The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 601 Feng Ziyao Injured

Chapter 601 Feng Ziyao Injured

Neither Feng Ziyao nor Lin Mo expected Chi Yuan to appear suddenly.

When Feng Ziyao turned his head to look at him, the feeling of disappointment that was waiting to be beaten was instantly driven away.

Originally, she was a little exhausted after struggling for a long time, but for some reason, after seeing Chi Yuan, she felt that she was resurrected in place with full blood.

So she began to struggle vigorously again.

Lin Mo didn't want to slap Feng Ziyao at first.

Feng Ziyao, who was originally struggling, finally stopped struggling, and he didn't have to use much strength to restrain her.

But after seeing Chi Yuan coming in, she started to move again.

Lin Mo himself didn't even notice that he unknowingly relaxed the strength in his hands.

So when Feng Ziyao moved again like this, his body was pulled, his body became unstable, and Feng Ziyao fell down with his back to the glass coffee table.

Feng Ziyao didn't seem to expect that Lin Mo would suddenly let go of his grip.

Seeing her fall down, Lin Mo's breathing paused, and one hand was subconsciously about to pull her.

But his one hand definitely didn't have that much strength, so he waved his hand before he could drop it, originally intending to hold Feng Ziyao.

Unexpectedly, that slap landed firmly on Feng Ziyao's face.

with a snap.

Feng Ziyao opened her eyes wide, and looked at Lin Mo's stiff face in disbelief. She really didn't expect that her momentary soft-heartedness saved Lin Mo's face, but brought herself such a result.

For her, Lin Mo's slap was undoubtedly the greatest shame in her life.

She had never been slapped in the face, even Feng Jing, who was in a rage, had never slapped her in the face.

At this time, Feng Ziyao realized how wrong she was. Her kindness to a person who wanted to hurt her was nothing more than giving that person a chance to hurt her more thoroughly.

She had no feelings for Lin Mo, but she closed her eyes almost in despair.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of glass breaking was heard.

The sound was so loud that her ears hurt.

But even so, she still clearly heard Chi Yuan's painful roar.

At this moment, Feng Ziyao suddenly wanted to cry, and wanted to cry in Chi Yuan's arms.

Not only did she hurt herself, but the man she cared about for the first time also uttered a roar of despair.

Her own back hurts and her face hurts, but after hearing Chi Yuan's roar, her heart also hurts.

What's more, I feel sorry for this man named Chi Yuan who loves her pain.

It's not that Chi Yuan couldn't hold Feng Ziyao in time, he thought that Feng Ziyao would never be able to struggle with the strength in Lin Mo's hands, otherwise she wouldn't have yelled at him hoarsely.

What he didn't expect was that Lin Mo loosened his grip on her.

What made him even more unexpected was that Lin Mo's slap landed on Feng Ziyao's face firmly.

When he walked to the two of them, it was when the glass tea table shattered.

Before he had time to settle the score with Lin Mo, he picked up the injured Feng Ziyao from the pile of glass slag. In just a split second, he felt his arms were soaked.

The warm and scarlet liquid trickled down his arm onto the floor drop by drop.

"Yaoyao, open your eyes and look at me!" Chi Yuan gently shook Feng Ziyao, but he didn't dare to use too much force for fear of pulling the wound on her back.

Feng Ziyao snorted in pain, and quickly opened his eyes, staring at Chi Yuan's anxious face with big watery eyes.

She pulled out a smile with difficulty, "I'm fine, I just hurt my back and bled a little."

Chi Yuan bowed his head and kissed Feng Ziyao's pale face, "I'm here, you'll be fine!"

"Well, I know." Feng Ziyao stretched out his hand and squeezed Chi Yuan's arm feebly, the smile on his face faded, "Don't be nervous, I'll be fine."

"I'll send you to Chen's place right now, let him help you deal with the wound, hold on!" Chi Yuan kissed her forehead again, "Of course you will be fine, if you do, there will be a mess The woman has come to seduce your man!"

Feng Ziyao smiled weakly, "Don't you dare, otherwise I'll be a ghost and I won't let you go!"

"Then keep your eyes open and stare at me!" Chi Yuan was really afraid that Feng Ziyao would close his eyes and pass away without a sound, so he had no choice but to say this.

Feng Ziyao nodded with a smile, then leaned into his arms with half-closed eyes.

She knew what Chi Yuan was afraid of, and she didn't have the strength to tell him that she closed her eyes just because she couldn't bear to see Chi Yuan's nervous and worried appearance, not because she was so painful that she was about to pass out.

At the same time, she didn't want to pretend to be strong, open her eyes and tell nonsense that she didn't hurt at all, that would only make Chi Yuan worry about her even more.

Seeing Feng Ziyao obediently leaning against his chest, breathing evenly though weakly, Chi Yuan didn't have time to settle the score with Lin Mo, and quickly left the reception room with Feng Ziyao in his arms.

Feng Ziyao's colleagues approached when they heard the voice, and when they saw Chi Yuan hurrying out with Feng Ziyao in his arms, they all consciously gave way.

Lin Mo watched Feng Ziyao's blood dripping on the floor, leaving a trail of blood. He had just slapped Feng Ziyao's hand, and unconsciously twitched a few times.

When he chased out in a panic, there was no shadow of Chi Yuan's car, only the trail of Feng Ziyao's blood dripping on the floor remained.

Summer clothes are already very thin, and Feng Ziyao deliberately wore a chiffon sleeveless shirt today, so her back was already covered with glass shards, and the original white shirt was also dyed. Dazzling red.

She lay prone on the back seat, and every time the car braked and started, she would hum softly.

Every time she snorted, Chi Yuan's heart was tightened.

When he finally arrived at the hospital, Yan Shaochen, who had received the news, had already brought his own people and was waiting at the gate.

Seeing Feng Ziyao's horrible back, he couldn't help but gasp.

But Feng Ziyao just snorted softly when he was being carried onto the gurney, without shedding a single tear.

Such Feng Ziyao made Yan Shaochen think of Xue Zhiyan.

There was also Liang Huan who was slapped in the face by Gao Zhilin in public.

The three are surprisingly similar.

Seeing that Chi Yuan's expression was not so good, Yan Shaochen whispered to Feng Ziyao, "If you are in pain, you can yell out, it's okay. Your forbearance makes Yuan feel even worse."

Such an injury, let alone she was injured, even as a doctor, he felt pain when he saw it.The originally delicate skin was now covered with broken glass, and there were deep or shallow wounds, all of which were bleeding bright red.

Feng Ziyao nodded lightly, and his voice became hoarse, "Don't tell them slowly."

Yan Shaochen frowned, this kind of thing cannot be kept secret, if he kept it a secret, Liang Huan would definitely let him sleep in the living room.

In addition to that Xue Zhiyan, and Jian Zelin who is always there for Xue Zhiyan, if he really hides it, life will definitely be difficult.

Besides, there is also a female devil, Chi Qian!His task is really difficult!

Yan Shaochen glanced at Chi Yuan in a bit of embarrassment, Chi Yuan understood the meaning in his eyes, and gently squeezed Feng Ziyao's hand, "Let him treat your wound first, and other things, wait until the bleeding stops." Say it again."

(End of this chapter)

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