The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 616 He Will Support You

Chapter 616 He Will Support You
Xue Zhiyan didn't expect that the mothers of You'an Courtyard had the same idea as her, and they were looking for some handmade ones, so when they saw what Xue Zhiyan sent, they were naturally very happy and took it.

In this way, Xue Zhiyan swallowed back her words full of lobbying. Since he had already agreed, she didn't need to talk anymore.

So she put her things down and went outside to see how Vic was doing, and as soon as she opened the door she thought she must be opening it the wrong way.

Why did the little devils who sat on the chairs just now with playful faces all look serious now, squatting on the ground?

Xue Zhiyan blinked, and looked at the activity room in disbelief, the small benches where the children were sitting had been placed against the wall at some point.

The children had been striding for an untold amount of time, and she could see the beads of sweat on their foreheads.

She swallowed, and when she turned her head, she saw Vic's figure. At this time, he was walking leisurely among the children, helping them correct their irregular movements.

Vic noticed the gaze behind him, and turned around to see Xue Zhiyan with a look of astonishment on his face.He clapped his hands with a smile, cleared his throat and said, "Okay, let's stop here today! Next time I come, I will check your homework!"

Then Xue Zhiyan first heard the children's relaxed sighs, followed by their joyful cheers.

They chatted about asking when Vic would come next time, and whether Vic would teach them more next time, chirping like noisy sparrows in the forest.

"Okay!" Vic clapped his hands again, "Sit down, all of you! Next time I come, I will see your situation before deciding whether to teach you more things or not!"

"Brother, you must keep your word, come next time!" shouted the little meat dumpling who was picked up by him just now.

Vic smiled a rare, warm smile, which made Xue Zhiyan feel that the person in front of him was not the cold and omnipotent Jian Zelin's secretary.

"If I don't come next time, I'll hire you a good teacher to teach you, okay?" Vic replied with a smile.

Seeing that little meat dumpling was about to ask another question, Xue Zhiyan hurriedly interrupted him, "Okay! Brother also needs to rest! And how can you let brother teach you things for the first time? Are you familiar with brother?"

Xue Zhiyan got an affirmative answer from everyone in unison. Xue Zhiyan pinched the face of the child closest to her with a smile and said, "If you like the kung fu taught by your brother, next time, sister Zhiyan will come and bring your brothers to teach you." Is the teacher you are looking for good, brother still has other jobs!"

As soon as this sentence was said, some children showed disappointment, but who was Xue Zhiyan? She had been fighting with these children for many years.

She could easily grasp the hearts of these children, so she put on a disappointed expression in an instant, and said, "Oh, the teacher this brother is going to find for you is also very good, if you don't like it, you can Tell brother not to look for him!"

"Although my brother is busy with work, he can ask for leave occasionally. Since you don't listen to my sister's words and don't like the teacher my brother finds for you, I don't think my brother will want to come next time..."

"Sister Zhiyan, we are obedient!" The little meat dumpling rushed over, hugged Xue Zhiyan's thigh tightly, and rubbed his chubby face on her lap, "We just like this brother more, Not disobedient."

After finishing speaking, Xiaorou Duanzi winked at Vic, looking very playful, "And we will also like the teacher my brother found. I hope that my brother will come again in the future. By then, we will definitely be better than now!"

"Really?" Xue Zhiyan frowned, glanced at Vic, and flirted with him.

Vic stretched out a finger again, hooked Xiaoroutuanzi's collar, and pulled him off Xue Zhiyan's lap.

"Since you say that, I'll find you a strict teacher!" Vic smiled slightly, "I hope to see you differently when I come next time!"

Vic is telling the truth, he didn't answer the strange questions of those children, but directly taught them zama stance, of course he had his own ideas.

He felt that although the children here deserved more love, this did not delay their own strength.

If you always rely on the protection of others, you will never have the ability to fight against the enemy.

So I want them to be strong, no longer put myself in a dangerous situation at any time, only to train them and make them strong.

Vic had no other intentions. He also came up with this idea after seeing the innocent smiles of these children.

Teaching them some martial arts from an early age is more or less useful to them.

With Haochen and Haoyue as examples, he felt that if those two children had been more vigilant and had some sense of danger, nothing would have happened.

And the children in front of them, just like Haochen and Haoyue at that time, wanted to make them more vigilant and have a sense of danger, so naturally they had to be taught something other than books.

So instead of letting them ask him weird questions, he directed them to set up the chairs without making a sound.

This is undoubtedly difficult for children, but in order to express themselves, the children actually did well.

This made Vic really believe that people have to be pushed to burst out their potential.

What he didn't expect was that Xue Zhiyan would come out so soon.

What made him even more unexpected was that Xue Zhiyan would actually follow his words.

Xue Zhiyan winked playfully at him, and then winked at the direction of the door, Vic said goodbye to the children knowingly, and then strode towards the door.

The children looked at the closed door and the tall figure of Vic who was separated from the door, with expressions of reluctance on their faces.

Xue Zhiyan cleared his throat and clapped his hands again, "Okay! Move back to your little stools and sit down, sister Zhiyan has something to say!"

Xue Zhiyan smiled and watched the children take the stools and sit down, explained some things to them, and after making sure that they understood, she waved her hand and let everyone move freely.

Xue Zhiyan walked outside the door, looked at the happy children, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Sorry, lady boss, I made the decision for you in private." Vic's serious voice came from behind.

Xue Zhiyan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and waved his hand in the next second, "You just reminded me of something, I want to thank you before it's too late!"

Vic looked at Xue Zhiyan in a daze, not understanding the meaning of her words, "I was also thinking, should I find a teacher to teach them self-defense skills? Seeing that they are full of interest in this today, I don't have to worry about it Already!"

Xue Zhiyan smiled and patted Vic on the shoulder. She really didn't know what Vic was thinking, but she didn't expect that Vic and her had agreed on this matter long ago.

Xue Zhiyan looked at Vic gratefully, "I will leave it to you to find the teacher. If you have any questions, just tell Jian Zelin directly. I think he will fully support you!" After finishing speaking, Xue Zhiyan blinked at him childishly.

(End of this chapter)

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