The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 620 I Don't Know Who Is The Boss

Chapter 620 I Don't Know Who Is The Boss
Soon, the week will be over.

Early on Sunday morning, Jian Zelin took Xue Zhiyan to Jian's old house before the weather got hot.

Because Jian Zelin told the servants in the old house in advance that they would come back on weekends.So when Xue Zhiyan got off the car, there was fresh watermelon juice to drink.

However, Jian Zelin didn't let him drink.

There is no particular reason, just came back from outside, the watermelon juice is too cold, it will irritate her stomach.

Xue Zhiyan pursed his lips, returned the cup to the servant with some regret, and sat down at the tea table to make tea.

Jian Zelin watched her making tea quietly, and went into the kitchen by herself.He has long been used to doing some things for Xue Zhiyan himself, so when others intervene, he will be very uncomfortable.

As soon as he got into the kitchen, the servants and cooks in the kitchen were coaxed out by him.

After a while, Jian Zelin brought out a cup of soybean milk overflowing with beans and a fried egg.

When he walked to the tea table, Xue Zhiyan had just refilled his first cup of tea.


"Drink tea." The two said in unison.

Xue Zhiyan looked at the tray in his hand, with a happy smile on his lips, "What about you, what do you eat?"

Jian Zelin glanced at the tray, "Mine is here too."

Xue Zhiyan smiled and walked to the side where Jian Zelin was sitting, "Why don't you ask me to eat in the restaurant?"

"Well, you're making tea here, so you probably wouldn't put it down if you were asked!" Jian Zelin finished speaking and picked up the soy milk and handed it to her.

"Well, it smells so good!" Xue Zhiyan smelled it, took a sip, then turned to look at Jian Zelin, "Did you grind it with a soybean milk machine just now?"

Jian Zelin shook his head, "Let the cook use a stone mill to grind it, the taste from the soybean milk machine is not enough!"

Xue Zhiyan nodded with a smile, quickly drank the soy milk, and then forked the poached egg that Jian Zelin had cut for her.

After eating the whole poached egg, Xue Zhiyan leaned on the sofa contentedly, squinting his eyes slightly.

Jian Zelin felt that such Xue Zhiyan was like a full-fledged cat basking in the sun.

He quickly finished his portion of food, and when he was done, a servant came up to take away the tableware.

Xue Zhiyan leaned against Jian Zelin's arms and smiled, "Then you are really..."

"Huh?" Jian Zelin also narrowed his eyes, looking down at the woman in front of him.

Xue Zhiyan shook his head with a smile, and felt that there was nothing wrong with Jian Zelin's behavior. It was not easy for him to make breakfast.Then don't think that he will take the initiative to clean up the mess after eating, at least he knows to ask the servant to come and collect it, it's better than spreading it there, right?

"What's your plan for today?" Seeing that Xue Zhiyan was silent, Jian Zelin gently squeezed Xue Zhiyan's arm.

Xue Zhiyan rolled his eyes twice, but he didn't think of any constructive suggestions, so he just leaned into Jian Zelin's arms.

"A world for two?" Jian Zelin leaned forward and asked.

Xue Zhiyan shook his head without thinking, she couldn't live with Jian Zelin, what if he didn't know the door and poked out all her little plans? "Farewell, why don't you call Chi Yuan and Feng Ziyao over for dinner?"

Jian Zelin's breath sank, and his face darkened, "You don't want to spend time with me?"

Xue Zhiyan glanced at his dangerous eyes, and quickly shook his head, "You think too much! We spend time together every day, and now Feng Ziyao and the four of us are in the country, let's get together!"

No matter what Xue Zhiyan said, Jian Zelin could hear some disgust in her tone, but she was right in one thing, the two of them were indeed spending time together every day.

Jian Zelin, who was pleased by Xue Zhiyan's explanation, turned cloudy and sunny again in an instant, and quickly took out his mobile phone to call Chi Yuan.

Chi Yuan and Feng Ziyao were also worrying about how to spend this weekend. By coincidence, Jian Zelin called, and the two of them nodded in agreement without thinking.

When Feng Ziyao and Chi Yuan rushed over, Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan decided on one thing at the same time, that is, today's lunch and dinner will be cooked by servants, and the two of them will not touch their hands.

Firstly, the weather is too hot. Although there is an air conditioner in the kitchen, it must still be hot after being smoky for a long time.

The second reason is that Feng Ziyao and Chi Yuan can eat too much. If they want to satisfy their stomachs, it is estimated that Xue Zhiyan's hand will be broken after cooking this meal, which really makes Jian Zelin very distressed.

So Jian Zelin made a secret decision in his heart immediately, if Feng Ziyao insisted on letting Xue Zhiyan cook, then they would eat hot pot in the mansion!

Naturally, Xue Zhiyan didn't know what was going on in Jian Zelin's mind. If she knew, she couldn't help but want to pry open Jian Zelin's head to see if this young master's brain is broken.

Eat hot pot!Then it's not that the cook alone suffers from heat stroke, but that everyone who eats it will suffer from heat stroke!
But Feng Ziyao is not the kind of person who eats and inhumane, she also knows that the weather is hot, so she just told Xue Zhiyan that she wanted to eat the food she cooked, but she didn't really insist.

Chi Yuan usually ate and drank with his wife, and Jian Zelin was sitting here, so he didn't dare to say anything.

Feng Ziyao and Xue Zhiyan chatted while drinking tea, while Chi Yuan and Jian Zelin sat by the side and drank the tea made by Xue Zhiyan by the way.

Xue Zhiyan boiled another pot of water, turned his head to look at Chi Yuan, and said quietly, "Qianqian has been abroad for almost 20 days, and there is no news about coming back?"

Chi Yuan smiled and nodded, "Well, no."

As soon as Chi Yuan finished speaking, he saw the regretful faces of both Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao.

He changed the subject and said, "But you can be content, at least now she will post some photos in the group. She used to be away for more than half a year, except when the bank card was restricted by me, she would look for me. No bird will bird me!"

Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao couldn't help but look at each other without expressing their opinions.

Jian Zelin put down the teacup in his hand, gave Chi Yuan a blank look, "Your status, no."

Chi Yuan was speechless, but he didn't have anything to refute. After all, Jian Zelin was right!So he didn't speak at all, picked up the teacup, and drank tea to cover up his slight loss.

In fact, he wasn't too disappointed, anyway, in Chi Qian's heart, his position has always been that way all these years.But it's different now, he just wants to have a high status in Feng Ziyao's heart!

Thinking of this, Chi Yuan took a glance at Feng Ziyao, and before he had a smile on his face, a maid from Jian's family came over.

She saluted respectfully and said slowly, "Master, Miss Di is here."

Jian Zelin's face darkened instantly.

Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao didn't realize who Miss Di was for a while, but when they saw the person coming, their expressions froze.

Chi Yuan directly changed the smile that wanted to hang on the corner of his mouth into a mocking sneer, "Jian Shao, your servant, it seems that I still don't know who pays her wages!"

(End of this chapter)

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