The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 614 Let him follow you from now on

Chapter 614 Let him follow you from now on

Both Xue Zhiyan and Vic had their hands full of seafood and vegetables. Xue Zhiyan had a satisfied smile on his face. When he walked out of the folk village, he saw Jian Zelin leaning against the car and waiting by the road.

She glanced at Vic, eyes full of confusion, Jian Zelin got off work at this time, could it be a bit early?
Vic was stunned for a moment, then turned around and glanced at Xue Zhiyan, then walked quickly to Jian Zelin's car, put all the things in the trunk, then turned back to Xue Zhiyan, took the things in her hand, and repeated the previous action .

Xue Zhiyan smiled and walked to Jian Zelin's side, raised his smiling face, and put his arm around Jian Zelin's.

He had already taken off the jacket of the suit, the sleeves of the shirt were rolled up to the elbows, and the tie was also ripped off by him, exuding a lazy and leisurely atmosphere.

"Did you finish work so early? You won't be lazy again, right?" Xue Zhiyan pouted, and Ren Jian Zelin took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off her face.

Jian Zelin hummed, then turned to look at Vic, "Vic, go back first!"

Vic nodded with a smile and said, "Boss, be careful on the road."

Xue Zhiyan smiled and waved to him, Jian Zelin also nodded, and then Vic turned and walked towards his parking place.

"Are you being lazy again?" Xue Zhiyan gently twisted Jian Zelin's arm, punishing him for not answering his own question just now.

Jian Zelin put the handkerchief back into his pocket, raised his hand, and pointed to the watch on his wrist, "It's time to get off work, it's because you were so serious about shopping that you didn't notice!"

Xue Zhiyan glanced at the time on the watch in disbelief, and then glanced at the slow landing, but the sky was still very bright, and he still didn't believe it, "It's not dark yet!"

Jian Zelin smiled helplessly, directly opened the car door and pushed Xue Zhiyan in, "It's hot outside, you can't stand it."

Xue Zhiyan smiled and sat on the co-pilot's seat. After Jian Zelin closed the car door, she turned to look at the cab.

"Didn't you also stand outside for so long?" Xue Zhiyan pouted, expressing his satisfaction with Jian Zelin's behavior of doting on her like this.

"I told you, I'm not afraid of the heat!" Jian Zelin took out another wet tissue and helped Xue Zhiyan wipe his face.

"What's for dinner? Huh?" Jian Zelin laughed as he watched Xue Zhiyan waiting for him to serve him like a kitten.

Not only would he not be annoyed by Xue Zhiyan's dependent behavior, but he felt that Xue Zhiyan should be like this.

It's like when she was a child, knowing that he didn't like her to bother him at that time, she would still cling to him and quarrel with him to do this or that, and she would ask Jian Zelin to do it for her even though she knew how to do it herself.

"There are shrimp, squid, tofu, and sea fish." Xue Zhiyan smiled and said what he bought, "I also bought a lot of fruit!"

"Well, I saw it, two watermelons and peaches!" Jian Zelin smiled and pinched her face, "Okay, wipe it clean!"

"Yeah!" Xue Zhiyan opened his eyes, "Can I make you tofu and squid rolls tonight?"

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he looked at Jian Zelin expectantly, and really wanted to see his expectant eyes like hers.

Jian Zelin nodded with a smile, and pointed to the car door on Xue Zhiyan's side, "Fasten your seat belt, let's go home now."

Xue Zhiyan nodded, and stretched out his hand to pull on the seat belt, "By the way, Ze, I have something to tell you."

Jian Zelin hummed, but it didn't stop him from starting the car.

"I came out of your place in the afternoon and went there for a while." Xue Zhiyan turned sideways, staring at Jian Zelin's side face intently.

Jian Zelin hummed again, and the car drove out following his movements.

"Then Namingli stopped me!" Xue Zhiyan said flatly.


Xue Zhiyan heard the sound of tires rubbing against the ground, and of course the sound of horns from behind.

Jian Zelin turned his head in astonishment, and looked at Xue Zhiyan for a moment, "What is he stopping you for?"

Xue Zhiyan reached out and poked Jian Zelin's frowning brows, "He asked me about Chi Qian, I said I don't know."

"It's that simple?" Jian Zelin frowned, and then restarted the car. It's not a big deal to stop in the middle of the road like this.

Xue Zhiyan nodded seriously, "Yes, after I told him that I didn't know, I left."

Jian Zelin pursed his lips, stared at the road seriously, and didn't speak, and Xue Zhiyan didn't know what he was thinking.

"Don't worry! Vic is with me, I can see that he is very afraid of Vic!" Xue Zhiyan chuckled, and instantly changed into a gossip look.

"Well, of course I have to be afraid!" Jian Zelin's mouth curled up in a sinister arc, and the atmosphere in the car was not as depressing as before.

"Oh? Why?" Xue Zhiyan blinked.

"Because Vic beat him up!" Jian Zelin turned his head and smiled at Xue Zhiyan, then continued to drive seriously.

Xue Zhiyan was stunned for a moment, then nodded suddenly, "I understand."

Jian Zelin hummed again, and when Xue Zhiyan looked at him again, he saw his sexy thin lips pursed into a straight line, and his expression became much more serious.

No emotion could be seen in his eyes, but there was a faint chilling aura emanating from his body.

Xue Zhiyan shrugged helplessly, he must be thinking about something serious, it's better not to disturb him.

Xue Zhiyan leaned on the back of the chair and closed her eyes. Hearing Jian Zelin's breathing, she felt a little sleepy.

Recently, Jian Zelin stopped letting her sleep like that. He would set an alarm clock when she took a nap. When she was tired and took a nap, he would wake her up instead of letting her sleep until dark.

The most important point is that Jian Zelin would wake her up early in the morning and let her do yoga on the balcony of the living room with the sea breeze blowing.

Jian Zelin gave a very good reason. He said that he likes to see the sweat dripping down her cheeks when she is exercising.

And he also said that what impressed him most was that seeing her standing upside down against the wall at Jane's house had always left a deep impression on him.

So Xue Zhiyan would occasionally stand on his head for him, just because of her words.

Thinking of Jian Zelin's hobbies, Xue Zhiyan couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Huh? Dreaming?" Jian Zelin quickly turned his head to look at her, he frowned slightly and murmured.

"No!" Xue Zhiyan said coquettishly, she was not asleep, so Jian Zelin, please don't say anything that I don't know!
"Then why are you laughing?" Jian Zelin was even more puzzled.

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, "Nothing!" Of course it was nothing, she didn't want to tell Jian Zelin, it was because she thought of his strange "hobbies".

As for Jian Zelin's liking to watch her stand on her head and sweating while doing yoga, she always felt that this was his strange hobby.

The car soon arrived at Guanhai Yujing, Jian Zelin parked the car firmly on the small road outside the villa, turned to look at Xue Zhiyan, "I have decided on one thing."

Xue Zhiyan stopped to understand the seat belt, and looked at Jian Zelin curiously, not understanding what he was talking about. "What's up?"

Jian Zelin reached out and rubbed Xue Zhiyan's head, and said clearly, "I will let Vic follow you from now on!"

(End of this chapter)

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