The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 608 It's All Good News

Chapter 608 It's All Good News

Leng Yun and Leng Feng twitched the corners of their mouths at the same time, nodded to several people, turned and left the ward.

The corner of Chi Qian's mouth couldn't help twitching, wondering what Leng Yun's brother looked like, didn't he just have one nose and two eyes, could he have three eyes?
The one with three eyes is Erlang God!

The four women who hadn't been together for a long time quickly turned the topic over. They chatted happily, so naturally they didn't notice the passage of time.

Because of the fact that Chi Qian and Liang Huan were about to go abroad, the four of them felt somewhat reluctant to leave.

It made the eye sockets of Chi Qian and Liang Huan slightly sour, and I really don't know if there will be crystal clear tears falling out later.

Chi Qian couldn't stand this kind of tender scene anymore, she stretched out her hand and pushed Xue Zhiyan, "Okay, okay, stop talking, why does it make me feel like we won't have a chance to meet each other in the future!"

Liang Huan also nodded, "That's right, I just went to see Yan Shaochen's parents, and I'll be back soon. Qianqian just went to relax, and I'll be back soon."

Xue Zhiyan nodded emphatically, none of them knew at this time, what they would say slowly was almost a prophecy.

Just as Xue Zhiyan opened his mouth to say something more, the door of the ward was pushed open, and then three familiar men walked in from the door.

Jian Zelin walked up to Xue Zhiyan with a happy face, put his arms around her head and kissed her on the face a few times.

Xue Zhiyan was confused by his actions, so he gently pushed him, "What are you doing! There are so many people?"

Yan Shaochen pinched Liang Huan's cheek, "I just saw the CT results of Xue Zhiyan's reexamination, and he recovered very well. From next week, he will be able to walk by himself."

Xue Zhiyan blinked in disbelief, looked up at Jian Zelin, "Really?"

Jian Zelin smiled and nodded, "You can walk now!"

Xue Zhiyan put his arms around Jian Zelin's neck, and kissed him four times on the face, mouth, and forehead, "Haha! I can walk by myself now!"

"Yeah!" Jian Zelin fondled Xue Zhiyan's hair, "But you still have to be careful when you walk."

Xue Zhiyan nodded heavily, turned to look at Liang Huan and Chi Qian, "I can see you off the day you leave!"

Chi Qian and Liang Huan rolled their eyes at the same time, "Control your emotions, don't cry, don't make us sad, just go!" Chi Qian squeezed Xue Zhiyan's face, also looking happy smile.

Feng Ziyao sighed with a smile, and glanced at Yan Shaochen, "When will I be discharged from the hospital?"

Yan Shaochen also glanced at Chi Yuan with a smile, "Tomorrow, I'll see how your wound heals."

Feng Ziyao stared at Chi Yuan excitedly, and Chi Yuan squeezed her hand, "Listen to Chen, he can do whatever he wants!"

Feng Ziyao patted the bed excitedly, and before he heard her cheering, he heard her gasp.

"Hiss—" Feng Ziyao pouted, "Yan Shaochen, didn't you say that there were only glass cuts?"

Yan Shaochen rolled his eyes at her, "You fell directly on your back to the ground, besides cuts, there must have been some soft tissue contusions!"

Feng Ziyao pursed his lips and leaned on Chi Yuan's shoulder, "As long as there are no scars."

Yan Shaochen gave her a blank look, "My wife helps you apply the ointment every day, if there are still scars, I'm sorry for her hard work!"

Feng Ziyao hurriedly waved his hands, "Then take your wife away quickly, or she will press me to apply ointment later! You love her so much, I dare not use it!"

"That's exactly what I mean!" Yan Shaochen frowned, and pulled Liang Huan into his arms.

Liang Xu glared at him angrily, "Then let's go?"

Yan Shaochen nodded excitedly, pulled Liang Huan and quickly left Feng Ziyao's ward.

What a joke, Feng Ziyao told him to take someone away quickly, but if he still doesn't leave, he's not a fool!
Xue Zhiyan and Jian Zelin also left, and for a while there were only Chi Yuan brothers and sisters and Feng Ziyao left in the ward.

The quietness was restored in an instant, which really made people get used to it.

Feng Ziyao looked at Chi Qian seriously, "Is there really nothing to prepare?"

Chi Qian shook her head, took the apple handed over by Chi Yuan, took a bite and said, "It's really nothing."

While eating the apple, Chi Qian said quietly, "I'll go to see my parents first, and show them your photos by the way, then I'll do makeup for the couple, and then I'll go to the Mediterranean Sea for a while, and then I'll be back .”

"How long will it take?" Chi Yuan stopped peeling the apple, frowning slightly.

Chi Qian thought about it carefully, "It should take a month!"

"So long?" Feng Ziyao was about to bite an apple, but when he heard Chi Qian say a month, he put down the apple again and looked at her with a frown.

Chi smiled and supported Feng Ziyao's hand holding the apple, moved it to her mouth, watched her take a bite of the apple, and said with a smile, "Well, I only have one week to be an accompanying makeup artist, and the rest of the time I played it all by myself, so it will take a little longer.”

Feng Ziyao frowned, eating the apple quietly.Chi Yuan also frowned, quietly peeling the apple, also without saying a word.

In the huge ward, apart from Feng Ziyao's crisp sound when he chewed the apple, there was only a little sound from Chi Yuan when he peeled the apple.

Chi Qian smiled, squeezed Feng Ziyao's hand, "It's not long, I ran out once before, and if it's not half a year, I won't come back!"

Feng Ziyao frowned and shook his head, "It's different now than before."

"Why is it different?" Chi Qian frowned slightly.

"Now you have us!" Feng Ziyao said of us, referring to Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan her.

Chi Qian stroked her chin, thought about it carefully, and felt that what Feng Ziyao said was reasonable, so she nodded, "Yes, it's different!"

The corner of Feng Ziyao's mouth twitched into a smirk, he took Chi Qian's hand, shook it, and said, "Isn't it, it's not the same?"

Chi Qian nodded again, such a well-behaved Chi Qian made Chi Yuan feel that she was abnormal.

Sure enough, before Chi Yuan could raise any questions, what Chi Qian himself said let Chi Yuan know what was abnormal.

Chi Qian said, "I used to just bring gifts from Chi Yuan and the others, but now I want gifts from three more women. It's really different!"

Look, this is Miss Chi Qian's way of thinking that is different from ordinary people.

Chi Yuan shook his head helplessly, and handed Feng Ziyao a piece of peeled apple.

Feng Ziyao took the apple with a dark face, and took a hard bite, as if the apple he was chewing was like a slow-moving brain, chewing it was called a disbelief!

Chi Qian chuckled, and hugged Feng Ziyao, "You have a good rest, I'll be out of the way first!"

Chi Qian jumped out of bed as soon as she said she was playing, put on her shoes hastily, and ran away.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Feng Ziyao glared at Chi Yuan, "You don't even try to persuade her!"

Chi Yuan is very innocent, it really has nothing to do with him, when Chi Qian ran like this before, he could only raise his hands to agree to pay the money, and now it is even less his turn to speak.

Feng Ziyao took a look at Chi Yuan's innocent and pitiful expression, and shook his head helplessly, "Forget it, let her relax, Na Mingli is annoying enough to chase her all day long!"

(End of this chapter)

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