The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 602 She's All Right, It's All Small Wounds

Chapter 602 She's All Right, It's All Small Wounds
Chi Yuan is right, the current task is not to keep her secret, but to help her deal with the wound.

Even if her wound really didn't hurt, she couldn't hold back the amount of bleeding.

So Yan Shaochen winked at his striker immediately, and a few nurses pushed the gurney to the emergency room.

While walking, he hung a salt water bag on Feng Ziyao, and at the same time put an oxygen mask on Feng Ziyao, who was breathing weakly.

In Chi Yuan's consciousness, only those who are dying would wear an oxygen mask. It was like this when Chi Qian was at the worst, when her vital signs were the weakest, and when Yan Shaochen rescued her.

So when he saw Feng Ziyao like this, he followed the footsteps of the gurney and paused, then fell to the ground on his knees, watching the gurney carrying Feng Ziyao push more and more with a look of despair. further away.

Yan Shaochen was Chi Yuan's friend, so he naturally knew what was going on in his heart at this time. He strode up to Chi Yuan's side and stretched out his hand to pull him up.

"She's fine, you can leave it to me." Yan Shaochen patted Chi Yuan's shoulder lightly.

Such a bloody scene was similar to the scene when Chi Qian committed suicide back then, and even what he said to him was exactly the same.

It's just that if you have to make a comparison, Feng Ziyao's injury is much lighter than Chi Qian's.So now that Chi Qian is living well, he naturally has the ability to make Feng Ziyao alive and well.

It's just that Chi Yuan's current appearance made him very worried.

"Feng Ziyao is fine. There are many capillaries under the skin on the back, so some injuries may just scratch the epidermis. Don't worry too much. Wait for me outside, and I will take care of it!" Yan Shaochen somewhat comforted Chi Yuan. The ingredients are in it.

Chi Yuan nodded dully, and when Yan Shaochen turned and walked towards the emergency room, he stopped him again, "Chen, save her."

Yan Shaochen nodded with a smile, stretched out his fist and tapped lightly on his heart twice.

Chi Yuan nodded, "Well, hurry up!"

Yan Shaochen turned around and walked quickly into the emergency room. He knew that Chi Yuan was really afraid of losing Feng Ziyao, and he also knew that this time Chi Yuan really cared about it, so he was in a mess.

However, this did not affect him from trying his best to treat Feng Ziyao.Not for anything else, just for Chi Yuan's trust.

At the same time, it was also for the sake of the women in his family, aside from the fact that Feng Ziyao was his buddy's future wife, the woman lying in the emergency room was also his woman's best friend.

For this reason, he couldn't let Feng Ziyao have anything to do.

Chi Yuan stared blankly at the red light in the emergency room for a while, then took out his cell phone and dialed the phone numbers he knew by heart.

The frail Xue Zhiyan had just had enough to eat, and was leaning on Jian Zelin's arms to watch TV. After receiving the call, his already rosy little face lost all color in an instant.

Jian Zelin just felt depressed. He worked so hard to take good care of Xue Zhiyan, but every time it was just a random message from someone else, it broke all his achievements.

But this time he couldn't be angry. He knew about the relationship between Feng Ziyao and Xue Zhiyan, so he had to hold Xue Zhiyan to change clothes.

Both Liang Huan and Chi Qian dropped what they were doing and hurried to the hospital.

When they arrived, the lights in the emergency room hadn't been turned off, and Chi Yuan was still sitting on a chair in the corridor wearing bloody clothes, with a dull expression.

"Brother?" Chi Qian walked over and patted Chi Yuan on the shoulder lightly.

Chi Yuan's eyes flickered slightly, he raised his head dumbly, looked at Chi Qian, opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Liang Huan twisted her fingers nervously. Seeing Chi Yuan's dazed look, she didn't dare to ask too much, so she could only comfort him, "Don't worry, Feng Ziyao will be fine."

As soon as she finished speaking, Yao Xin ran over. There were still beads of sweat on her cheeks, and her meticulously tied bun was a little messy.

She held Chi Yuan's hand, her voice trembling, "Where is Yaoyao, how is she?"

Chi Yuan glanced at Yao Xin, then lowered his head and stopped looking at her. His voice was low and hoarse, and he couldn't tell that he was the high-spirited Chi Yuan, "I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of Feng Ziyao."

Yao Xin frowned nervously, squeezed Chi Yuan's hand, and signaled him not to blame himself too much, "Don't blame yourself, this is an accident, and you don't want to."

Liang Huan stepped forward and took Yao Xin's arm, comforting, "Mother Yao Xin, don't worry about you and Yuan, Chen is inside, he won't let Feng Ziyao have trouble."

Yao Xin nodded lightly after listening to Liang Huan's words, "Well, I just received a call from Chi Yuan, and I was just too nervous."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Chi Yuan was still repeating this sentence.

Chi Qian was so embarrassed that she didn't know how to comfort her brother, so she put one hand on his shoulder while nervously looking at the door of the emergency room.

When Xue Zhiyan and Jian Zelin arrived, Yao Xin had already left, not because she didn't worry about her daughter, but because she couldn't get away from her job.

So under Liang Huan's repeated assurances, telling her that Feng Ziyao would call her as soon as he came out, she left the hospital step by step.

Xue Zhiyan sat on the wheelchair, his face turned pale, his fingers were tightly twisted together, and he stared at the door of the emergency room for a moment, for fear of missing the time when the door opened.

"How could this be?" Xue Zhiyan muttered to himself.

For a moment, Jian Zelin didn't know whether to comfort Xue Zhiyan or Chi Yuan, he just pushed the wheelchair and stood quietly behind Xue Zhiyan.

Outside the door of the emergency room, there was an instant of terrible silence.

The ten eyes of the five people were all staring at the door of the first-aid room, and they felt that the time was going very slowly at this moment, as if the seconds were counting down like years.

After 15 minutes, Yan Shaochen finally walked out of the emergency room.

There was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, and the white coat was stained with blood, but his expression was not too serious.

Liang Huan walked up to him and hugged him first, Yan Shaochen reached out and patted Liang Huan's back to calm her nervousness.

"It's okay, Feng Ziyao is fine." After Yan Shaochen finished speaking, he tilted his head and kissed Liang Huan's hair.

Hearing Yan Shaochen say that Feng Ziyao was fine, Liang Huan's hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

When the others heard Yan Shaochen's words, they all heaved a sigh of relief in unison.

Especially Chi Yuan, when he heard that Feng Ziyao was fine, he felt all his strength was taken away. If he hadn't been sitting on the chair, he believed that he might fall down again.

"The injury on her back is not very serious. Only two deep wounds have been stitched with needles. The others are small wounds that will heal within a few days without leaving any scars." Yan Shaochen patted Chi Yuan's shoulder, She said in detail, "It's just that in order to prevent her from pulling those small wounds on her back, she has to lie on her stomach all day until the wounds heal."

Chi Yuan nodded, cleared his throat, and said, "Thank you, Chen."

Yan Shaochen shook his head with a smile, and glanced at the direction of the emergency room, "She will come out later, let's go to the ward first!"

(End of this chapter)

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