The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 615 He is very skilled!

Chapter 615 He is very skilled!

Therefore, when Xue Zhiyan saw Vic waiting at the door, he realized that Jian Zelin was not joking.

He's got Vic by his side, what about him?

In case Na Mingli suddenly made moves towards him again, there was no one around him, in case something happened...

Xue Zhiyan's mind was in a mess, she had completely forgotten how agile he was and how good his skills were when she first experienced danger with him.

Maybe I really complied with that sentence, but caring makes chaos.

Xue Zhiyan's current situation really became more and more chaotic as he became more concerned.

"Vic, you came to my place, who is there with Jian Zelin?" She couldn't help asking as soon as she got into the car.

She was going to You'an Courtyard today, and took the handmade gadgets she made recently there, and brought some unsealed handmade bags to You'an Courtyard by the way, to see if anyone would be interested there.

So Jian Zelin didn't take her to go to Jane's Prosperity with him early in the morning, but just told her to let her wait at home for a while, and he would call her after making arrangements.

That's why Xue Zhiyan went out as soon as he received Jian Zelin's call, and saw Vic when he went out.

As soon as she saw Vic, she immediately thought of what Jian Zelin said three days ago, let Vic follow you from now on.

Xue Zhiyan couldn't react for a while, but couldn't stand the stuffy air, so he got into the car. The summer in City S is always longer than other cities, which really annoys her so much.

As soon as she got in the car, she asked the question she wanted to ask the most, and Jian Zelin was worried about her.Similarly, she would also be worried about Jian Zelin.

Jian Zelin would give her the best, and she naturally wanted to give Jian Zelin the best.

Vic smiled and said relaxedly, "Don't worry, lady boss, the boss is fine."

Xue Zhiyan pouted, expressing his dissatisfaction with Vic's ease, anyway, it wasn't your accident, so of course you won't be nervous!
"Boss lady, what I said is true. The boss is very skilled. Have you forgotten that the last time you were threatened by that guy, he shot that guy's head off?"

Xue Zhiyan rolled his eyes twice, and thought about it carefully, it seemed that there was such a thing, pulling her to jump from such a high roadside, and holding her for so long, it seemed that physical strength and everything nice look.

But despite this, it was a year ago, and now it is a year later, who can guarantee that his skills will not regress?

Besides, to maintain a good skill, one must persist in exercising in order to maintain it.She has never seen Jian Zelin exercise, so how can she say that he still has the same skill as a year ago?
Thinking of this, Xue Zhiyan became even more angry.

This Jian Zelin, really, obviously needs people, and even sent such a heavyweight task to follow her, somewhat overqualified!
If Jian Zelin knew Xue Zhiyan's thoughts at the moment, he would definitely press her on the bed without hesitation and give her a hard spanking.

Because Xue Zhiyan seemed to have forgotten that in Jian Zelin's eyes, she was the most important, and her importance had completely surpassed his own.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan's angry expression in the rearview mirror, Vic guessed what she was thinking, but since she was the boss's wife and he was a subordinate, he didn't say anything.

It's just that when Xue Zhiyan wasn't paying attention, he tilted his head slightly and used this skill to laugh silently.

What he wants to laugh more is actually his boss, because he is sure that when the boss knows that his woman doubts his skills, the expression must be very funny!

Xue Zhiyan naturally didn't notice the change in Vic's expression, so he wouldn't notice the gossiping smile on Vic's face.

The car soon arrived at You'an Courtyard. As before, the gate opened only after registration.

In the old forest next to the orange orchard, half of the trees were cut down, so a large open space was exposed.

For the safety of the children and to ensure the quality of work of the workers, all outdoor activities for the children are cancelled.

Vic parked the car directly in front of the office building, so that Xue Zhiyan could save a short walk. Jian Zelin told Vic that Xue Zhiyan was afraid of the heat.

And Vic is a careful person, so naturally he dare not forget this little information.Seeing Xue Zhiyan get off the car, he walked into the office building, found a shady place and parked the car, instead of parking the car in a farther parking lot.

When he walked into the office building, he only made a half-circle before finding Xue Zhiyan who was playing games with the children in the activity room.

She has a beautiful smile.

Vic had to admit that Xue Zhiyan's smile was really the cleanest and purest in their circle.

He also knew that Xue Zhiyan was not the character of the Holy Mother White Lotus, so he was also surprised. It was not easy for her to have such a pure smile after going through so many things.

He was under Jian Zelin's order. He had to follow Xue Zhiyan every step of the way to ensure her safety. If Na Mingli approached her and did not do anything excessive, he would not have to take action.

But right now, instead of the vicious people like Namingli, there are a group of brats who are even harder to deal with than Namingli.

Vic felt dizzy.

As soon as Xue Zhiyan looked up, he saw Vic who was half leaning in the door, standing at the door with a confused face, not knowing whether he should come in or go out.

She knew that according to Jian Zelin's order to Vic, he should always be by her side.So even if she was playing games with the children, he couldn't look at her through the door.

Looking at his troubled look, he knew that this guy was also not good at dealing with children. There was no such thing as a master and a follower.

But think about Jian Zelin, when he was in contact with children, he was not as cautious as Vic.When he played with Hao Chen back then, he was very good...

Thinking of this, Xue Zhiyan sighed, waved to Vic, and while Vic was in a daze, she said a word to the children.

"Look, there's a rookie brother over there who wants to play games with you!" Xue Zhiyan pointed in the direction of Vic, and she also pretended to be mysterious and said, "This brother is very capable!"

After finishing speaking, before Vic could react, a soft little meatball hugged his thigh straddling the door.

He was stunned for a moment, then looked up and saw an empty seat not far from the door.It seems that after hearing Xue Zhiyan's words, he was the first to run over!

What an exciting child!You also know how to seize the opportunity, not bad! The corner of Vic's mouth curled up, and a smile that didn't appear often appeared on his face.

He stretched out his index finger, hooked Xiao Routuanzi's collar directly, and hooked him up from his lap.

While Vic was still laughing, he heard crisp applause.


"Okay! Next, you can ask this brother a question. Sister Zhiyan is going to discuss things with other mothers, okay?" Xue Zhiyan smiled and glanced at Vic,
Without waiting for Vic to refuse, she gave him a pair of reassuring eyes, carried those untouched handbags, and walked into an office in the activity room...

(End of this chapter)

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