The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 595 It's really not my fault!

Chapter 595 It's really not my fault!

Hearing this familiar voice, it was not Yan Shaochen or Liang Huan who reacted first, but Chi Qian who was joking with Liang Huan.

The corners of her mouth were always raised slightly, but the smile on her face became more and more formulaic. The smile was strong, but it didn't reach her eyes.

She turned her head, and sure enough, she saw that face, the one she had watched countless times in the computer video.

Di Wei.

Came back from abroad.

Of course, the man who gave her money to go abroad to squander is also standing by his side now.

Forest desert.

Feng Ziyao's scumbag ex-boyfriend stood with her.

The two were holding hands, with a smile that could be seen at a glance on their faces, which could be interpreted as a gangster.

Seeing Di Wei's ruddy complexion, snowy skin, and the happy smile on the corner of her mouth, Chi Qian wanted to laugh out loud.

But she held back, she still wants to continue to watch the show, seeing how the pair of dogs and men will continue to act, how can they fail so early?

Yan Shaochen frowned invisibly. He didn't have much feeling for Di Wei, even though she had followed Jian Zelin for two years without complaint or regret, even though he once felt that being a woman who could not get the response from her lover She is very poor.

But it is also limited to poor.

But when he knew that for Jian Zelin's sake, she had played so cautiously with Xue Zhiyan, who had no idea at the time, he felt that she was disgusting as a woman.

In the minds of the four of them, women can be cautious, but they are limited to how to please their men.If her scheming is used to design others, it will undoubtedly make them feel sick.

Although Di Wei's scheming was for Jian Zelin, it made them feel extremely disgusted.

Who made her hurt Xue Zhiyan?
So, he just nodded to Di Wei, and didn't have much communication with her.

Because the two really didn't know each other very well, even during the time when Di Wei liked Jian Zelin, they didn't have much contact.

The only few contacts were also because she suddenly appeared at their party.

And that can't be called contact at all, it's just that two people are in the same box, he is playing his billiards, and she is pestering her Jian Zelin.

When Liang Huan saw Di Wei, he thought of what she said before going abroad, but it's only been four months since the end of the Chinese New Year. Is this also called going abroad?

right!The visa in the passport can show that she has gone abroad.

But since he only came back after going out for a while, why did he tell Xue Zhiyan so miserable when he was in the mall, as if he would never come back?
Liang Huan snorted disdainfully, tugged Chi Qian's hand, and at the same time tugged Yan Shaochen, "Let's go! Go in!"

When the three of Yan Shaochen entered, Xue Zhiyan and Jian Zelin had already sat down in the front row.

Xue Zhiyan was a little puzzled when he saw the three people who were 'coming late', they were walking back and forth, why did they come in so late, did something happen on the way?

Xue Zhiyan reached out and pulled Liang Huan, and pulled her to the seat beside him to sit down, "What's wrong, so slow?"

"Meet an acquaintance!" Liang Huan smiled calmly. Is Di Wei an acquaintance?Maybe count!

Chi Qian snorted, "I met your rival in love." After speaking, she glanced at Jian Zelin.

Jian Zelin only felt that he was lying on the ground, when did Xue Zhiyan become a rival in love again, he was clearly single-minded, okay?
Yan Shaochen glanced at the innocent Jian Zelin, cleared his throat, and said in a voice that all seven of them could hear clearly, "I met Di Wei."

Feng Ziyao looked like he swallowed a fly, "Liang Huan, are you still an acquaintance with her?"

Liang Huan took a pair of her hygienic eyeballs, "Otherwise, I'll tell you, I met a stranger and it took me so long, would you believe me?"

Feng Ziyao pursed his lips, and didn't continue to argue.

Chi Qian saw that her brother's expression was pretty good, and added, "I also saw Yaoyao, your scumbag ex-boyfriend, with Di Wei."

Now Chi Yuan and Jian Zelin's expression is not good, I don't know if it is because of a certain sentence that makes their faces black.

Liang Huan pulled Chi Qian, "Today is a happy day, can you not be disgusting?"

Chi Qian thought about it, today seems to be a really happy day, why do you have to disgust yourself and everyone?

Immediately nodded, "Sorry, my abnormal psychology has affected everyone! I'm sorry, sorry, hehe..."

Xue Zhiyan stretched out his hand and squeezed Jian Zelin's arm, "Why do you have such a dark face, I will make you ugly when I take a picture, I want to take another picture!"

Jian Zelin pampered Xue Zhiyan's forehead, and his gloomy face instantly turned cloudy, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Jian Zelin directly lifted the armrest between the seats, stretched out his hand to hug Xue Zhiyan into his arms, and whispered to her, "Don't worry, I will smile brightly in your photo!"

Jian Zelin and his group all sat in their seats, and no one spoke anymore. Sure enough, after a while, they heard Di Wei's voice.

After greeting several people from behind, she sat on the chair without making any sound.

But Xue Zhiyan felt that his back was going to be burned.It may be that some people's eyes were too hot, which made Xue Zhiyan a little restless.

Jian Zelin tilted his head slightly, looked at Xue Zhiyan who was moving around on the seat, put his hand on her waist, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Xue Zhiyan shook his head with a smile, glanced at the fat headmaster who was still talking on stage, and showed embarrassment, "I don't know, sitting here is awkward, I always feel that someone is watching me."

Feng Ziyao tilted his head and said softly, "Well, you are right, I think my back is going to burn!"

Jian Zelin and Chi Yuan chuckled at the same time. Although the voice was not loud, it could be heard clearly by the people around them.

In an instant, everyone's eyes fell on the four whispering Jian Zelin, and they all turned their eyes away from the principal on the stage.

Jian Zelin hugged Xue Zhiyan even tighter, and lightly bit her ear. Xue Zhiyan couldn't dodge it in time. In the eyes of others, it was the two of them making an extremely intimate move under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Jian Zelin leaned into Xue Zhiyan's ear and said, "Then let her watch it for a while longer!" He naturally knew who it was that was staring at Xue Zhiyan.

Xue Zhiyan pinched him angrily, "It's all your fault!"

Jian Zelin smiled bitterly, and touched his nose helplessly, "How can you blame me! She insisted on liking me and following me. I didn't say Di Wei, follow me, you like me!"

Xue Zhiyan gave him a gouged look, "You didn't say it! But you didn't say it either, don't let her follow you!"

Ok!What Xue Zhiyan said was reasonable, Jian Zelin touched his nose again.But an ordinary woman follows a man. If the man doesn't give her a title, she will leave after a while. Who knew that Di Wei had such perseverance?
Jian Zelin shouted again in his heart, I really don't blame me for this matter!
(End of this chapter)

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