The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 607 There is really nothing to worry about in this chapter

Chapter 607 There is really nothing to worry about this time

"What worries her?" Feng Ziyao and Xue Zhiyan asked in unison.

Chi Qian smiled mysteriously, stretched her waist, forked a piece of peach and fed it to Liang Huan's mouth.

Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao were recuperating in the villa and the hospital respectively, so they were a little insensitive to outside news.

Three days is neither too long nor too short.

But enough for a lot of people to do a lot of things, enough for some people to go through the most painful things in the world.

The people who did it were Chi Yuan and Na Mingli, and the one who experienced the most painful thing was Lin Mo.

Because Lin Mo hurt Feng Ziyao, Chi Yuan's reaction was even worse than what Su Lingxuan did after Li Er splashed Xue Zhiyan with mango juice.

What kind of methods did Su Lingxuan use to bring down the Li family's family? He used a more ruthless method than Su Lingxuan to make the Lin family completely disappear in S City.

Grabbing business, robbing land, the bank cutting off their family's loan, exposing their family's bad debts, etc., are all a piece of cake for Chi Yuan.

Since he has the guts to hurt someone Chi Yuan cares about, he must be able to bear it.

Obviously, the Lin family did not.

In just three days, the Lin family had no ability to fight back at all.

As for the reason why the Lin family was defeated so quickly, Yao Xin also made a little effort.

Whether it is said that she is avenging private revenge, or that she does not distinguish between public and private, she just did it.

Feng Ziyao was her only daughter, she was reluctant to touch her, but she was injured so badly by that Lin Mo, how could she let the Lin family go?

So the moment Chi Yuan exposed the bad debts of the Lin family, she contacted someone to investigate the Lin family, which accelerated the decline of the Lin family.

As for what Namingli did, he didn't do anything either.

When he was stalking Chi Qian, he saw her disappointed expression, and when he knew what Lin Mo was doing, he immediately distanced himself from him and kicked him out of Knott's.

Therefore, Lin Mo lost not only the solid backing of the Lin family, but also the backer of Na Mingli in one night.

What broke him down even more was that the thing he had planned by stealing Feng Ziyao was exposed.In an instant, those design companies that had wanted to poach him all withdrew their olive branches and became strangers to him.

For a moment, Lin Mo really became alone.

Oh no, it can't be said that he is alone, after all, Di Wei is still by his side!
Chi Qian was very happy with Na Mingli's reaction, but she didn't go to find Na Mingli either. After all, this matter was his decision and had nothing to do with her.

And she, in these three days, cleverly avoided Na Mingli, no longer intentionally relaxing, and let him easily follow her and monitor her whereabouts.

She wants to go abroad to relax, and she doesn't want Namingli to go abroad with her.

So she wanted to avoid him. She didn't hide the fact that she was going abroad from anyone, except from him.

As for what Liang Huan said, Chi Qian can play with peace of mind, nothing more than Feng Ziyao's body and Lin Mo's punishment.

Feng Ziyao's wounds gradually healed, and her mood was not affected at all, so she could play with peace of mind.

Lin Mo is now a street mouse, so she doesn't have to worry about him having any chance to fight back.

If during the time she was abroad, Lin Mo would find Feng Ziyao again without knowing the importance, then she would use her trump card.

After all, now that Di Wei is by his side, no matter how you say it, Di Wei is his man.

If something bad happened to Di Wei, it would undoubtedly make things worse for Lin Mo.

So Chi Qian decided to keep this killer move, and she didn't think about revealing the news to Lin Mo in advance, so that he could get rid of Di Wei early.

After all, two people who are at the end of the road, if she doesn't succeed in getting Lin Mo to leave Di Wei behind, but stimulates the two of them to form a grasshopper on a rope and unite to deal with Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao, then it will be true. Oh no.

Therefore, regarding the things she did to Di Wei, she decided to keep them secret for the time being.

Of course, except for Jian Zelin and the other four men.

After hearing Liang Huan's retelling, both Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao opened their mouths in surprise.

Feng Ziyao swallowed with disbelief, "My mother...she..."

Liang Huan nodded, "That's right, from a certain point of view, Yao Xin's mother has done a good deed."

Xue Zhiyan nodded heavily, "Yeah, it's a good thing that the Lin family's problem was discovered early, otherwise how many companies would be implicated in the future!"

"That's right, that's right, I'm afraid city S will change by then!" Chi Qian said relaxedly, and then threw a piece of watermelon into her mouth.

Xue Zhiyan hit her angrily, "Didn't I tell you, you have to be careful?"

Chi Qian frowned, looking very aggrieved, "Aren't I very safe here?"

"You actually gave Na Mingli a chance to secretly follow you and monitor your every move?" Feng Ziyao raised his eyebrows, and a trace of sullenness flashed in his eyes.

Chi Qian looked at Xue Zhiyan's and Feng Ziyao's angry little faces, and hurriedly waved her hands, "No, no, Leng Yun is secretly protecting me!"

Xue Zhiyan snorted coldly, "Leng Yun is an obedient person, if you tell him not to follow, he will definitely not follow you!"

"Don't fool me with Leng Yun!" Feng Ziyao also showed disbelief, "Your brother has so many things, how could he have a clone to follow you!"

Like a foreigner, Chi Qian shrugged her shoulders helplessly and spread her hands, "Feng Ziyao, don't you know that Leng Yun has a younger brother who was dispatched abroad by my brother and only recently returned to China?"

Feng Ziyao narrowed her eyes, she knew this, but she hadn't seen a live one yet!Looking at Chi Qian's appearance, it didn't seem like she was telling a lie, she asked doubtfully, "Really?"

Chi Qian nodded heavily, "Really! Otherwise, you think, my brother is with you in the hospital, and who is doing the outside things?"

"Leng Yun!" Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao said in unison.

Liang Huan was amused by these three people, and he stretched out his hand to pat Feng Ziyao, "After a while, you will know what Chi Qian said is true or not!"

"Wait?" Feng Ziyao asked.

Chi Qian nodded, "Well, in order to ensure the safety of you and me, my brother arranged the two of them to guard outside the door."

"Huh?" Feng Ziyao looked at Xue Zhiyan suspiciously.

Xue Zhiyan looked suddenly enlightened, and pointed to the door, "No wonder looking at that strange face, it looks so similar to Leng Yun!"

Upon hearing Xue Zhiyan's words, Feng Ziyao shouted loudly towards the door, "The two outside the door, you two come in!"

Then the four women in the room heard footsteps, and after a while, two men of similar stature and face stood at the door.

One is obviously the Leng Yun they mentioned just now, and the other has eighty percent similarities to Leng Yun, but to them, it is an unfamiliar face.

"Are you Leng Yun's younger brother?" Feng Ziyao asked, pointing at the strange man.

The man froze for a moment, then nodded, and replied, "Yes, cold wind."

"So it looks like this!" After Feng Ziyao finished speaking, he waved his hand, "It's okay, I'm just curious what Leng Yun's brother will look like!"

(End of this chapter)

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