The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 597 You Really Waste Things

Chapter 597 You Really Waste Things
Back from the graduation ceremony, Feng Ziyao didn't suffer from heatstroke, but Xue Zhiyan did.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan lying on the bed with a bloodless face, the home clothes on her body were already soaked with sweat. Jian Zelin had already changed two sets of home clothes for her, but she still kept sweating.

Jian Zelin thought there was nothing he could do about feeding her a little food, she basically vomited twice after eating, which made him feel extremely distressed.

Looking at Xue Zhiyan's pale and weak face, Jian Zelin felt that all the flesh that Xue Zhiyan had raised these days had all fallen off in this day.

Jian Zelin looked at the medicine in his hand and sighed helplessly. Yan Shaochen said to pour the medicine down for her, and then let her sleep for a long time.

But Xue Zhiyan couldn't swallow it at all, so how could he pour it?
When Jian Zelin was worrying, Xue Zhiyan, who was lying weak on the bed, spoke out.

Her voice was as small as a mosquito, "Ah Ze, I'm hungry."

Sometimes Xue Zhiyan acted like a baby with Jian Zelin, so he would call him Aze.

Jian Zelin liked her calling him Aze very much, but he couldn't be happy with the current situation.

Jian Zelin gently hugged Xue Zhiyan, and put his face on her forehead. Her forehead was cool, which made him afraid.

"What to eat?" Jian Zelin's hot lips were printed on her cold forehead.

Jian Zelin reached out to pick up the remote control and turned up the temperature of the air conditioner.

Xue Zhiyan rubbed against his arms uncomfortably, "Dried scallop porridge, my mouth has no taste..."

"Well, have porridge." Jian Zelin patted Xue Zhiyan on the back lightly, trying to make her feel better, "Can I ask Jiang Linge to bring you seafood porridge? I'll cook scallop porridge for you when you are well drink?"

"Well, good." Xue Zhiyan nodded, and fell asleep in Jian Zelin's arms again.

Seeing that she was still asleep with sweat on her forehead, Jian Zelin's heart was clenched together. If he hadn't promised Xue Zhiyan to attend the graduation ceremony, she wouldn't be sick.

Jian Zelin suddenly blamed himself, complaining that he didn't take the hot weather into consideration, which made Xue Zhiyan suddenly fall ill.

So even though Jiang Linge sent a whole casserole of seafood porridge over immediately after receiving Jian Zelin's call, the unlucky delivery waiter was still affected by Jian Zelin's anger.

Since Xue Zhiyan opened his mouth and said that he wanted to eat, Jian Zelin crushed the medicine for Xue Zhiyan into the end of the year and poured it into the porridge bowl during the process of drying the porridge for her.

There wasn't much porridge in the porridge bowl, Jian Zelin didn't put much into it because he considered that Xue Zhiyan had no appetite and two mouthfuls would be enough.

Xue Zhiyan held back the convulsions in her stomach, and drank the half bowl of porridge that Jian Zelin gave her. She didn't know if it was because of eating, but she felt that she was not so soft anymore.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan drank the small bowl of seafood porridge, Jian Zelin felt that when she was looking at Xue Zhiyan, her complexion improved a lot.

In this way, Jian Zelin's tense nerves were relaxed a lot. After he finished drinking a small bowl of porridge, he lay on the bed with Xue Zhiyan in his arms.

Xue Zhiyan rubbed against his arms, and asked softly, "Aren't you going to work today?"

Jian Zelin bowed his head and kissed Xue Zhiyan, "You are sick, how can I work with peace of mind?"

Xue Zhiyan laughed softly twice, and when the weak voice reached Jian Zelin's ears, it made him feel distressed for a while.

"I'm sorry, if I hadn't asked you to attend that graduation ceremony, and then dragged you around the entire University A, you wouldn't have suffered from heat stroke." Jian Zelin slowly blamed himself in his tone.

Xue Zhiyan stretched out his hand to hug him weakly, but Jian Zelin clearly felt the strength of her soft and boneless hand, she said softly, "How can I blame you, I asked for it all myself."

Jian Zelin bowed his head and kissed Xue Zhiyan, knowing that if it continued, it would become a confession meeting for two people.

He gently patted Xue Zhiyan on the back, as if coaxing the child to sleep, "No one is to blame, it's because the sun was too big yesterday!"

Xue Zhiyan giggled twice, his sickly face turned a little rosy, maybe it was really because of eating.

"Sleep for a while, wake up and it will be fine." She was able to smile, which meant that she was about to recover.

"Didn't Chen prescribe me medicine? I can take it while I'm here, eat it?" This was the first time that Xue Zhiyan asked for medicine on his own initiative.

Jian Zelin didn't stop patting her, but he didn't go to get the medicine either, "Just now I ground the medicine into powder and poured it into the porridge, you've already eaten it."

"So, now I can sleep well?" Xue Zhiyan opened his eyes, and the eyes that were originally covered with gray were much clearer.

"Well, go to sleep."

"You accompany me?"

"Okay, I'll accompany you."

Xue Zhiyan closed his eyes again, and the two people who stayed at home to recuperate and accompany them had no idea what was happening in the outside world.

Even if Jian Zelin knew about it, in his eyes, as long as it didn't hurt Xue Zhiyan, it was nothing important.

Among them, the most important point is that those people he cares about should not be fatally injured.

For the rest, they can make as much noise as they like!

In fact, Chi Qian really made such a fuss.

Just because of her words, Lin Mo and Di Wei completely lost their biggest backer.

In fact, Chi Qian didn't say anything, but she knew that after Lin Mo and Di Wei were together, Di Wei went back to China, so she purposely went around the shopping mall in Namingli.

And she happened to see that Namingli's company was doing a public call for jewelry design. As long as they are talented people, as long as they have good ideas and good designs, they can submit and participate.

The theme of jewelry design is true love.

Chi Qian couldn't be more familiar with this, because this was what she told him when she was still with Na Mingli.

She hopes that her man can design a set of jewelry for her that is unique in the world and belongs only to her in the future. She named the unknown set of jewelry true love.

The meaning couldn't be more clear, he is her true love, and she is his true love.

But now that everything has changed, what are you doing with this useless mess?
It's just that when she saw Lin Mo sitting in the chief designer's seat, Chi Qian's good-natured mentality of not wanting to see bad guys live again came out to cause trouble.

She just picked a set of cosmetics at the cosmetics counter, and she successfully attracted Namingli's attention.

The current Na Mingli's love for Chi Qian can really be said to be the same as a dog's love for meat buns, not fanatical.

So after he approached, the first thing he heard Chi Qian said was, "You actually use someone who has no brains and only knows how to steal other people's ideas as your chief designer?"

Naming didn't know the calendar, so he looked at Chi Qian with a blank face.Chi Qian didn't know whether he really didn't understand, or if he didn't understand, and added, "You really know how to bury that set of jewelry!"

After Chi Qian finished speaking, she shook her head regretfully, turned around and left with the cosmetics she had already paid for.

(End of this chapter)

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