The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 621 Is it so terrific?

Chapter 621 Is it so terrific?

After hearing what Chi Yuan said, Di Wei's face instantly turned pale, as if she had just walked into a warm room from the cold winter, instead of walking into a comfortable air-conditioned room in the hot summer.

Feng Ziyao's action was more direct, he threw the expensive tea bowl in his hand on the tea table, and gave Jian Zelin a dissatisfied look.

Jian Zelin ignored Feng Ziyao's eyes directly, his face was dark, his cold eyes swept across the servant and Di Wei, and when he looked at Xue Zhiyan again, his eyes suddenly softened a lot, full of indescribable tenderness.

It's just that the words he said made the listeners feel like falling into an ice cellar, "You can follow this Miss Di later, I, Jian Zelin, don't need to be confused about who is the master's servant."

After Jian Zelin said this, he didn't even look at Di Wei, let alone the maid who had no eyesight. She directly picked up the teacup that Xue Zhiyan had filled for him, and drank the tea in one gulp.

"Zhiyan?" Jian Zelin snatched the teapot from Xue Zhiyan's hand with a slap in the face. The hot tea overflowed and burned her hands, but she still held the teapot and looked at the teapot that kept flowing out expressionlessly. hot water.

"Huh?" Xue Zhiyan came back to her senses, she didn't know why she was lost in thought when she saw Di Wei standing here.

Obviously she is the hostess here, there is absolutely no need to care about Di Wei who has long been regarded as a passerby by Jian Zelin.But for some reason, when she saw the maid's respectful attitude towards Di Wei, she felt uncomfortable.

When she felt uncomfortable, she would think about things wildly, and she naturally remembered that Di Wei seemed to be able to enter and leave Jane's house freely in the past.

In this way, she also forgot that she was pouring hot water, so naturally she didn't notice that her hands were scalded.

Until Jian Zelin snatched the kettle from her hand and took her red-hot fingers into her mouth.His soft tongue brushed over her fingers, and she felt the numbness.

When she looked up at Jian Zelin, it happened to be such an ambiguous scene.

At this time, Di Wei was still standing behind the two of them, looking at the scene in front of her unwillingly.

Such a scene was beyond her imagination, but now, Jian Zelin did it all to Xue Zhiyan.

She is unwilling.

Why did she follow Jian Zelin for two years without complaint or regret, without asking for anything, yet what she got was still his cold face?

As for Xue Zhiyan, in just one year, Jian Zelin treated her like a pearl like a treasure, afraid of melting if he held it in his mouth, afraid of losing it when he held it in his palm?
It's just that no one paid attention to her unwillingness, and everyone's attention was focused on Xue Zhiyan's red fingers.

"Scald medicine!" Jian Zelin glanced at it, and found that the other servants were still standing aside stupidly, not knowing to bring cold water and scald ointment, so he yelled out angrily.

The servants shivered and ran away to do what they should do.

Maybe it was because Di Wei had done too much superficial work before, so some servants here still let her in.

But these servants have forgotten who their masters are, and they have also forgotten that the old house of Jian's family is no longer a house with no women in charge, only men and servants.

Jian Zelin hadn't noticed these problems before, but he discovered them all on this day.That's good, it saves him the effort to check one by one.

Holding Xue Zhiyan's reddened hand, he made a decision in his heart, all the servants who were on duty in the old house today, if they don't stay, get out!

It's been so long, they still can't tell who is the master and who is the second, and they will let some irrelevant people in the door, and if they don't punish them, it's hard to wait until they let people in and evacuate Jane's house before Do you take measures?
Xue Zhiyan sensed Jian Zelin's anger, she was hooked by the fingers he held in his palm, and scratched his palm.

When Jian Zelin looked at her, he was seriously distressed, wishing that he was the one who was burned just now, "What's wrong?" Even the voice was soft enough to drip water.

Xue Zhiyan smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, the water is no longer hot, it's just a little red, it will be fine later!"

"Xue Zhiyan! Why are you always so sloppy!" Feng Ziyao roared before Jian Zelin.

Xue Zhiyan smiled awkwardly, she didn't know why she was embarrassed, but it was really embarrassing.

"Yaoyao, I'm fine!" After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he hooked his fingers again, "Ah Ze, maybe she's looking for you for something? Yaoyao and I..."

"I don't have anything to say to her, and I've already said it, don't let me say something a second time!" Jian Zelin directly interrupted what Xue Zhiyan hadn't finished speaking.

Xue Zhiyan opened his mouth in astonishment, and before she could react, Jian Zelin had already picked her up and walked upstairs with a serious face.

"You don't need to keep those who are useless. Get out of Jane's house later!" Jian Zelin's voice was so cold that all the servants present froze for a moment, "It will take so long to find an ointment. , I, Jian Zelin, have more spare money to raise a group of uncles?"

Chi Yuan stretched out his hand to wrap Feng Ziyao's shoulder, and kissed her on the forehead, and said in a low voice, "Jian Zelin is really angry."

Feng Ziyao raised his eyebrows, "Is there any terrible consequences?"

Chi Yuan nodded gloatingly, "Yes, there are a large number of well-paid servants who will lose their jobs soon!"

Feng Ziyao was stunned for a moment, and then she smiled while lying in Chi Yuan's arms, and she nodded immediately, "If you are unemployed, you will be unemployed. It's useless to keep a servant who can't distinguish between primary and secondary. If he doesn't quit these things Man, I'm worried whether Xue Zhiyan will be angry with these servants in the future!"

"It's been almost a year since Zhiyan came to Jian's house, but they still have Diwei's status in their hearts. They are really a bunch of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves!"

Chi Yuan frowned, always felt that this sentence was awkward, but after thinking about it, Feng Ziyao was right. After so long, they still thought that Di Wei had a place with Jian Zelin, really...

"Yuan, you two sit down first, we'll come down later." After Jian Zelin said those words, he really disappeared, and only the sound of footsteps could be heard.

Di Wei stood in the living room with a pale face, biting her lower lip tightly, her body trembling uncontrollably.

After a long time, Di Wei shifted her gaze to Feng Ziyao, and she tried to take a few deep breaths, pleading slightly in her tone, "Young Master Chi, must it be like this?"

What must it be?Feng Ziyao didn't understand, could it be that Chi Yuan was having an affair with her?
Thinking of this, Feng Ziyao narrowed his eyes dangerously, pushed Chi Yuan away, and looked him up and down.

Chi Yuan rolled Feng Ziyao's eyes, stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms, "Put away your messy thoughts! I have you and only one woman now, understand?"

Feng Ziyao nodded in satisfaction, and approached him again.

"Feng Ziyao, Lin Mo didn't mean it. Are you using it like this?" Seeing that Chi Yuan didn't listen to her, Di Wei turned to Feng Ziyao. Yep."

(End of this chapter)

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