicked Liang Huan's calf, "Hey, there is someone behind you two! Why do you want me to watch such a passionate scene in broad daylight?"

Liang Huan smiled and shrugged, looking at Chi Qian's smirk, "You can walk in front of the two of us and see how tired your brother and Zhiyan are!"

Chi Qian bared her teeth, gave the two of them a look of stare, and lowered her shoulders in disappointment, "Damn Su Lingxuan, if he's here, someone can accompany me to feel disappointed!"

The corner of Yan Shaochen's mouth twitched, and at the same time, he silently mourned for his good brother Su Lingxuan for three seconds.

Thinking of him as the grand young master of the Su family, the only heir of the Su family, from Chi Qian's point of view, he is just a foil for her search for a sense of existence.

Really, the meaning of a person's existence really depends on who it is for!

To the right person, it must be priceless, like a pearl like a treasure; to the wrong person, it is nothing more than a passerby, A, B, C.

Liang Huan reached out to take Chi Qian's hand, and coaxed her with a smile, "Let's go, at worst I'll hold your arm, let's go together!"

Chi Qian curled her lips in disdain, "Liang Huan, you are too unkind, hugging left and right!"

Liang Huan laughed out loud twice, raised his brows, and smiled very unhappy, "Then Miss Chi Qian, don't you like my left hug?"

Chi Qian lowered her head shyly and timidly, pretending to be a daughter-in-law from a good family, and nodded, "I like it!"

Yan Shaochen had a chill, and just about to pull Liang Huan into his arms, he heard a familiar voice from behind.

"Yan Shao, I didn't expect such a coincidence that you also came to our graduation ceremony."

(End of this chapter)

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