The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 599 What If I Don't Let It Go?

Chapter 599 What If I Don't Let It Go?

Feng Ziyao was already a proud person, and as a designer, she was somewhat arrogant.

The arrogance of some people is because of their status, while the arrogance of some people is because of their talents and abilities.

Obviously, Feng Ziyao's arrogance is a combination of these two.

She has a status that others envy, and she also has talents and strengths that others cannot envy.

So when facing Lin Mo, even if she is not speaking as a colleague, but speaking as a member of the upper class circle in S City, she is always the first class of Gao Linmo.

So when Feng Ziyao found Lin Mo to be her fake boyfriend, Lin Mo was very happy for a whole day.

Although Feng Ziyao is not a goddess-like existence, her boyfriend's problem is also a topic that men and women in their circle love to talk about.

So when Lin Mo had the opportunity to get close to Feng Ziyao, he didn't even think of it.

But now, such an arrogant Feng Ziyao, in Lin Mo's eyes, is so eye-catching.

He felt that Feng Ziyao used all her advantages to look down on his lower status than her, and look down on him from a family background that was not as good as hers.

He felt that his troubles at work were all because of Feng Ziyao's obstruction. She used the things he had done to trip him up.

At this moment, he even felt that Feng Ziyao's choice of him as her fake boyfriend was a charity to him, and she had never looked down on him.

He never thought that Feng Ziyao had already let him go, and since he had already let him go, there was no need for her to bring up the old matter again.

She doesn't need to step on other people's heads to talk about her own good, she will only use her strength to speak, so that those who look down on her will look at her with admiration.

Although Feng Ziyao has advantages that everyone envies, she is not a person who can talk about her status, just like when she approached Lin Mo back then.

It wasn't that Lin Mo was inferior to her, but that Lin Mo at that time was pleasing to her eyes, at least much better than the blind date men Yao Xin introduced to her.

So she didn't look down on him or want to compare with him as Lin Mo thought, let alone show her presence around Lin Mo, she really just thought Lin Mo was pleasing to the eye.

But she didn't know Lin Mo's true thoughts at this moment.

And Lin Mo, who didn't have much talent in the first place, was an out-and-out dude, and now he was dazzled by anger, so he acted a little impulsively.

He stood up abruptly, walked in front of Feng Ziyao, and looked down at Feng Ziyao condescendingly.

Feng Ziyao didn't expect Lin Mo to make such a big move all of a sudden, so he flinched subconsciously, and looked at Lin Mo with a puzzled face, not knowing the significance of his move.

However, no matter how tense the situation is, Feng Ziyao will always keep a calm smile on his face. The only people in this world who can break her indifference are her most important Xue Zhiyan, and Feng Jing, whom she hates the most.

Although Lin Mo caught Feng Ziyao's subconscious movements at this time, after seeing the indifferent expression on her face, the anger in his heart burned even more.

Just as Feng Ziyao was about to stand up, Lin Mo looked at her condescendingly, making her feel uncomfortable all over, but before she could stand up, Lin Mo reached out and grabbed Feng Ziyao's collar tightly .

Feng Ziyao stood up, but was pulled up by Lin Mo.It is not so much a pull as a carry.

This was the first time Feng Ziyao met Lin Mo who was in a rage. She never knew that this dude still had such strength.

For a moment, she forgot all her defensive actions and stared blankly at Lin Mo's distorted face due to anger.

Feng Ziyao swallowed, blinked, "You... Lin Mo... what are you doing?"

Feng Ziyao stuttered to Lin Mo for the first time. She was not afraid, but just a little at a loss. All her calmness and movements were scared away by Lin Mo's sudden movements.

So Feng Ziyao had no choice but to stammer and ask him this question.

Lin Mo looked at Feng Ziyao in serious panic. This was the first time he saw Feng Ziyao in a panic. Back then, when her design was stolen, she could calmly laugh it off, but now because of one of her actions, she appeared At a loss what to do.

He suddenly felt that it was not good to treat some women too politely, and occasionally he had to be a little rough to let her know that she was not the only one in this world, like a woman like Feng Ziyao.

"Feng Ziyao, do you think you are always holding on to the past and talking endlessly, is it interesting?" Lin Mo asked with a cold snort.

Lin Mo's cold snort made Feng Ziyao very upset.So she frowned, her brain regained clarity instantly, and her thoughts also recovered.

Looking down, she saw Lin Mo's hands holding her collar, and her posture of looking up at him, which made her even more upset.

She frowned tightly, the panic in her eyes was replaced by impatience, she stretched out her hand to grab Lin Mo, and her tone of voice was also quite impatient, "What about the past, what can I say about the past between me and you?"

She really didn't have anything to say about his past, she used him to block the blind date man Yao Xin found, and he used the opportunity of getting close to her to steal a lot of her little designs.

From this point of view, the two should be in a mutually beneficial relationship. What is there to say?

There is really nothing to say.

As for the fact that Lin Mo stole her design to contribute, Feng Ziyao really didn't remember.

To be exact, she really didn't take it to heart. After all, she got the case of Xinjingdi, the money came in, and the house in Xinjingdi was also under construction.

As for Lin Mo's little episode, she has long been familiar with it, so there is no need to remember such insignificant things.

But Feng Ziyao's indifference had a different meaning in Lin Mo's eyes.

At this moment, he was more sure of his thoughts just now, Feng Ziyao had never regarded him as a man, let alone thought highly of him.

In her eyes, he, Lin Mo, was nothing more than a useless playboy who was inferior to her in status and talent.

That's why Lin Mo's hands became stronger.

Feng Ziyao felt that her breathing was a bit difficult, but Lin Mo didn't speak, but just held onto her collar tightly. She didn't know what Lin Mo was referring to in the past.

Because in her mind, she only felt that the previous relationship between the two of them was really mutually beneficial.

Thinking about his snow-white neck, there should be a thin strangle mark now.

"Lin Mo, let go!" Feng Ziyao's hands hanging on the side of his body, because Lin Mo gradually exerted force, he also clenched tightly.

What she thought was that if Lin Mo let go quickly, she would be able to avoid Lin Mo's beating.

"What if I don't let it go?" Leng Mo sneered, still staring at Feng Ziyao, with a cold chill in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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