The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 606 You've Said This Chapter

Chapter 606 You Have Said This All

Feng Ziyao met Chi Qian on the morning of her third day in the hospital, at this time she could already sit up.

In order to make Feng Ziyao's waist more comfortable, Chi Yuan bought two air pillows to make Feng Ziyao more comfortable when leaning on it.

When Chi Qian went to see Feng Ziyao, Feng Ziyao was leaning on the bed with an air pillow, eating the watermelon that Chi Yuan fed her.

At this time, most of the small wounds on Feng Ziyao's back had healed and scabbed, only the two deep wounds would occasionally ooze blood.

Feng Ziyao didn't know whether it was because her combat power was too strong, so her healing ability was also high, or the ointment Liang Huan gave her was more effective.

The injury on her back was really as Yan Shaochen said, and it was almost healed in three days.

It's just that the two stitched wounds were holding her back, Yan Shaochen still didn't agree with her being discharged from the hospital for the time being.

As for going to bed at night, Chi Yuan would let her lie flat for a while before going to bed, and when it was time to really sleep, Chi Yuan would still let Feng Ziyao sleep on her stomach.

In order to make Feng Ziyao not want to sleep on his back so much, Chi Yuan went all out and slept on his stomach with Feng Ziyao.

In this way, Feng Ziyao became much more balanced, and he no longer clamored to lie down to sleep, nor clamored to be discharged from the hospital.

Within three days, Chi Qian felt that Feng Ziyao had gained weight.

Within three days, Feng Ziyao felt that Chi Qian had lost weight.

Feng Ziyao pushed away the watermelon that Chi Yuan fed again, raised his brows at Chi Qian, with a smirk on his lips, "What's the matter, your future sister-in-law is injured and is about to be discharged from the hospital, so you came to visit?"

Chi Qian smiled mischievously, and took out a fresh-keeping box from the bag she brought, which was filled with peeled and cut peaches.

"Aren't I afraid that my coming will affect your rest?" Chi Qian walked to Feng Ziyao's bed with a smile, took off her high heels, and sat on the bed directly.

Chi Yuan frowned displeasedly, but didn't say anything, just forked a piece of watermelon and fed it to Chi Qian's mouth, "Eat!"

Chi Qian opened her mouth with a whimper, and swallowed the watermelon that Chi Yuan fed her, her eyes and eyebrows wrinkled together as she smiled. "Well, the watermelon my brother feeds is sweet!"

Feng Ziyao gave her a white look, "You are the only one who can talk!"

Chi Qian smiled again, and handed the fresh-keeping box to Chi Yuan, "Stop eating watermelon all the time, there's plenty of water, and Yaoyao will always go to the toilet."

"Want to eat?" Chi Yuan asked, shaking the fresh-keeping box in his hand.

Feng Ziyao shook his head, and before he could say anything, Chi Qian interrupted her directly.

"Brother, just now I heard someone say that she is my 'future sister-in-law', so you didn't say anything? You just showed me a box of peaches that your sister peeled?" Chi Qian frowned, and He looked at Chi Yuan and Feng Ziyao with a smirk on his face.

Feng Ziyao reached out his hand to pinch Chiqian, but he couldn't reach her by leaning on the bed, so he had to scratch her and gave her an angry look.

Chi Qian smiled complacently, leaned forward and stretched out her hand, squeezed Feng Ziyao's chin, and looked at Chi Yuan in surprise, "Brother, have you given Feng Ziyao hormones these days? My face is round!"

Chi Yuan smiled, Feng Ziyao's face became round these two days, he is the most direct witness.

Feng Ziyao raised his hand and slapped Chi Qian's claws angrily, "Chi Qian, you are worried these two days. I don't think about food or tea, why are you so thin like a monkey?"

Chi Yuan still smiled, and he could tell Chi Qian's slender chin at a glance.

"Brother, your woman bullied me!" Chi Qian refused to follow her, pouted her lips, as if to ask Chi Yuan to help her.

What a smart person Chi Yuan is!He cleared his throat, touched his nose with his hand, concealed his own embarrassment, and pointed to the door, "I'll go to Chen to discuss Yaoyao's discharge from the hospital, you two stay here!"

After finishing speaking, Chi Yuan fled the ward at flying speed.Seeing his fleeing figure, both Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian couldn't help laughing.

Chi Qian smiled for a while, with a deep smile still on the corner of her mouth, and said softly, "Fortunately, we were just joking."

Feng Ziyao nodded in agreement, "Fortunately, there won't be any strange sister-in-law relationship between us, otherwise he will accept some of them."

Chi Qian nodded heavily, then squeezed Feng Ziyao's hand, "Your personality will definitely win my parents' hearts. By then, Chi Yuan will have no place in our family!"

Feng Ziyao glared at her, and held Chi Qian's hand back, with a serious expression on his face, Chi Qian also put away the smile on his face, and became more serious.

"What's wrong?" Chi Qian stuck out her tongue, "Isn't what I said a little strange?"

Feng Ziyao nodded, but he didn't want to tell her this matter, what she wanted to say was obviously another matter.

"Late." She said.

Chi Qian hummed as a response to her.

Feng Ziyao thought for a while, and then slowly said, "I don't know what kind of entanglement you have with Na Mingli, but I hope that you will protect yourself."

Chi Qian froze for a moment, nodded, and then laughed out loud.

"What are you laughing at?" Feng Ziyao frowned slightly.

"I'm laughing at you! They all said the same thing!" Chi Qian patted the bed with a smile, "These words were said in a gentle way on the day your accident happened!"

Feng Ziyao pouted, "You're still talking about Xue Zhiyan! It's been three days, and she came here on the first morning. Hasn't she recovered from heat stroke?"

"Feng Ziyao! I tore your crow's mouth!" Xue Zhiyan's confident voice came from outside the door, accompanied by the sound of wheels rubbing against the ground.

Feng Ziyao pouted, "You should stand up first!"

Jian Zelin stretched out his hand and rubbed Xue Zhiyan's head, "Don't move around, I'll go to Chen's office, you two talk."

Xue Zhiyan nodded, then stood up from the wheelchair and walked towards Feng Ziyao who was lying on the hospital bed.

"It's not that I don't want to come to see you, it's Jian Zelin who asked me to recover before I come to the hospital!" Xue Zhiyan forked a piece of watermelon and ate it self-consciously, "He said that there are too many bacteria in the hospital!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, he said it all, he said it." Feng Ziyao pursed his lips, "What Jian Zelin said to you is an imperial decree. Why didn't I realize that Xue Zhiyan is so obedient?"

Xue Zhiyan forked a piece of watermelon and stuffed it into Feng Ziyao's mouth angrily, "Eat your watermelon!"

Chi Qian giggled, opened her mouth, and greeted the watermelon that Xue Zhiyan fed, "Well, it's delicious!"

Xue Zhiyan also gave her a blank look, "How are your preparations for going abroad?"

"Oh, yes, you're going abroad!" Feng Ziyao directly picked up the fork by himself, and happily ate the peaches, "Wait with them for a day?"

Chi Qian nodded, "Well, this weekend." She put down the fork in her hand, glanced at the two of them, "I'm going out to play alone, I don't have anything to bring."

"Well, you don't have anything to bring, you can go abroad for a few days without worry!" Liang Huan walked in from the outside with a proud face.

Feng Ziyao and Xue Zhiyan didn't understand, so they asked, "What worries her?"

(End of this chapter)

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