Chapter 598

Na Mingli is Lin Mo's boss, he was the one who dug Lin Mo here, so naturally he knows his strength well, he even knows how many women he has dated in the past.

That's why, when he pretended to meet them for the first time in the Nuan Pavilion that day, he took Lin Mo with him because he wanted to make Feng Ziyao, who Chi Yuan cared about, respond.

But I didn't expect that I didn't respond to Feng Ziyao at the beginning, but today I did respond to Chi Qian.

He naturally knew what Chi Qian meant by plagiarizing other people's ideas. He was referring to the fact that Lin Mo stole Feng Ziyao's design in the development and design of Xinjingdi.

He didn't intend to let Lin Mo leave his job, but he thought of what Chi Qian said, and thought that this jewelry was made this time just to please Chi Qian, so he resolutely let Lin Mo leave immediately.

What he said at the time was very tactful and reserved, he said, "Lin Mo, go back and rest first, because the guests are not satisfied with your previous designs, so you don't need to participate for the time being, don't be discouraged, there will still be many opportunities in the future! "

How well said!The client was not satisfied with his previous design!How can there be any customers!The biggest customer is Chi Qian!

If you treat her as a customer, it depends on whether she is willing to be your customer!

To put it bluntly, the most direct reason for Na Mingli to do this was nothing more than to make Chi Qian feel better.

No one likes the unique jewelry hanging around his neck. It is a designer who steals other people's ideas.

Therefore, Lin Mo was cannon fodder.

But who is Lin Mo, and who is the woman beside him?

Lin Mo only caught sight of Chi Qian's leaving back, and with that one glance, he was sure that there was another reason for his sudden leave.

As for Chi Qian's relationship with Feng Ziyao's friend, and future sister-in-law's relationship, this made him more certain of one thing - Chi Qian deliberately made things difficult for Feng Ziyao in order to complain to Feng Ziyao!
Sitting in the car, Chi Qian sneezed fiercely. She threw the cosmetics in her hands on the back seat in disgust, and drove the car away from this place of right and wrong.

After Lin Mo thought this way, and under Di Wei's fanning the flames, he thought in his pig's brain that Feng Ziyao was the mastermind of all this.

So he shamelessly went to find Feng Ziyao.

Note that instead of looking for it with a pleasant face, it went to make trouble like a shrew.

At that time, Feng Ziyao was in her secret designer, sewing pearls one by one on the wedding dress she designed.

She made four identical wedding dresses, which were her dowry for several sisters.

After a few months, the pearls on the last skirt were left, so she carefully selected the pearls and sewed them with great care.

She is not a designated designer, and the clothes she makes are not worth much, but no one can erase her thoughts on these wedding dresses.

So, when her assistant came to knock on the door, Feng Ziyao was suddenly disturbed, and the sharp sewing needle pricked her finger.

Feng Ziyao frowned, put his fingers in his mouth, put down the pearls and needlework in his hands, opened the door and walked out.

Because her hand was injured, she couldn't stand the blood stains on the white wedding dress, so she couldn't sew clothes for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Feng Ziyao murmured, holding his finger in his mouth.

"That..." The assistant hesitated for a while, and thought about the address, but he didn't seem to think of a suitable address, so he said it directly, "Lin Mo is here."

Feng Ziyao's design draft was stolen, and her colleagues in the design office also knew about it, so everyone still hated Lin Mo.

As for why he came to the door angrily, I was even more puzzled. It was obviously Feng Ziyao who got angry and fought with him, how could it be the other way around?

Feng Ziyao frowned, "Why is he here? Did you say something?"

The assistant shook his head, "Sister Yaoyao, do you want to call the security guard over and throw him out?"

Feng Ziyao shook his head, "Farewell, he, Young Master Lin, wants to save face, I'll go and drive him away later!"

The assistant nodded, "Then you go to the reception room. With the previous lesson, I didn't dare to let him into your office."

Feng Ziyao smiled, and patted the assistant's shoulder, "It's okay, I have a long memory from that one time, and now my office is full of blueprints of projects that are already under construction."

The assistant smiled, followed Feng Ziyao, and said as he walked, "Sister Yaoyao, if that bastard makes things difficult for you later, you can just yell loudly. Our group of people are all waiting to vent their anger on you. !"

"Why are you so angry! Didn't we win that case? What are you supposed to be busy with? I'm fine!" Feng Ziyao unceremoniously rolled up the sleeves that he didn't have at all, and showed the little assistant a look on her arm. "He shouldn't be able to beat me!"

What Feng Ziyao said was correct, Lin Mo couldn't beat her, but she forgot that Lin Mo was a man, maybe because of the difference between men and women, a man's strength is inherently stronger than a woman's.

It was precisely because Feng Ziyao forgot about this incident that the subsequent incident happened. If she hadn't 'underestimated the enemy', she wouldn't have been injured.

As soon as Feng Ziyao pushed open the door of the reception room, he felt the raging anger burning on Lin Mo.

Feng Ziyao curled his lips, "Hey, the northwest wind is blowing today!"

A joke, the northwest wind in summer?Feng Ziyao, are you out of your mind?After saying this, Feng Ziyao felt that there was something wrong with his mind.

Lin Mo glanced at Feng Ziyao indifferently, but what he said was full of gunpowder, "Feng Ziyao, there's no need for you to be so extreme, right?"

Feng Ziyao poured a glass of water out of nowhere, sat on the sofa farthest from Lin Mo, looked at him puzzled, "What did you say, what did I do?"

"You can't be afraid of being struck by lightning if you do this matter of cutting off people's lives?" Lin Mo snorted coldly, and looked at Feng Ziyao coldly.

Feng Ziyao put the cup on the coffee table with a bang, and stared at Lin Mo angrily. Is this man crazy?What did she do to cut off his escape, why did he have to be struck by lightning?
"Lin Mo, if you are sick, you go to the hospital. If you can't find the way to the hospital, please call 120. If you don't know how to call 120, you can find a traffic policeman on the curb and ask him to call you. !"

Feng Ziyao didn't know what Lin Mo came to the door in a rage, but when he heard his cursing words without making a fuss, his anger rose immediately.

She stared at Lin Mo who was also furious, and pointed to the door of the reception room, "The door is there, go by yourself, if you can't, just say, I don't mind helping you call the security to come up and send you out!"

(End of this chapter)

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