The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 605 I want to meet Chi Qian!

Chapter 605 I want to meet Chi Qian!
When Feng Ziyao woke up, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

She twisted her body and snorted, and heard the harsh sound of the chair rubbing against the floor.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Before she could fully open her eyes, she heard Chi Yuan's concerned voice.

Her voice was hoarse, not as delicate and charming as before.

Feng Ziyao frowned, and slowly opened his eyes, his voice was even lower and hoarse than Chi Yuan's, "What time is it?"

Chi Yuan raised his hand and looked at the time, "It's 09:30, are you hungry, do you want to eat?"

As Chi Yuan said, he reached out and stroked Feng Ziyao's loose hair, "Your mother brought mung bean soup, would you like a bowl?"

Feng Ziyao shook his head, "I don't have any appetite, can you help me sit up, my back hurts from lying on my stomach like this."

Chi Yuan's hand gently covered Feng Ziyao's waist, where there were many small wounds, because of the disinfection with iodophor, sticky transparent liquid came out.

Chi Yuan had no choice but to find a piece of uninjured skin, and stroked it lightly, "Do you feel better?"

Feng Ziyao didn't know whether it was comfortable or uncomfortable, he lay on the bed and kept humming, "But I still seem to be lying flat."

Chi Yuan frowned, and continued to gently rub her warm palms on her waist, "It's not good to lie on your back, you have an injury on your back, and you will rub the wound at night when you sleep."

"Ah?" Feng Ziyao wailed in pain, and lay down on the bed with his lips pursed in disbelief.

"It's also for your own good. The weather is hot and wounds are prone to inflammation. If you lie on the bed with your back up, you won't be able to touch your wound. It will heal soon." Chi Yuan stretched out his hand and pinched Feng Ziyao's nose, his eyes were filled with Distressed, "The weather is hot in summer. If you lie on your back and your back rubs against the sheets, it will definitely get better slowly. If you get infected, you will leave scars."

Feng Ziyao pouted, "Then I will probably lie like this for a few days?"

"Three days!" Yan Shaochen walked in holding Liang Huan's hand, still holding a takeaway box, "At least three days."

Yan Shaochen handed the takeaway to Chi Yuan, "Zhi Yan's health is not good, Aze took her back first, and Chi Qian also said that he has something to do, so he has to go first."

Chi Yuan took the takeaway, nodded gratefully to Yan Shaochen, and put the bag in his hand on the bedside table.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Liang Huan stretched out his hand to roll up his hair, picked up the front of the bedside table, walked to Feng Ziyao and sat down, looking at Chi Yuan in surprise.

Chi Yuan shook his head, "Feng Ziyao hasn't eaten yet, when she gets hungry, the two of us will go together."

Liang Huan froze for a moment, then stopped making a sound.

Holding an ointment in one hand and her face in the other, she lifted off the thin sheet covering Feng Ziyao's back.

What caught the eye was the back full of tiny wounds, and the smooth and delicate skin had long since disappeared.

What is there now is just yellow skin covered with iodine, covered with deep or shallow wounds.If Xue Zhiyan saw this, he would definitely not be able to help crying again.It seems that it was the right decision for Jian Zelin to take her away first.

Liang Huan tried his best to control his emotions so as not to let his tears flow out.She sniffed hard, and murmured, "Be patient, this ointment won't leave scars after you apply it with a cool ointment."

Feng Ziyao nodded, "If something can make me heal faster, give it to me quickly, I don't like sleeping on my stomach all the time!"

Liang Xu really wanted to reach out and pat her hard on the back, "Just lie on your stomach!" After finishing speaking, she really pinched the soft flesh on Feng Ziyao's waist.

Feng Ziyao's whole body became tense, she turned her head and saw Liang Huan's dark face, and immediately smiled embarrassingly, "Hurry up and apply the medicine to me! How can I be alive if I don't apply the medicine?"

"Brother, lie down!" Liang Huan gave her an annoyed look, and sniffed vigorously.

She squeezed out some ointment and rubbed it on the cotton swab, turned her head to look at Chi Yuan and Yan Shaochen, "You two go out first, eat what you should eat, I will take care of this crazy woman, you two don't need to supervise here. "

Liang Huan was afraid that when the ointment was applied, Chi Yuan would not be able to bear the sight of those wounds. As for Yan Shaochen, although he had seen all the catties and ounces of flesh on Feng Ziyao as a doctor, it was time to get off work. , he is not a doctor, he appears as a friend, it will be embarrassing.

So she found an excuse to rush the two of them away. She was afraid that the two of them would disagree, so she quickly added, "Otherwise, the two of you are here waiting for the big-eyed and small-eyed, and you won't be able to do anything."

Liang Huan said and looked at Chi Yuan again, "And you, Chi Yuan, if you don't eat or drink, you will collapse before Feng Ziyao gets better, and if you fall later, Feng Ziyao will not Okay, but no one is taking care of you, you don't think that Chi Qian is taking care of people's temperament, right? Her injury is fine, Yan Shaochen also said, she will recover soon."

Yan Shaochen saw that his wife said so, of course he had to help.He patted Chi Yuan on the shoulder, "Yeah, what Liang Huan said is that I'm about to take my daughter-in-law to meet my parents, so don't bother me like a relay race!"

Feng Ziyao turned his sore neck and stared straight at Chi Yuan, "Go and eat quickly, I'm not hungry, I'm fine, if I feel unwell, can I call you?"

Chi Yuan frowned, seeing Feng Ziyao nodding sharply at her.He squeezed Feng Ziyao's hand, lowered his head and kissed her on the head, carrying the food box Yan Shaochen and the other brought back, and followed Yan Shaochen out of the ward.

Seeing Chi Yuan and Yan Shaochen close the door, the corners of Feng Ziyao's upturned mouth finally dropped.

She took a deep breath, suppressing the tears in her eyes with all her strength, not looking at Liang Huan, and her voice was a little choked up.

She said, "Slow down, is my back serious? Don't lie to me."

When Liang Huan heard her voice, he felt sore in his heart.The two of them have known each other since they were young. Feng Ziyao has always been a girl who loves beauty since she was a child. She would never let herself get hurt, let alone leave scars on her body.

But now, she has suffered all the injuries she should have suffered when she was a child at one time, and there are two deep wounds that may leave scars, which will definitely be uncomfortable.

When Yan Shaochen and Chi Yuan were there just now, she used to force her face to smile. Now that she is the only one here, there is no need to worry that Chi Yuan will be sad when he hears this.

Liang Huan sniffed hard, and didn't answer her, but first wiped the ointment from the cotton swab on her back.

The ointment was developed in Yan Shaochen's own laboratory, and it will speed up the healing of the wound after use. The most important thing is that the wound will not leave a scar after it heals.

Liang Huan threw away a cotton swab, put down the ointment in his hand, took out his phone and took a photo of Feng Ziyao's back, and then handed the phone to Feng Ziyao.

"Look for yourself, otherwise you won't believe what I say." Liang Huan's voice was muffled, and he picked up a cotton swab again and continued to apply ointment on her.

Feng Ziyao looked at Liang Huan's phone screen in a daze, then put the phone on the hospital bed, and sighed softly.

She turned her head to look at Liang Huan, and said softly, "Where is Chi Qian, I want to see her!"

(End of this chapter)

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